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Dave Emsley

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  1. Hi, Newbie here so be gentle. I've done what it says in this thread but my subtheme seems to not be there. I've duplicated foundation and added the detail above (called it stsa instead of red) Any ideas? Part of config.xml: <styles> <style images="false" default="true"> <!-- images: TRUE tells the template system that this style has its own image folder. FALSE would use the contents in the root of the images folder. For example with this as false images/image.jpg vs images/default/image.jpg if set to true --> <directory>default</directory> <name><![CDATA[Default]]></name> <description><![CDATA[Default Subtheme]]></description> <default /> </style> <!-- You can have as many subthemes as you want Added a subtheme to take all the STSA stuff --> <style images="false"> <directory>stsa</directory> <name><![CDATA[stsa]]></name> <description><![CDATA[stsa style]]></description> </style> <!-- --> </styles> The file css/cubecart.stsa.css exists in same folder as css/cubecart.default.css and if I make changes in css/cubecart.default.css they are picked up. Any advice would be appreciated. Cheers Dave
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