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Hide out of stock product options


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How do I not display (offer) a  product option for which there is no stock.


eg: size 2 in red is sold out yet the options for this are still offered on the product.


It's ok if there's only one colour available in an item as I can disable (status) of that particular size....however if an items available in two colours I can't do that as the size may be available in the other colour.


It's so frustrating when you're trying to select your options....


I've seen discussions on this but cannot find any conclusions.


CC V 5.2.4


Thanks in advance 



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"If an item is available in two colours, the size may be available in the other colour."


And that's the basic dilemma of any logic grid puzzle. What's left after all the impossibles are removed? And how does one represent that? (Rhetorical questions.)


Forum member goodspark is wanting to show a grid such that cells in the grid allow for quantities to be entered, 2 of red-small, for example.


But how do you show three or more options (dimensions to the grid)?


Another forum member is after a serial set of selectors: Choose any one option first, all the other selectors are dynamically re-filled with relevant choices.


I've played around a bit with developing solutions to the above proposals, but nothing concrete as of yet.

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...having said that...it worked fine with the mod from Estelle for V4 by just selecting not to show out of stock options. And other websites (shopping carts ) all have this option.


Please note: if size 2 is not available in colour red...I want red in the drop down list of colours....but not 2 in the drop down list of sizes.


Are we talking about the same thing?


But how do you show three or more options (dimensions to the grid)? how do you draw it you mean? sizes across the top with colours down the side. (But that can't be what you mean as it's too easy lolol)


Thanks Brian.



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I've not seen the mod mentioned in action, but I have seen the serial set of selectors (offers unlimited options). When you want red but no size 2 for red, but what about for green, you are referring to this solution.


"sizes across the top with colours down the side"


That is two dimensions. That may be all you need. There may also be shape, taste, scent, physical state, voltage, density, wattage, albedo, language, etc.

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....I said my answer was too simple...lololo...I should stick to what I know....which in regards to this stuff is very limited.


Thanks Brian....but I'm surprised everyone doesn't want, more importantly, need exactly the same thing.


I mean if I were a customer constantly selecting an option, THEN being told (after the fact) that it's not available, I'd soon get the s--ts and move on...



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I've just tested V5.2.5 to see if there's any difference. But no. Unavailable options are still showing without options to hide them.


As I often have two colours and 9 sizes in an item, but only one size left in an available colour, the customer could potentially have to click 9 times before they saw what was actually available. AND remember which options they had ALREADY clicked, so they weren't selected again!
I really need to get this sorted if anyone can help.
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  • 2 months later...

...is there a time line or confirmation that the option to "hide out of stock product options" is coming?


This is SO annoying..


What does everyone else do? I know you could add each style individually with sizes and only one colour, and then manually delete the options when sold out....but really?? 


Please help..



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