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Found 3 results

  1. Hello All, I have run Cubecart on my dedicated hosting for a long time now without many problems. However starting from today i have a huge problem. All my websites connected with SQL will have a problem ... saying max connections limit blabla. However ... we conacted the hosting and they changed it from max connection 25 to the limit 100. This helped for 1 hour and then it didnt work anymore ... same problem. I contacted my hosting company again and they found out the the username from one of my cubecart website is causing this problem to rerule the max connections to set as limit 10. This is causing the whole server to colapse. So after a long talk with hosting ... they same i need to talk with my "programmer" about this issue ... Can anyone help me to let cubecart optimize the cubecart site to get well with max connection usages? See attachment of the converstation i had with my hosting company. Please do not recommand me to get another hosting (yet) i already changed MANY times in MANY years and we have HUGE websites! I just want a solution to fix this ... if i am stuck in the end i will sell all websites, because after many years i am done with it and i need more rest then stressful headaches running webshops and websites. Thank you for your support and reading this. hosting.txt
  2. Hello All, Our webshop is getting bigger and our database is growing. However we also got a lot of spider/crawls traffic that causes our server outage yesterday. I talked with our hosting provider and they blame the developers or the system administrator of the serer. I am sure it is not the development, because Cubecart is a paid shopping cart solution with a lot of customers. Is anyone able to help me setting up the server in a correct way? PS: This is my hardware:VPS, 2.69 GHZ, RAM 1824 MB, Disk Space 80 GB, Bandwidth 1425 GB Helpdesk summary conversation: (9:00:13pm)helpdesk.:Hello! How can I help with this today? (9:25:04pm)helpdesk.:Hmm, I would highly suggest contacting a developer to assist you with optimizing the site's usage of CPU, masterunix. (9:27:00pm)helpdesk.:masterunix, it had just recently used up too much of the server's MySQL service. Which means that it is needed to be optimized to handle mysql queries better. (9:27:38pm)masterunix:any server upgrade will help? (9:28:11pm)helpdesk.:It will not help, however you can save money by simply optimizing the site. (9:29:40pm)helpdesk.:It would mean that it is worked on to handle services better, as right now, it's causing issues on MySQL. (9:29:57pm)masterunix:can you suggest what and how to optimize it? (9:33:17pm)helpdesk.:As mentioned, fixing up the MySQL configurations, as well as the site's handling of MySQL queries would be great.
  3. Hello, I'm helping a client in Australia who is hosted at Melbourne IT - and just got the message today that they don't support Zend or Ioncube. So - I work in Europe, so I am not familiar which hosting companies are recommended in Australia? Do someone have a good, reliable one to recommend? Thanks in advance! cicki
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