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Hello all,

Im a new Cubecart user and am trying to work some things out, namely about product translations.


Obviously I wish to list my products for international languages but I dont want to translate them all one by one, is it possible to download the catalogue, translate, then import them back into CC5 or would I still need to add each translation manually?


Thanks in advance.

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Welcome Impiish! Glad to see you made it to the forums.


By design, CubeCart offers only a few aspects of the inventory that can be changed from a summary listing, everything else needs to be done for each item from that item's edit screens.


However, CubeCart's alternate phrases for inventory items is held in one table:


* translation_id: auto-increment (leave blank to allow the database to handle this)

* product_id: the product_id value from the CubeCart_inventory table

* language: the code for the language -- see the folder /language/ for the current codes (de-DE, en-GB, en-US, fr-FR, etc)

* name, description, seo_meta_title, seo_meta_description, and seo_meta_keywords (in UTF-8)


You can create a CSV file, or better, a XML file, and feed that directly into the table using phpMyAdmin or other database management utility.

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