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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. "Large navigation icons"? What icons?

    Unless you have installed other compatible skins (for CC5/CC6), Foundation is what comes with CC6.

    What version did you upgrade from?

    Is there a publicly viewable web address we can see?



  2. Please view the contents of the file /includes/global.inc.php. There will be a variable referencing the adminFolder and a variable referencing the adminFile. Do the values of these variables match the actual admin filename and admin folder?

    Is there a file having the name admin_nvniHf.php? Are there any other files with a name that begins with admin?

    A page request for this file succeeds, so I conclude there is this file present.

    Is this the file you are actually using to log into admin -- "admin_nvniHf.php"?

  3. The browser you use will likely have a Developer's Tools feature. For Firefox, that is brought up by pressing the F12 key. These tools will have a 'Network' screen.

    Have the Network screen showing. Then, in CubeCart's administration, click the Save button on the Store Settings screen. (According to your situation, you should get the 404 screen.)

    Examine the tool's Network screen. It will show a list of page requests, including the POST that is not returning the proper page. Click once on that POST log entry to show details about that request.

    What is the actual Request URL of the POST?

    Also, view the contents of the file /includes/global.inc.php. There will be a variable referencing the adminFolder and a variable referencing the adminFile. Do the values of these variables match the actual admin filename and admin folder?

  4. A 403 Forbidden error is being generated by the web server. As such, there may be a web server module that is implementing severe security restrictions.

    Severe security restrictions could include rules that scan the POST payload (web page form submissions) and reject the POST if anything in the payload matches a 'deny' pattern. The hosting company might be able to find the POST submission and the rule that triggered the denial -- with the solution being creating an exception for your account.


  5. Are the parts of the odd URLs familiar to you?


    I find something interesting here:


    Have you installed some other app near CubeCart - one that would have messed with the .htaccess file?

    "/services/monitoring/" seems to be something applicable to an app server. Has your hosting provider denied any knowledge of a screw-up?

  6. If either of you have a CPA, perhaps an innocent query could reveal exactly how your client's home tax is determined -- hopefully no difference between Federal, State, County, and City tax computation rules -- and no difference between other states' tax computation rules if required to collect and forward.


  7. It seems to be a rounding issue: not a miscalculation in the rounding function, but rather when and on what the rounding takes place.

    56.96 * .09 = 5.1264 | ( 5.13)
    39.96 * .09 = 3.5964 | ( 3.60)
    43.12 * .09 = 3.8808 | ( 3.88)
    =====================   =====
                 12.6036   (12.61)

    Rounding the total of 12.6036 returns 12.60.

    Then there is the rounding on each individual item, then that is summed.

    If I recall from looking at the code, the tax per each individual item is the method CubeCart uses. (A mix of tax rates is averaged, then applied to each individual item.)

    This requires an answer to the question, regarding the algorithm used to calculate the tax values, has the method changed from an earlier version of CubeCart? If so, when did the change happen and the reason why.

    I could scan for changes in the related code, but if there was a change in the algorithm, I have no insight as to why.

    A wild guess would be to conform to the very specific legal language in the tax laws. Does the language say to apply the tax rate to the sub-total, or does the language say to apply the tax rate to each item? (I have the impression CubeCart has no interest in doing the research for an answer.) If there is a difference between UK (EU) laws and US laws, should there be an administrative setting to configure CubeCart based on the merchant's home locality? (Which is a squirrely proposition to solve as each locality in the US gets to force merchants to follow their residents' tax rates/laws - if one wants to argue that point.)



  8. "I have a .PHP file."

    Please let us know what the PHP file is actually for. Is it a CubeCart skin template file, or PHP code to run a program?

    "If I used Smarty, that means I could change the way things are displayed easier."

    "Smarty" is not used to make changes to templates (or CSS, javascript, etc). Smarty is not an editor.

    One would use a programmer's text editor to make changes to the HTML code in the template files that Smarty will use.



  9. There is an existing column in the CubeCart_customer table named 'status'. If 'status' is zero, the customer cannot log in.

    To prevent a particular visitor from registering an account, CubeCart would already need to know about that visitor.

    The 'status' of any customer account can be enable/disabled in the admin Customers listing.

    Visitors (including not logged-in, but registered customers) can still browse the store, but cannot see prices and cannot put items in a shopping basket.

    I invite you to try a plugin "Register Customers as Disabled". Currently, it does not email the admin, but that can be easily implemented. If interested, send a PM.


  10. Smarty will use whatever source you tell it to use: typically a text file (can be named anything, including any sort of filename extension, if any), a variable containing a string, the return from a database query, a couple of other types of sources.

    I have no insight as to why CC5/6 chose .php as the filename suffix for the skin templates. (CC3/4 used .tpl, and some templates in the CC5/6 extension modules also use .tpl). Again, it does not matter -- but keep in mind, the core code expects the skin template filenames to be what they are.

    The core code is responsible for fetching the specific details about whatever is being displayed. For the Sale Items sidebox, the core code collects the details of X-number of products and assembles them into an array. This array is then assigned to a Smarty variable. Smarty, then, when rendering the template's {foreach} command, will replace the variable's parts with the respective values.

    To determine what data has been provided to Smarty for populating templates, edit the template by adding {debug} to the end of the template. Smarty will then open a popup containing all that data.

    From this popup, we can determine if details about the products contain links to their images. If not, we will need to edit the core code to add that data. Then, we will be adding the necessary HTML to the template to show the images.


  11. You said, "they couldn't complete the payment".

    Do you have any better idea of exactly where each customer was at in the multi-step process? Ghost customers? Account holders? A form not submitting because of an element failing validation (but not seen because that element was below the bottom of the browser window)? Customers common to a particular area of the world that Paypal does not like? 


  12. In the Foundation skin template, element.js_foot.php, or any other skin that would be using BXSlider:

    Find somewhere in the last line:
    Add the pause option. To do that, change that part of the line to:

    The default is 4000ms.

    Apparently, there is no quick/easy ability to give a specific pause time between transitions on a per-image basis.

  13. I don't know enough about the Paypal plugin, but it is conceivable that the plugin wants to put cookies in play.

    However, whether the plugin would respect any cookie setting CubeCart manages for itself, again, I don't know.

    Do you use the Paypal plugin?


  14. You say that WordPress is in the main directory for your domain name, which means CubeCart should be in a sub-directory (/cubecart/).

    Please critically examine any .htaccess file that belongs to WordPress. (This assumes your web server can use .htaccess files. Some web servers do not, such as nginx.) The thinking is that there is a directive in the .htaccess file in the main directory that is inadvertently causing problems for later-parsed .htaccess files.

    The system errors are bizarre. It is as if someone is entering something that is in no way a legit SQL query in the Query Box seen at admin, Maintenance, Query Database (Advanced).


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