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Everything posted by Claudia

  1. Could I just reinstall, or install in my case, 6.5.4 then install 6.5.5?
  2. I did the above , cleared cache, and I still get the orange error
  3. I ran your query: ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_filemanager` ADD UNIQUE(`md5hash`); #EOQ but it wouldn't take it saying something like it was already UNIQUE I din't change anything in the global file - just changed the admin folder and file to match the global names
  4. I went from 6.5.3 to 6.5.5 Skipped 6.5.4
  5. how would i add the unique key?
  6. Got this in admin / maintenance in orange Cubecart_filemanager.md5hash has no key set. Expecting UNIQUE KEY. What should I do? Thanks, Claudia
  7. Is there any way to just add a save button on the order page like on the Customers page in admin. No need to add anything to the dropdown.
  8. I made databases for them if that's what you mean. One is feedback another is all_delivery_date I have others
  9. I have editable columns I created for the main order page in admin. Problem is when I change their content and hit go my changes aren't saved. Is there any way to remove the checkboxes and the "when selected" "do nothing" and just put a save button so my changes will be saved? Or in the "do nothing" drop down add "Update File" or something like that. Thanks for any and all help
  10. So it doesn't hurt to have code in files for features I won't use?
  11. Thanks Al I'll check that
  12. Questions about upgrades: 1. I love your new logo, etc, at the bottom of the page in admin. Only problem is mine is HUGE! I've checked files and can't see why - we all know that really dowsn't mean anything. What file should I check? 2. I have a custom admin skin and love the layout and features I have. I know I have to change some of the stock source files and minor changes elsewhere but is it ok if the new features, etc don't apply to this skin? Is it going to cause error messages, etc. 3. Same as 2 basically. I have my front end skin the way I want it. Do I have to check these files with the stock files and make changes. 4. I was looking at my databases. In inventory all but Dimension Unit are still at ut8_unicode_ci. Do I need to change them all , including the ones I created, to utf8mb4_unicode_ci? If so what is the query to do this. 5. Just for my information, what does parse content do to the product description? Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy day to answer my questions. I'm sure I'll have more!
  13. Brian ... you gave me some code for this a long time ago. It doesn't work with the latest version of CubeCart or PHP 8. Can you help me? Thanks very much
  14. Thanks Brian that worked. I didn't know you could put in the product code. Useful to know
  15. I was creating an order and it won't let me add the product. I put in "anti" in the search and all my other Antique wood style oil warmers .... and all come up (plus other products) but this one. I have checked the product listing in admin along with the database in cPanel. Any ideas why? Thanks PS I created an order earlier today and all went well
  16. Checking the above today and found this in orange. Anything for me to do? I haven't changed anything. Thanks PS I got unknown server error when I tried to upload a screen shot of this. cambarga_cubecart.CubeCart_404_log 1571 InnoDB utf8_unicode_ci 336 kB - CubeCart_404_log.uri has a key type UNIQUE KEY but expecting KEY.
  17. Is the above something I should be concerned about?
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