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Cubecart 4.1.1 Released

Al Brookbanks

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We are announcing the release of CubeCart 4.1.1, which provides a minor maintenance update to 4.1.0 relating to an issue where the administration pages may not list all categories on stores with a larger inventory. This was not noticed in the previous release, as it was tough to notice unless the category in question was required.

If you have already upgraded to 4.1.0, You can download the attached zip file (CubeCart_4.1.0_4.1.1_ChangedFiles.zip), and upload it over your existing install.

For those more technically orientated, we have provided a Unix .diff file (CubeCart-4.1.0_4.1.1.diff) which can be used on the command line to update your installation.

This release also adds pagination to the admin coupon list for inventories greater than 50, and fixes a broken image issue for customers who have renamed their admin/ folder.



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