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Email and Paypal Issues


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We're using Cubecart 4.4.2


Our customers are not recieving confirmation emails, dispatched or any other emails from the site (neither are we)

We have spoken to our host and they said we have a virus/spamming ware which is sending out 20,000 emails an hour from the site which means they are automatically blocking the emails going out.

How do we sort the spamming or virus which is sending these emails?


Also some of our customers report that they cannot connect to paypal, it just goes to a white screen, again, host says that the server is timing out because the site is taking too long to get the required information to or from Paypal, we have only had this start happining in the last 3 months or so


We will be upgrading to CC 5 in the future, but we need to resolve these two issues, any help would be gratefully recieved.



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With both issues - it sounds like your host isnt being especially helpful !


With the spamming - they should be able to tell you what script is doing the spamming or provide a copy of a spam email which will help determine where the problem could be.  Has the spamming issue been going on for 3 months or has this just happened ?  Has the hosting company said that the site has been hacked or could it simply be that you dont have the spam / bot flood switched to enabled ?


With the timeout - that also sound a little odd as well but without knowing more details it is hard to say for sure what is going on.  do you have any more detailed information from them or are they saying neither of the problems are down to them to help you solve ?




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The host isn't being helpful. They say the issue relates to Cubecart software and not the hosting, they said there should be a security patch but I don't think it's acurate

They have said the mail client is sending thousands of emails every hour.  It's intermitant, so we have had 3 days worth of emails but now it's gone again


The paypal issues only affect some people too, it's on an off too, very strange

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The latest release of V4 was 4.4.7 and the 4.4.4 release did include a security fix although I dont think it would cause the symptoms you are experiencing and also a fix for issues with PayPal which might fix your issue - however, that sounds more like your host not having a clue what is going on.  Later versions of V4 and current V5 seems very secure so it is more likely that your hosting account has been hacked but many hosts either dont know or dont care.  An immediate upgrade to V5 *might* solve the problem but if malicious scripts have been uploaded as sounds likely, then this will not fix the issue.  Your host doesnt care so I would suggest switching hosts !




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The base software itself shouldn't be doing that, no.. it does sound like some kind of spambot has gotten inserted into your hosting account somehow, might not be anything to do with the cubecart.


It is indeed odd that the hosting can't just track down what's sending it, usually that never seems too hard for any decent host


If you want, feel free to PM us with an ftp login for the account and we'll have a quick look in the morning to see if we can spot anything out of the ordinary, a lot of these type of bots tend to hide in pretty similar folders, and usually you can spot them without too much bother

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