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Found 6 results

  1. Apologies if this question is quite general, but I'm still new to Cube Cart. I'm trying implement a custom nav mega menu into my new store site, I've finished most of the CSS/JS stuff, but I'm not quite sure about what syntax I need to use now to link it all together with Cube Carts categories. I've put the menu up on this domain to test it - http://101share.co.uk/ - at the moment it's just HTML to give an idea of what it might look like and not hooked up to the CC categories. It would be amazing if anyone could help me out here, I'm a bit confused about how to integrate it correctly or if I'll just need to write something me self to do so. Thanks in advance
  2. I'm still new to CubeCart and am trying to create my first skin, but I've run into some trouble trying to edit the style of box-navigation.php . For some reason I am unable to make any changes I make to that template take effect. I am able to edit most other templates with ease, but on box-navigation.php it doesn't matter what css classes or ids I add or take away, it simply changes nothing. I can wrap {$CATEGORIES} in a div and give that a class in the main.php file and then see that take effect by inspecting it in the browser, so I'm sure I have the right element, I can also change the classes via Chromes inpector and they are the same claesses found in box-navigation.php, however when I change them in the template file its self it does nothing and the inspector shows the old classes as still applied. I'm very confused by this Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
  3. I have installed CubeCart version 5.2.4 on a server running php 5.4 I get a blank page on both shop front and admin. Before running the install I got the warning "Either Ioncube Loader or Zend Optimizer is required to use CubeCart 5. This can be configured after setup is complete." I expected this because ZendOptimizer does not work with php 5.4, instead you have to use ZendGuardLoader - which is installed (no version of ZendOptimizer exists for php 5.4 on the Zend website). So, in includes/global.inc.php I changed the line $glob['encoder'] = 'ioncube'; to $glob['encoder'] = 'zend'; which then gives the following error on either shop front or admin: Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 4, whereas the Loader expects 5 in /homepages/38/d487499783/htdocs/cubecart/admin_php5.3_enc_zend.php on line 0 I notice there is no 5.4. version of the 'index_php5.3_enc_zend.php' or 'admin_php5.3_enc_zend.php' files - does this mean 5.4 can't be used? The CubeCart installation requirements say PHP Version 5.2.3+ so I assumed anything above that would be ok. The install is for an existing CubeCart customer who has 4.4 but running on a different server. Any help out there?
  4. Hi, I am developing a plugin for cubecart admin panel.In that am using ajax to store some details through database.I have included the admin core files but still its not stored in database. can anyone know, what are all the exact files needed to be included in custom php file to access all the functions of an admin panel? Here is my code. I have tried like this. but its not allowing me to perform db operations.can any one help me please.am new to cubecart. <?php include '../../../../ini.inc.php'; include '../../../../includes/global.inc.php'; include '../../../../includes/functions.inc.php'; include '../../../../classes/db/database.class.php'; include '../../../../controllers/controller.admin.pre_session.inc.php'; $action=$_POST['action']; $data=array( 'color'=>$_POST['colorname'], 'colorcode'=>$_POST['colorcode'], ); $res=Database::getInstance()->insert('abc', $data); $GLOBALS['db']->insert('abc',$data)
  5. I installed CubeCart using Mojo (formely Simplescripts) on my shared Bluehost account. After install main and admin pages show nothing, but no php errors are generated. (Prestashop and Agoracart installs worked just fine using Mojo). I added a simple statement to index.php and admin.php files print $glob['encoder']; after the first if statement (before switch) and got ioncoder as the result on the formerly blank pages. I see that the required index_enc_ion.php admin_enc_ion.php are in the directory, but there my pitiful knowledge of php ends. Any suggestions on what to try to resolve this? CubeCart Version: 5.2.2 PHP Version 5.3.26 PS. One last thing, I have no domain assigned just as address for cart and accordingly for admin
  6. My webhost has upgraded the PHP and SQL servers, so now I am having major issues with my V3.0.17 install, I would like to upgrade to the latest version of CC. My question is can it be done with my backup php and sql files so I do not have to write new descriptions and all the data input. I do not really care about any mods I have installed, I just do not want to start from square one and have to input everything. Any help is appreciated and thanks in advance for your thoughts.
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