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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. Because there is this expression on line 81:

    if(isset($GLOBALS['cart'])) {

    then by adding the new piece of code to line 501, there should be no problem.

    In fact, your recent error log points to a problem on line 66 in the order.class.php file - not in the gateway.class.php file as seen in the first post.

    In the order.class.php file, lines 59-78, a comment suggests that these lines can be removed.

    If you choose to re-instate the edit on line 501, and then also remove lines 59-78, please let us know what happens.

  2. For a work-around, please try this:

    In /classes/order.class.php:
    Near line 501, find:
    if(!empty($order_summary['gateway']) && file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/modules/gateway/'.$order_summary['gateway'].'/gateway.class.php')) {
    Change to:
    if(isset($GLOBALS['cart']) && !empty($order_summary['gateway']) && file_exists(CC_ROOT_DIR.'/modules/gateway/'.$order_summary['gateway'].'/gateway.class.php')) {


  3. If you install CC647 via Softaculous, you will be in the same position you were earlier -- still running PHP 7.0 -- where CC647 requires PHP 7.1+.

    An empty backup file (other than the database contents)???

    You can download CC645, unzip, and FTP the contents to your site. CC645 is the latest version that *should* still run under PHP7.0.


    And hopefully, all of your product image files are still on your site. The backup would not have deleted those.

    Once you get CC645 uploaded to your site, run the setup.


  4. To get back your store, first find where the backup of the codebase is located. The backup may also contain the database contents, depending how you made the backup.

    You said you did a complete backup. Was this through CubeCart's backup feature (which made a ZIP file)? Or did you manually FTP transfer down to a local computer all the files that comprised your site?

    Depending how you made the backup:

    1. You will use any utility you have available on the Control Panel (CPanel?) to unzip the backup over-writing the CubeCart 6.4.x codebase.

    2. Or you will simply FTP all the files you downloaded back up to your site.

    It seems like CubeCart 6.4.x quit (the correct term is 'died') before any work was done on the database. So, there will be no need to restore anything concerning the database.

    Or, you could insist to your host that your site has PHP 7.0 as there is the PHP Info output to prove it.


  5. The 'admin.dashboard.unsettled_orders' is the name of a hook in /admin/sources/dashboard.index.inc.php (near line 309).

    In admin, look at Manage Hooks, Code Snippets tab. Are there any snippets that use this hook (Trigger column)?

    On the Hooks tab, review each of the enabled plugins. (The plugin name on this list is a link that will show all the hooks used by this plugin.)


  6. However, looking at your error list, they are all Notices (for undefined things). That tells me you are running PHP7.

    Still, turning off debug should suppress 99.9999% of these errors getting logged.

    Smarty may have different ideas about throwing error messages. An error message that references a file in /cache/skin/ is when Smarty complains.

  7. Please look at these lines:


    where <version> is what you need to compare.

    (The <skin version> is the structural format of the information contained in the config file.)

  8. I entered all the info, clicked Secure Checkout, got the Address has been updated" message, and got the same page with my address, the contents I put in the Shopping Basket, new shipping choices, and a Secure Checkout button.

    Specifically, I did not lose the contents of the Cart.

    I click Secure Checkout and am taken to Stripe's payment page.

    I then click the "Back to Store" link and I get the same page as before. I still have the contents of the cart.

    Is your sequence of actions different? Did I misunderstand a step?

  9. Probably, the template content.checkout.medium-up.php has been edited to replace the <select name="shipping"> chooser with radio buttons.

    The same edit would be made to the template content.checkout.small.php.

    Please consider putting the table cells for the collection of radio buttons and shipping value on a new table row, because the phrase "(Get Shipping Quote Delivery Location)" is a nowrap, but takes up too much of the screen width, leaving very little room for the complete descriptive content of the shipping choices.

    <td width="10%" nowrap="nowrap">{$LANG.basket.shipping}
    <td colspan="3">{$LANG.basket.shipping}
     {if !isset($free_coupon_shipping)}
    <td colspan="2">
     {if !isset($free_coupon_shipping)}


  10. The UPS module makes a request to UPS's Rate Request site. There should be a response in CubeCart's Request Log, listing the services that will accomplish the mailing and the rates for each.


  11. This advisory message is a general (badly worded) message that says none of the enabled shipping modules returned a shipping method.

    In the case of USPS, a new user must apply for access to the USPS online Rate Request API.



    The USPS module will send the origination and destination zip codes, and the weight of the package to USPS. Then, USPS sends back all possible shipping methods and the associated costs.

    The module then filters out all shipping methods that the store owner has not selected as a method the owner is willing to use. The resulting methods are then shown to the customer to choose.

    For example: from the 10-12 Flat Rate and First Class shipping possibilities the USPS says it can ship a box, while the methods selected in the module is only Ground and the various Flat Rate Box methods, the common methods are only the Flat Rate boxes and that is what will be shown to the customer.


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