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  1. Warning: CubeCart 5.2.8 adds the ability to have Smarty statements in the HomePage Document. If your HomePage Document contains CSS or javascript statements, those statements may be using braces that do not have whitespace next to them. For example: h2.bold {font-weight:bold;} if (expression) {do_some_function;} Smarty will claim for itself and attempt to parse any content contained in braces that does not have whitespace between the brace and the contents. There are two fixes - choose one: Remove that ability Manually work through the HomePage Document (admin, Documents, any document marked as Homepage) making the changes to the code in Source mode (hopefully, the rich text editor will not try to compress the HTML so that the whitespaces are removed). In the file /classes/cubecart.class.php, near line 86, find: 'content' => $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('string:'.$home['doc_content']) Make it look like: 'content' => $home['doc_content'] When you have CubeCart open a document for editing, the Content tab has a rich text editor. The upper-left corner has a "Source" button. Click it. Viewing the raw HTML of the document, work your way through looking for braces -- intentional or not (that is, braces grouping CSS property statements or simply using {braces} in paragraphs). These braces must be fixed. h2.bold { font-weight:bold; } Simply using {literal}{braces}{/literal} in paragraphs. or Simply using { braces } in paragraphs.
  2. I have installed CubeCart version 5.2.4 on a server running php 5.4 I get a blank page on both shop front and admin. Before running the install I got the warning "Either Ioncube Loader or Zend Optimizer is required to use CubeCart 5. This can be configured after setup is complete." I expected this because ZendOptimizer does not work with php 5.4, instead you have to use ZendGuardLoader - which is installed (no version of ZendOptimizer exists for php 5.4 on the Zend website). So, in includes/global.inc.php I changed the line $glob['encoder'] = 'ioncube'; to $glob['encoder'] = 'zend'; which then gives the following error on either shop front or admin: Fatal error: Incompatible file format: The encoded file has format major ID 4, whereas the Loader expects 5 in /homepages/38/d487499783/htdocs/cubecart/admin_php5.3_enc_zend.php on line 0 I notice there is no 5.4. version of the 'index_php5.3_enc_zend.php' or 'admin_php5.3_enc_zend.php' files - does this mean 5.4 can't be used? The CubeCart installation requirements say PHP Version 5.2.3+ so I assumed anything above that would be ok. The install is for an existing CubeCart customer who has 4.4 but running on a different server. Any help out there?
  3. I installed CubeCart using Mojo (formely Simplescripts) on my shared Bluehost account. After install main and admin pages show nothing, but no php errors are generated. (Prestashop and Agoracart installs worked just fine using Mojo). I added a simple statement to index.php and admin.php files print $glob['encoder']; after the first if statement (before switch) and got ioncoder as the result on the formerly blank pages. I see that the required index_enc_ion.php admin_enc_ion.php are in the directory, but there my pitiful knowledge of php ends. Any suggestions on what to try to resolve this? CubeCart Version: 5.2.2 PHP Version 5.3.26 PS. One last thing, I have no domain assigned just as address for cart and accordingly for admin
  4. I upgraded a store from version 3.0 to 5.2.1 and everything went well during the upgrade. But when it was done and I deleted the setup folder from the ftp both index.php and admin went blank. Don't know what the problem is. My site: http://goo.gl/IitiL The server have php version 5.3.
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