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Updating Admin - General settings Causes an error

Guest toys4mobiles.com

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Guest toys4mobiles.com

I have installed IIS 5.1, PHP and MySQL on Windows XP Pro.

This is so I can develop the website on the localhost before uploading it.

The problem I have is when in the Admin section I select General settings under store config. I make the neccessary changes and then click 'Update Settings'.

I am then shown an error 405 page.


The page cannot be displayed

The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because the page address is incorrect.

etc. etc...

Does anyone know what this could be. Is it a file with the wrong Security settings?

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Guest toys4mobiles.com

Looking online the problem seems to be to do with the POST and GET commands for HTML handling. Does anyone know anything about this, or any advice on what it possibly could be.

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I have the same issue; i thougt that it would be related to the version of PHP, downgraded to 4.4.0 but it didn't work.....

HTTP 405, indeed, it's related to the GET and POST issues when you do a search...but this occurs i think only on a windows server.

Somebody help..please?

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Guest toys4mobiles.com

Thanks Brooky!

Look forward to downloading the new version of Cubecart...

I realise IIS is a real pain for a lot of people compared to Apache, but i'm glad there is a 'fix' for the MS bug!

The more I use cubecart, the more a love it - for it's absolute simplicity and ability to be customised as you require.

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Guest toys4mobiles.com

Just so everyone is aware I have downloaded 3.0.3 and tested this works on IIS 5.1.

If anyone needs help setting up on IIS, I can run through the process of setting up PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin before installing cubecart...

Just send me a message and i'll provide the install order etc.

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