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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. Missing product options being displayed in the email seems to not be caused by the Print Order Form (an earlier version was found to cause a somewhat different problem).

    Also, CubeCart sees only one instance of the German language file.

    So, we still need to determine why the Email Templates listing shows two instances of the German flag.

    Please use an external database utility to examine the database table CubeCart_email_content. Does anything look strange there?

  2. Please let us know if you are using the shipping module Print Order Form. If so, in admin, Manage Extensions, please let us know if the version being used is v1.2.2 (or 1.3.0 which has a new German translation).


  3. This can be done with current product options capabilities.

    When creating product options (before assigning them to products), you can choose option type "Text" or "TextArea".

    After assigning this option type to a product, there will be a text field or text area in the options area of the View Product page.


  4. Welcome Psyclones! Glad to see you made it to the forums.

    This might serve your needs. It doesn't set individual shipping costs, but allows one to assign a specific shipping module to a product.

    Then, this module offers Flat Rate:

    which a number of them can be created - variously named such as FR_10, FR_7, etc for rates of 10.00, 7.00, etc.

    Assign which flat rate module that is closest to the rate you need to the product.


  5. You say that "you" didn't make a backup. Maybe your hosting provider made a nightly backup of the database??? Doesn't hurt to ask.

    What version of Cubecart are you running? If you made a recent upgrade, then maybe the upgrade - under Cubecart's control - would have made a backup of the store.

    If so, look in admin, Maintenance, Backup tab. See if there are any Existing Backups that you can download.

  6. Wow.

    Let me get some thoughts together. I'll be back shortly.


    Dropping the index `cat_parent_id` would not have deleted the column `cat_parent_id`.

    In phpMyAdmin, make sure, in CubeCart_category, there is still the column `cat_parent_id`.

    Based on what I see, either the column is gone, or the values of all the rows of that column got set to zero or is blank.

    I see "Jackson, Reggie" in the Shop by Category. Is this an actual category? Are all of these players names actually categories?

  7. In the hosting control panel, there should be phpMyAdmin. You should be able to figure out how to add an index.

    Or, in CubeCart's admin, Maintenance, Query Database (Advanced) tab, enter the following in the box - observing any table prefix.

    ALTER TABLE `CubeCart_category` ADD INDEX `cat_parent_id` (`cat_parent_id`);



  8. You have put the {literal} tag before your added code, and {/literal} after your added code.

    Once the rendered template is delivered to your browser, that is when any javascript is executed, including any retrieval of additional javascript from outside sources. (Smarty does not run any of the javascript.)

    I assume you can still access CubeCart's administration? In admin, Error Log, System Error Log tab, see if there are any entries that may explain what happened.


  9. Let's add some messages.

    In /classes/gui.class.php, near line 1220, find:
        private function _displayPopularProducts()
    Change to:
        private function _displayPopularProducts()
        { $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('Just entered the _displayPopularProducts() function.');
    Near line 1240, find:
            if ($products) {
    Change to:
            if ($products) { $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('There are products to show.');
    Near line 1275, find:
                $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('POPULAR_PRODUCTS', $content);
    Change to:
                $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('POPULAR_PRODUCTS', $content);
            } else { $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('There were no products to show.'); } $GLOBALS['debug']->debugMessage('Leaving _displayPopularProducts() function.');

    Now, after requesting the Homepage, in the grey debug section, near the bottom, there will be a list of Debug Messages.

  10. Please follow along with me. Let's look at /classes/gui.class.php, the private function _displayPopularProducts().

    At the bottom of the function, near line 1275, a statement assigns the $content from fetching and rendering a template to $POPULAR_PRODUCTS. So we know the code gets executed down to that point.

    Just above that statement is where all of the products from the query (in the $vars variable) is assigned to $POPULAR. But $POPULAR isn't in the diagnostics popup.

    That's crazy. If 'POPULAR_PRODUCTS' got assigned something, then 'POPULAR' must have been assigned something, even if it is null or false.

    Just above that is a hook. And above that, inside the foreach() loop, is a test that skips the product being examined if it does not have an associated category that has its status enabled.

    What is still disconcerting to me is that the query isn't showing in the grey debug section. It really should be there, because, with the test near line 1240, if there are no $products from the query, none of what we just discussed gets executed.

    Assuming the query is listed in the grey debug section, but wasn't correctly found, the only thing that could cause problems is: the test for enabled categories assigned to each product being looked at, or there being a hook that empties $vars.

    In the grey debug section, near the bottom, are there any messages that indicate problems with any of the queries?

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  11. So, the browser did not find ORDER BY popularity DESC.

    The next step I would like for you to do is edit the skin template box.popular.php and at the very end of the file, add {debug}. Save the edited file.

    When you next ask for the Homepage, your browser will want to popup a window. Let it. (You may need to request the Homepage a second time if you need to give permission for the popup.)

    The popup contains all the variables assigned to the template. Scroll down to near the bottom and find $POPULAR in the left pane.

    If it is there, is there a value for it as shown in the right pane? It might be an array with 20 elements. (Do not post the array here. Just indicate if it is an array with 20 elements, or if the value is something else.)


    • Like 1
  12. The debug section can be quite lengthy.

    Your browser has the ability to Find things in the web page. Usually by the keyboard combo CTRL-f. In the small bar that opens (maybe at the bottom of the browser window) enter one of the terms I mentioned above. If not found, find for the other term.

    Do NOT copy/paste the entire debug section into a forum post.


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  13. In admin, Store Settings, Advanced tab, enable debugging and enter your IP address in the adjacent field (www.showmyip.com). Then, on the Layout tab, verify there is a value greater than '1' for Number of popular products to display. Also note the Source data for popular products.

    Then request your homepage. At the bottom of the page will be a grey section with a lot of some diagnostic info.

    If the source is by Product Views, then have the browser find ORDER BY popularity DESC. If by Sales, have the browser find ORDER BY `quantity` DESC.

    If neither query is present, then we need to look elsewhere.

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  14. Please look at Store Settings, Features tab, at the bottom is a Miscellaneous section.

    Try having "Allow physical orders even if no shipping options are available" and "Disable initial shipping and tax estimates" are checked.

    We ask that you confirm that each product you sell -- digital only? -- has a digital downloadable file assigned to it. If CubeCart considers all products in the shopping basket as digital, no shipping is considered.


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