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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. Please let us know what specific product, if anything specific, when added to the basket, causes this anomaly.

    Please let us know which, specifically, other browsers and their versions show this anomaly.

    On those other browsers, be sure to allow cookies.

    I also see that you are using SemperFi's Custom Foundation 5 skin. Please let us know, if possible, what version of CubeCart you first started using it. There may be updates, based on changes to the stock Foundation skin since that version, that should be applied to the SFWS skin.

  2. The "open_basedir restriction" might be coming from a directive in the PHP.INI file that specifies what other directories to be included in PHP's ability to look for a file with a given name but not sure in what folder to look for it. Generally, this how autoloaders work - scan all available folders looking for object class files.

    Then, coupled with directives found elsewhere concerning "open_basedir" security enforcement (not necessarily setup by PHP), there will be conflicts.

    Suggest your hosting provider assist you with PHP.INI file's overly permissive "include_paths" directive (or similar named directive) vs. any open_basedir directive restriction.

    The cache directory is used to fetch results from prior database queries -- queries where the results are not likely to have changed in a few days. Depending on the amount of products, categories, documents, customers, etc, the total quantity of these files could be from a couple hundred to substantially more. CubeCart (and many, many other applications) use cached database results instead of continually hitting the actual database for content that would be considered static. This is good practice.

    The token error issue has had other forum posts regarding that:


    The News block not appearing could be the result of using a much older version of CubeCart than what is current, or a setting from an older version has been carried over to the version you are currently using. In admin, Store Settings, Layout tab, Layout Settings section, the current value for "Default RSS URL for Admin Dashboard" is:


    There may be a firewall issue???

    Please let us know the exact version of CubeCart you are using.

  3. "offer free shipping on large $ orders"

    The same can be accomplished using the AIOS module.

    As an example, for a Shipping Zone for your immediate local area, you would add a Shipping Rate where the Shipping Price is zero when the Subtotal Limits exceed a value of 500.


  4. Just after the "Free Shipping for orders over" field in the "By Price" admin settings screen, there is "Shipping Cost." So, if this field is blank, the calculated shipping cost package is seen as zero.

    Is there a shipping cost value entered in the "Shipping Cost" field?

    Are there other shipping costs present in the list of available shipping methods on the customer's checkout screen?

    CubeCart will select and offer as a default choice from all the calculated shipping rates the cheapest rate found. However, latest versions of CubeCart offer an admin setting (admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc section, "Default Shipping Selection") for 'Cheapest, Cheapest but not free, or Most Expensive rate found.

  5. Just to confirm, did you fetch from Google a set of Site and Secret keys specific to towersecurity.co.uk? I would think so as that domain is in the response from the request.

    Only the Contact Us page sends an email to the admin using only Plain Text.

    And I see the Contact Us page is getting hit several times a day, spaced hours apart, with several of those attempts failing to send.

    I am no expert on Google's "ReCaptcha", so it wouldn't surprise me to see a well-behaved, technically competent spammer "fooling" Google so that it responds that all is well.


  6. No. Each module contributes its calculations package of rates to the overall collection of rates shown to the customer.

    However, if the customer adds a Discount Coupon at checkout that offers free shipping (see admin, Promotional Codes, create/edit a Promotional Code), then CubeCart cancels all available shipping options and sets the shipping cost to zero.

    Note: In admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc section, "Disable Shipping Groups", if checked, will hide which module each package of rates came from.


  7. The "By Price" module may not be what you actually want.

    It says, "Set a flat rate for shipping, with free shipping for orders over a defined amount."

    Just after the "Free Shipping for orders over" field, there is "Shipping Cost." So, if this field is blank, it is treated as zero.

    Thus, this module will offer zero-cost (not technically "free" as CubeCart sees it) shipping for any subtotal (subtracting the discount if any) less than the break-over point.


  8. According to this bug report:


    a line of code was removed because when Stripe updated their API endpoint by removing something (not sure what 'payment_intent" is), there was no longer any place to put that item of data - "Payment for order ###" - which then crashed PHP.

    According to Stripe's documentation, you should be able to visit your Stripe Dashboard and specify which API version you want to be using -- quite probably 7.83.0.

    Then, use Stripe module version 3.0.7, which is currently coded to use the included API library version 7.83.0.

    Note: I have no way to test this.

  9. We will create a code snippet.

    When a customer logs in, CubeCart determines if that customer's "saved basket" should be reloaded into their "session". A "saved basket" is from the prior shopping visit where the customer has added items to their cart, then simply logged out (or the session expired). CubeCart maintains a "saved cart" for the customer automatically.

    Note: In CubeCart's determination, if the visitor has already placed some items in their shopping cart before logging in, then the prior "saved cart" is abandoned in favor of the new cart's contents.

    Just prior to loading the "saved cart" into the just-logged-in customer's "session", there is a hook we can use to have CubeCart scan through the databased "saved cart" and recalculate the "options identifier" of those products that have had options chosen. This will catch and correct those cases where the admin has added or changed the options of items that are incorporated into the Options Matrix Table after when customers have already placed those items in their shopping basket.

    In admin, Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab, click Add Snippet.

