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  1. Ok tried another approach and this now works. The code for the page that kicks off the store is below. My only remaining issue is that when I come back to the site from the shop my session variables are gone... <?php session_start(); echo "<html>"; echo "<head>"; echo "<script>"; echo "function load()"; echo "{"; echo "document.frm1.submit()"; echo "}"; echo "</script>"; echo "</head>"; echo "<body onload='load()'>"; echo "<form action= 'store/index.php?_a=login' id='frm1' name='frm1' method='post'>"; echo "<input name='username' type='text' value='" . $_SESSION['Store_username'] . "' />"; echo "<input name='password' type='text' value='" . $_SESSION['Store_password'] . "' />"; echo "</form>"; echo "</body>"; echo "</html>"; ?>
  2. Well I'm now trying a different approach in the page that opens the store I the code below. However, cubecart is catching my post in sessions.class.php (line 651) and deciding that it's a session hijack, which I suppose it is. Any suggestions for work round? // Post variables. $postdata = array( 'username' => 'value1', 'password' => 'value2' ); do_post_request("store/index.php?_a=login", $postdata); function do_post_request($url, $postdata) { $content = ""; // Add post data to request. foreach($postdata as $key => $value) { $content .= "{$key}={$value}&"; } $params = array('http' => array( 'method' => 'POST', 'header' => 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'content' => $content )); $ctx = stream_context_create($params); $fp = fopen($url, 'rb', false, $ctx); if (!$fp) { throw new Exception("Connection problem, {$php_errormsg}"); } $response = @stream_get_contents($fp); if ($response === false) { throw new Exception("Response error, {$php_errormsg}"); } return $response; }
  3. ok I'll have to carry on digging.... I think what I need to do is instantiate a cubecart user object at the point that the user get's validated by my web site and set $IS_USER to true So here's what I'm trying in my page that calls the store: include('store\ini.inc.php'); include('store\classes\cache\memcache.class.php'); include('store\classes\user.class.php'); include CC_ROOT_DIR.CC_DS.'controllers'.CC_DS.'controller.admin.pre_session.inc.php'; // //Instantiate a user $myuser = user::getInstance(); $IsValid = $myuser->authenticate('[email protected]','mypassword'); Trouble is it's falling over with: Class 'Memcache' not found in memcache.class.php on line 35
  4. I'm trying to force cubecart to auto login if a user has been authenticated by my site. I found this bit of code in user.class.php: //If there is a cookie for the username and they are not logged in if (isset($_COOKIE['username']) && !empty($_COOKIE['username']) && !$this->is()) { //If we haven't pushed the user to the login if (!$GLOBALS['session']->get('login_push')) { $GLOBALS['session']->set('login_push', true); //Try to have them login if (!isset($_GET['_a']) || $_GET['_a'] != 'login') { httpredir('index.php?_a=login'); } } }So I though all I needed to do was to create the username cookie in my site and bingo cubecart would pick it up and force a login. But it isn't working and I can't suss why.....
  5. Excellent! So this sorts out the manual update: update cubecart_customer set password = md5('willow'), salt = '', new_password=0 where email = '[email protected]'; and indeed this works if I plug it into my site password change page. Thanks so much for you help
  6. Worth a shout but the cache was disabled in my store by default I think. I'm seeing something else that I don't understand. If I manually reset the password like this: update cubecart_customer set password = 'willow', salt = null, new_password=1 where email = '[email protected]'; And I can see the password as plain text in cubecart_customer. Then I login with 'willow' as the password and I see that the password has been encrypted in cubecart_customer and a salt value added. So All good. But I log out and am unable to log back in again with the same password/email.
  7. Ok so that's a nyet then. So when my user changes their password($password) I'm trying to synchronise cubecart_customer like this: require_once('store/classes/password.class.php'); $mypassword = password::getInstance(); $ccsalt = $mypassword->createSalt(); $ccpassword = $mypassword->getSalted($password, $ccsalt); $updsql1 = "update cubecart_customer set password ='" . $ccpassword . "', salt='" . $ccsalt . "' where email = '" . $email . "';"; Everything is updating properly but when I try to login to the Store with $email and $password I'm getting invalid username or password. Can anyone shed some light? thanks Spike
  8. Hi All, I have a website that requires members to Login but then so does the CubeCart Shop. Is there an out of the box way of having an integrated login? kind regards Spike
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