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Adam Frey

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Everything posted by Adam Frey

  1. Is it possible to get cubecart 5 to work with php 7? The first shifting of just changing the setting on the server was not successful. Thank you for any advice or help.
  2. I found Brian Smither's great report. Sorry I did not find it sooner!
  3. I was still curious about a Mod or Reporting function in CC5 that would allow me to see the specific product number sales for a time period. Like how many of item X I sold in the past 3 months. I can't seem to find that. There was a good mod for CC4, but haven't seen anything for CC5. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you, Adam
  4. Dirty Butler, How did you generate a report with the state and country? I can't seem to find how to generate this or if there is a mod for this. Please advise as I need this functionality also please.
  5. Thanks. I was stupid and did a CRTL F and I promise it did NOT show it. I am not an guru....I did check your free plug in and purchased and look forward to using it once it is approved. Thank you.
  6. 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  7. Using BCPurple - http://www.euphonium.com/store/
  8. So I was trying to install iDev but it seems like the install code for the commission generation needs to be on the payment screen. However, iDev's installation instructions reference directories and code that looks like it is from CC4. The CubeCart shopping cart system includes built-in settings for iDevAffiliate. These settings use a piece of provided code in a CubeCart template file. If your system isn't creating commissions, please check your (/skins/{skin in use}/styleTemplates/content/gateway.tpl) file for the following code. {VAL_AFFILIATE_TRACK_HTML} The stock/default skin package that comes with CubeCart includes the above snippet of code. If you're using a 3rd party skin it's likely this piece of code is not included. Simply add the above line of code to the template Not sure if this will work with CC5 but it is in the supported affailiate.
  9. I was trying to install Zopim into a 3rd party skin. It is a popup chat program. I didn't know if you could tell me which file that I need to add it to. I realize it will need to appear in the master template so it hits every page. Copy the following script and insert it into your website's HTML source code between the <head> tags. This code must be inserted into every page on which you wish to display the Zopim Chat Widget. The general widget is <!--Start of Zopim Live Chat Script--> <script type="text/javascript"> window.$zopim||(function(d,s){var z=$zopim=function©{z._.push©},$=z.s= d.createElement(s),e=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];z.set=function(o){z.set. .t=+new Date;$. type='text/javascript';e.parentNode.insertBefore($,e)})(document,'script'); </script> <!--End of Zopim Live Chat Script-->
  10. Here is one I just created. New customer and still didn't work. Request Sent - https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvpITEMAMT=29.45&AMT=29.45&SHIPTONAME=Adam+Frey&SHIPTOSTREET=1777+vista+trace&SHIPTOSTREET2=&SHIPTOCITY=decatur&SHIPTOSTATE=GA&SHIPTOZIP=30033&SHIPTOCOUNTRY=US&SHIPTOPHONENUM=7702419119&ADDROVERRIDE=1&SALUTATION=&FIRSTNAME=Adam&LASTNAME=Frey&STREET=1777+vista+trace&STREET2=&CITY=decatur&STATE=GA&ZIP=30033&PHONENUM=7702419119&COUNTRYCODE=US&CURRENCYCODE=USD&PAYMENTACTION=Sale&RETURNURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.euphonium.com%2Fstore%2Findex.php%3F_a%3Dconfirm&CANCELURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.euphonium.com%2Fstore%2Findex.php%3F_a%3Dconfirm%26PPWPP%3Dcancel&INVNUM=131126-083533-6815&METHOD=SetExpressCheckout&VERSION=74.0&PWD=AQYSVYGMRU6DN995&USER=orders_api1.euphonium.com&SIGNATURE=AB50Lcd.w-VvxxFpGRZDIaVxW-.sAoA-p3EicdM-VUMSEHv8qBhT6MpX Response receivedTOKEN=EC%2d8DC94785MU238540Y&TIMESTAMP=2013%2d11%2d26T13%3a36%3a13Z&CORRELATIONID=25e8ba60288&ACK=Success&VERSION=74%2e0&BUILD=8620107
  11. I do have the numbers in the data base for states.I have made is PAST the blank page at least by having the state names. However, even with that, the paypal express does not complete. It takes me to the paypal log in and then payment confirmation screen, says it is processing, and then jumps back to my store page, has logged out of my session/account. No payment processed, the order is not processed. Seems like something with the upgrade details. My work around was to use Payments Pro for Direct Credit Card Payments and then add Paypal Standard to receive Paypal Payments. I still can't get express payments to work and that is my goal...
