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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. You may need to force your browser to fetch a fresh copy of admin.js file. Your browser could be using a cached copy. Re-fetching cached page resources is usually done by CTRL-F5.

    I hope you caught the edit to my previous response. CC646 has made it so that once you begin entering a product code, the checkbox will get unchecked.

    Oh, and clear CubeCart's internal cache.

  2. Try this:

    Undo any edit made to the admin skin (as detailed above).

    Make this edit to the admin.js file (slightly different than the edit detailed above):

    Near line 243, find:
    if($("input#product_code").length > 0) {
    Change to:
    if(!1 && ($("input#product_code").length > 0)) {

    In the file /admin/sources/products.index.inc.php:

    Near line 1092, find:
    $result[0]['auto_code_checked'] = (empty($result[0]['product_code'])) ? '1' : '0';
    Change to:
    $result[0]['auto_code_checked'] = '0'; // (empty($result[0]['product_code'])) ? '1' : '0';

    However, you said, "For some reason when I upgraded to 6.4.3 if I put in my own product code it does not take the first time and I have to go back in admin and reenter my product code."

    This may be fixed in CC646. When you start typing in the Product Code text entry field, the Auto checkbox gets unchecked.

  3. The System Error Log in admin will catch most of the errors. However, if an error is Fatal, the error might not get logged here.

    PHP's error_log (as specified by statements in ini-custom.inc.php) will catch them all as it does not depend on a running script.


  4. It would help if an error log could be examined when you see a problem with mailing the Contact Us submission, where $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is not getting sent to $mailer->Body.

    For you, the line pointed to uses sprintf with five arguments supplied to the language phrase 'email_content' in the Contact group. So, you may have edited that language phrase to use that fifth argument, saved it (saved in the database to survive upgrades).

    Thus, after upgrading, it will be necessary to re-apply hard-coded customizations. Otherwise, the sprintf function will be missing an argument which will have PHP log a complaint.

    Note that there is a hook available here. A code snippet could be constructed to assign to $mailer->Body a string of your own making, with whatever arguments you want/need. Code snippets survive upgrades.

  5. This is just a guess - no idea if this will work.

    In the module file /skin/checkout.php, near line 5, there is:
    fetch('index.php?_g=rm&type=plugins&cmd=call&module=Stripe&cart_order_id={/literal}{$DATA.cart_order_id}{literal}&t={/literal}{$DATA.time}{literal}', {
    Change to:
    fetch('index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=call&module=Stripe&cart_order_id={/literal}{$DATA.cart_order_id}{literal}&t={/literal}{$DATA.time}{literal}', {
    In the module file `gateway.class.php`, near line 135, there is:
    'success_url' => $GLOBALS['storeURL']."/index.php?_g=rm&type=plugins&cmd=process&module=Stripe&cart_order_id=".$order['cart_order_id'],
    Change to:
    'success_url' => $GLOBALS['storeURL']."/index.php?_g=rm&type=gateway&cmd=process&module=Stripe&cart_order_id=".$order['cart_order_id'],


  6. Just to be clear:



    CC647 does not have $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] 

    I found that without $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] my contact page stopped working.


    Allow me to assert that your installation to need this parameter matches also an edit made to the Mailer class for a custom requirement.

    The stock code beginning with CC644 (earliest I looked) does not have this parameter.

  7. Your hosting provider may have provided you with a control panel for your account.

    That control panel should have a utility to test and monitor email activity. Please examine your control panel and determine what email configuration features may provide you with a means to track test emails sent and received. You may need to get your hosting provider to assist you.



  8. If you are used to using it, then it should not have gotten out of hand like I am theorizing it did -- if it did!

    You can always try a sandboxed effort of applying the CC646 edits of the new code to a copy of that file from CC645 and see if it happens again. If you have a mind to.

    Good reviews about Notepad++. (I don't use it because it doesn't do a few things I find very useful.)


    • Thanks 1
  9. Can you give us a few of the lines from CBurst that show errors?

    CC646 uses a newer version of Smarty (the engine that populates and renders the skin templates into usable HTML). This version, v4.1.1, has an issue with using the variable modifier 'capitalize'. If these errors are related to the above deprecated and warning messages, this is not an issue with any skin, per se.

    For differences between your installation of PHP7.4 vs. PHP8, can you determine if your PHP8 has the MySQLi database extension installed?

  10. There is a test in line 271 that asks PHP if a certain function is available. That function should be available if the PHP running that installation has the MySQLi extension installed. The test is probably failing because the PHP extension MySQLi might not be installed - and neither is the older obsolete MySQL(non-i) extension.

    But if any database extension wasn't installed, I think not even the storefront would work.

    And how would CubeCart even work before the upgrade?

  11. The error message posted above, when you hover your mouse cursor over that entry, there should be a popover showing a 'stack trace'. The contents of this popover can be swiped by the cursor and copied/pasted. Please let us see the trace.


  12. I find the country name of UM is strange. (United States Minor Outlying Islands).

    Still, AIOS is delivering a valid shipping option.

    I will examine the code to see if there might be some other reason why CubeCart is issuing this warning.


  13. In the Debugging selector, choose "Verbose". There will be a comprehensive display at checkout of the decisions AIOS makes in determining what Zone and Rate Schedule was found and not found.


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