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  1. The webpage is back to normal, I didn't do anything.
  2. The hosting provider management interface can be logged in. https://animeboygirl.com/phpinfo.phpI wrote a PHP file on the server side, which can be read normally, but cannot read website management.https://animeboygirl.com/admin_Add6fc.php I am using machine translation, so the expression may not be very clear.
  3. I cannot log in to the CubeCart administration page.
  4. php_value display_errors On php_value mbstring.http_input auto php_value date.timezone America/New_York ##### START CubeCart .htaccess ##### ### GZIP Compression ### <ifmodule mod_deflate.c> AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/text text/html text/plain text/xml text/css application/x-javascript application/javascript </ifmodule> ### Files Expiration ### <IfModule mod_expires.c> ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType text/html "access 0 seconds" ExpiresDefault "access 7 days" </IfModule> ### File Security ### <FilesMatch "\.(htaccess)$"> Order Allow,Deny Deny from all </FilesMatch> ### Apache directory listing rules ### DirectoryIndex index.php index.htm index.html IndexIgnore * <ifModule mod_headers.c> Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN </ifModule> ### Rewrite rules for SEO functionality ### <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / ##### START v4 SEO URL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ##### RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule cat_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?(.*)$ index.php?_a=category&cat_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule prod_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?$ index.php?_a=product&product_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule info_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?$ index.php?_a=document&doc_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule tell_([0-9]+)(\.[a-z]{3,4})?$ index.php?_a=product&product_id=$1&%1 [NC] RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (.*)$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule _saleItems(\.[a-z]+)?(\?.*)?$ index.php?_a=saleitems&%1 [NC,L] ##### END v4 SEO URL BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ##### RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !=/favicon.ico RewriteRule ^(.*)?$ index.php?seo_path=$1 [L,QSA] </IfModule> ### Default store 404 page ### ErrorDocument 404 /index.php ## Override default 404 error document for missing page resources ## <FilesMatch "\.(gif|jpe?g|png|ico|css|js|svg|webp)$"> ErrorDocument 404 "<html></html> </FilesMatch> ##### END CubeCart .htaccess ##### Is there a problem with htaccess? Is there a problem with htaccess?
  5. There is hosting, and there is a control panel. I can connect to the server, but I cannot connect to CubeCart. The database can be connected, and the .htaccess file has been checked. The website cannot be displayed and I cannot log in to the website management. This situation suddenly occurred.
  6. Subdomain websites under the same server can be accessed, but CubeCart cannot access the website http://www.animeboygirl.com. The database connection is normal.https://animeboygirl.com/admin_Add6fc.php
  7. I also encountered the same problem. In the Basix skin, the images added in the product selection cannot be displayed. However, when I switched to the default skin, they were shown correctly. I wonder what went wrong there?
  8. The customer received the subscription email, but the information they were redirected to states that an error was detected and the email address could not be verified.
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