  12. I am having the same problem. The interesting part is that when NEW customers make an account and address, it is putting their state in as a name, NOT a number. If it is in as a number, then Paypal Express payments goes to a white screen, if it is the state name, then it will go to the paypal log in screen, you can log in and after you hit the confirm payment screen, it starts to process and then throws you back to my store checkout page and you have been logged out. Any advice Here is the error code from my transacation TRANSACTIONID=30J74844R3425135L&METHOD=GetTransactionDetails&VERSION=74.0&PWD=AQYSVYGMRU6DN995&USER=orders_api1.euphonium.com&SIGNATURE=AB50Lcd.w-VvxxFpGRZDIaVxW-.sAoA-p3EicdM-VUMSEHv8qBhT6MpX Response receivedRECEIVERBUSINESS=sales%40euphonium%2ecom&RECEIVEREMAIL=sales%40euphonium%2ecom&RECEIVERID=H6JMFN5UYFTJY&EMAIL=billmarie1%40comcast%2enet&PAYERID=D75BA6RTRZRUQ&PAYERSTATUS=verified&COUNTRYCODE=US&SHIPTONAME=William%20Griffith&SHIPTOSTREET=1769%20Victoria%20Court&SHIPTOCITY=Ogden&SHIPTOSTATE=UT&SHIPTOCOUNTRYCODE=US&SHIPTOCOUNTRYNAME=United%20States&SHIPTOZIP=84403&ADDRESSOWNER=PayPal&ADDRESSSTATUS=Confirmed&INVNUM=131124%2d131638%2d8929&SALESTAX=0%2e00&SHIPAMOUNT=0%2e00&SHIPHANDLEAMOUNT=0%2e00&SHIPDISCOUNT=0%2e00&INSURANCEAMOUNT=0%2e00&TIMESTAMP=2013%2d11%2d25T16%3a25%3a15Z&CORRELATIONID=192cefe4135f3&ACK=Success&VERSION=74%2e0&BUILD=8620107&FIRSTNAME=William&LASTNAME=Griffith&TRANSACTIONID=30J74844R3425135L&TRANSACTIONTYPE=expresscheckout&PAYMENTTYPE=instant&ORDERTIME=2013%2d11%2d24T18%3a17%3a58Z&AMT=8%2e90&FEEAMT=0%2e52&TAXAMT=0%2e00&CURRENCYCODE=USD&PAYMENTSTATUS=Completed&PENDINGREASON=None&REASONCODE=None&SHIPPINGMETHOD=Default&PROTECTIONELIGIBILITY=Eligible&PROTECTIONELIGIBILITYTYPE=ItemNotReceivedEligible%2cUnauthorizedPaymentEligible&L_QTY0=1&L_TAXAMT0=0%2e00&L_CURRENCYCODE0=USD
  13. I am trying to select some PDF files that I uploaded using FCK editior. the funny thing is that it lets me upload them, BUT after they are uploaded, they do NOT show up in the list. I have checked the fckconfig.js file and added PDF to the allowed file types, but that must not have been the right one. The files are on the server, but just do not display. Any advice??
  14. I have tried this. Everything looks correct, then when I save it, it changes it!! That is the bizarre part for sure. When I go back in, it has been changed to: <p>Sample:&nbsp; <a href="\&quot;/store/images/File/PDF" barr="" samples="">PDF</a></p> Which does not point anywhere!?!?
  15. running 3.0.20 and using the stanard install (I have re uploaded all the FCK editior files twice to correct this). Wehn I make an item and then add a link in the item for a sample PDF, it puts up all sorts of crazy links that are not accurate. Check out: http://www.euphonium.com/store/index.php?act=viewProd&productId=309 Link for PDF goes to : http://www.euphonium.com/%22/store/images/File/PDF Link for the partner CD: http://www.euphonium.com/%22//%22////%22////////%22////////////////%22http://www.euphonium.com/store//index.php?act=viewProd&productId=292\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\\"\\\\"\\"\" Any advice or help woudl be helpful for sure. Thanks.
  16. It seems all my new PDF samples links are all broken. when I make them with FCK, they look fine. i go back and check them before I save. then they save succesfully. But they all end up pointing to: http://euphonium.com/%22/store/images/File/PDF instead of the correct link. Any idea what the probelm is?
  17. I also added the Image verification in the admin screen. Has this been effective? If you possible, can you tell me the specific lines of code that need to be removed to make this work? thanks and sorry for all the questions.
  18. I have this strange text "Âö‡FÖÃà" at the bottom left side of each page of my store. I have no idea how it got there and how to fix it. any advice would be great. the store is at: http://www.euphonium.com/store/ Thanks so much.
  19. I upgraded my website. I put the store in an iframe. But on checkout, when you pay with a paypal account (not a credit card through paypal), it MUST open into a new window...it won't work within the iframe. Can anyone PLEASE help me figure out how to code this so it will open. Thanks, Adam
  20. Just got JROX, installed, set up test affiliate, CRON job, set up programs, enabled in cubecart, and made a test ad. When I went to test, I used the link, but it is not counting. JROX and Cubecart, so integration is already set up, but are there some other steps to be done with paypal?
  21. I was curious in installing v 4. But I want to do the smart thing and set up a test site first as a subdomain. In the end, can I just copy over the test site to the old store directory and change the paths in the Amdin general screen to reflect the new paths?
  22. While I am editing multiple items and updated the admin side of cubecart, I often get a message : "Too many requests received, try again later in a few minutes." I then have to stop and wait and then go back. I was curious if anyone else gets this or knows why? Thank you, Adam
  23. I was just curious if others have this issue. I use paypal Express and direct Payment. When someone maks and order and I ship it using paypal and USPS, there are two problems: 1) The name is imported as Frist Name TAB Last Name. When the label prints, it actually puts the last name on the 2nd line versus the first line. You can manually edit this to fix. 2) When it sends the email to orderer with the shipping details (this happens when they pay with a credit card versus paypal account) after I have made a shipping label, the email gets bounced back becuase it sends to some strange address that looks like an encrypted email with a strange mix of numbers and letters. Any advice would help make things run more seamlessly. Thanks, Adam
  24. Just curious what everyone uses to edit their PHP code. Do you find Notepad is fine or causes problems? I also use GoLive Source editing as well. Just curious, Thanks, Adam
  25. I was just curious if everyone had some hosting recommendations. I am currently with the Go Daddy and have a split site (one for promo and one for the sales with cube cart). The cube cart side runs VERY slowly (www.euphonium.com/store) while the other side runs fine (www.euphonium.com). I was curious as I am looking for an economy hosting plan (less then $12-15 month with support). Thanks for your help, Adam
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