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You know a place like this really needs an IRC channel....

Freenode is a good network for projects & things like Cubecart.

I'm chilling over at #cubecart

server: irc.freenode.net

channel: #cubecart

IRC is by far one of the best supplements support wise to forums ^.^

come join ~!!!

PS: if you need a IRC client. www.mirc.com is a good one for windows.

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Duplicate effort in this thread

Here is the last post:

I just did.  I've been using the ICQnet IRC servers for over a year now with no problems. They're not over-crowded and don't suffer from the splits and attacks that the bigger networks are plagued with.

Server: ircqnet.icq.com

Port: 6667

Channel: #CubeCart <-- of course

You can get IRC software from any number of places, the most popular of which is mIRC -- http://www.mirc.com/

C'mon in guys, the water's warm!

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The channel(s) is brand new. Don't expect 24 hour usage until more people know it exists. My channel on ICQnet has been in use for 2 years+ and has never suffered lag or splits.

The reason I like ICQnet is that last night there were only 3500 people on it where there were 22,000+ people on FreeNode. Fewer people means less lag, less splits, more availability of good names and less spammers/hackers trying to get to people.

I'm on the ICQnet nearly every night and most days for my car club's channel and will stay in the #CubeCart channel as well.


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just moved house so broadband won't be going again till 2 days. Will be online a lot more then :D

another thing, if anyone leaves their computer running most of the time, join the irc channels and leave it running :D

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  • 5 months later...

Yeah not really much advertisin for it out there most people just don't know about it.

Freenode.org is the number #1 development channel. All the big scripts & dev languages ie~ php mysql java pearl javascript etc all have channels there. It's the place to go amigo.

So yeah setup like a link or redirect to it and lets populate it & get it growing!

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I stayed in the icqnet channel every day and evening and hardly ever had any company. I finally stopped opening that app every day. I had enough stuff on my taskbar as it was. :D


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