    Below the list of existing snippets, fill in the form as follows:

    Enabled: checked
    Unique ID: calcOptionsIdent@CC640+
    Execution Order: 5
    Description: At login, will recalc options identifier code to align with currently chosen options.
    Trigger: class.cart.construct.pre
    Version: 1.0.0
    Author: https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/58055-still-having-matrix-issues/
    PHP Code:
    if ($GLOBALS['user']->is() && ($saved_cart_result = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_saved_cart', array('basket'), array('customer_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->getId()), false, false, false, false)) !== false) {
      $saved_cart_basket = unserialize($saved_cart_result[0]['basket']);
      foreach ($saved_cart_basket as $saved_basket_hash => $saved_basket_product_data) {
        if (!empty($saved_basket_product_data['options'])) { // Options are option_id => assign_id
          // Calculate new options_identifier. CubeCart deals with new 'cached_name' and 'cached_array'
          $new_saved_cart_basket[$saved_basket_hash]['options_identifier'] = $GLOBALS['catalogue']->defineOptionsIdentifier($saved_basket_product_data['options']);
      // Merge the recalc'd options_identifier into the saved_cart_basket and save.
      $GLOBALS['session']->set('contents', merge_array($saved_cart_basket,$new_saved_cart_basket), 'basket', true);
      $saved_cart_result[0]['basket'] = serialize(merge_array($saved_cart_basket,$new_saved_cart_basket));
      $GLOBALS['db']->update('CubeCart_saved_cart', array('basket' => $saved_cart_result[0]['basket']), array('customer_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->getId()));

    Save the snippet.

    A "saved basket" for a customer is not available (as of CC647) for the admin to view directly.

    However, CubeCart allows the admin to "login as" a customer, but still, full details of the products in that customer's basket are not shown - specifically, the item's Product Code as given in the Options Matrix Table, as well as the options identifier code.

    There are about two ways to verify that the options identifier code has been added/updated.

    1. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, enable the Debug Mode and enter your local IP address in the next field (www.showmyip.com). View the storefront as the customer. At the bottom of the page, there will be one or two debug sections. The last section will have the Session:__basket['contents'] with each item's hash-key and details.

    2. Look at the database directly, the CubeCart_saved_cart table for that customer_id.

  10. For you, as a customer, you can add a foreign address to your Address Book (e.g., Australia, Canada, whatever), then, during checkout, choose that as your delivery address.

    CubeCart should then ask the AIOS module to recalculate shipping charges based on the newly selected shipping zone.

    It might also help to have the AIOS module's Debugging temporarily set to Verbose. This will cause some output to appear at checkout which will describe the logic involved in what was used to calculate the shipping charges. Keep the debugging enabled for only as long as necessary because this report is viewable by everyone - not that it contains sensitive info, but because it is not a common thing to see.


  11. In admin, Store Settings, Features tab, Misc section, "Disable initial shipping & tax estimates" there is a checkbox to hide the link that exposes a small form to refine the delivery address.

    If you are logged in as a customer, the checkout pages should show a form asking for billing and delivery addresses if the customer has not already established addresses in their Address Book in their Profile pages.

    Where does your "UK 1st Class" shipping option come from? Does it come from a shipping module other than the All-in-One-Shipping module?

    In admin, Countries/Zones, please review all the countries you are willing to ship to has their status set as an Enabled option.

  12. CubeCart has had the feature where, at checkout, there is a link for non-signed-in customers ('guests') to specify a delivery address. (Needs to be enabled in admin, Store Settings.)

    Until CubeCart has a customer-specified delivery address, it will use the store's address as a 'best guess' delivery address. (So, I assume your store is in the UK?)

  13. These web addresses are for your admin backend. This area is NOT for public access.

    But this web address:


    gets me the page for "Fire Strike Goggles Helmet Straps".

    So, no problem with accessing data from the database.

    Your web browser will have a feature called a "Developers Toolkit". It is usually activated by pressing the F12 key.

    Once showing the toolkit, the Network screen will show you what was requested and what the web server sent back. (For the storefront, there seems to be a couple of missing or wrongly-named image files for the Kurouto grey theme.)

    In admin, Error Log, System Error Log tab, see if there are any relevant messages as to what may have caused the 404.

    With respect to CC646 (not CC644 but there should be no difference), asking to edit a product where there is no such product_id should just get you the standard Product Add/Edit screen with blank fields - not a web server's 404 response. (There is a difference between a web server's 404 response, which comes directly from the web server, and Cubecart's "Product, Category, Document 404 - Page Not Found". CubeCart's 404 has all the regular side panels, header, and footer areas.)


  14. Is there still an Edit icon (just to the left og the red Bin icon in the right-most column)?

    Have you chosen to use a custom Order Number syntax? (admin, Store Settings, Features tab, "Order Number Format")

    If so, have you checked the checkbox for "Apply format to all past orders"?

    If not, we need to make some pointed edits to the code to figure out where the data is getting lost.

  15. One of those folders will have a more current timestamp - as well as the likelyhood of two administration script files that start with admin (admin.php and admin_HASH.php).

    Please examine the contents of the file /includes/global.inc.php.

    The values for the variables of 'admin_folder' and 'admin_file' must be that of the latest folder and file. The latest-dated folder and file will most likely be the actual CC647 version of the code.

    Perhaps the latest-dated of the pair are the plainly-named versions.

    If so, you should update the values of the $glob variables for 'admin_file' and 'admin_folder' to be that of the plainly-named versions: 'admin' for the admin_folder and 'admin.php' for the admin script file.

    Then, the web address for calling the latest version will be www.example.com/admin.php.

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