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Mouse pointer doesn't change over links/button in Cart


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During the check out process, I noticed that the link/button for "Empty Cart" changes to a little finger pointer. If you hover the mouse over "Checkout" it does NOT change to the finger pointer for links, but stays as an arrow. I have also noticed this for the newsletter's "Subscribe Now" button as well.


How do I fix this? When I am on websites, if I don't see that change, sometimes I don't realize it's a clickable icon button or link.



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CubeCart uses, in certain circumstances, a URL to inform CubeCart of certain actions to take. For example

<a href="/index.php?_a=basket&amp;empty-basket=true">Empty Basket</a>

Links generally cause a browser to change its pointer to a finger.


Form elements generally do not cause a browser to change its pointer to a finger. The <input type="submit" class="button_submit"> for Update Basket submits the data changed in the form.


With CSS styling, you can instruct the browser to show an arrow, crosshair, wait, help, pointer, etc (about 40 in all). In fact, the Kurouto skin common.css has a rule for the class button_submit, a pointer.


So, why does that not work?


Maybe I can find an answer. (Elsewhere in the CSS, the cursor:hand; is specified. But hand is not a valid property value.)

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For me, actually, Kurouto and Crosshatch does have a pointer cursor over the Checkout and Update Basket buttons.


But the "Subscribe Now" button... that button has a class of .submit (layout.css line 68) which does not have a cursor property. Feel free to add it.

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  • 1 month later...

You have a pointer cursor over the checkout and update basket buttons. See... When I highlight Empty Basket, I get a finger, if I move over to Update or Checkout I get a pointer. If I go to subscribe or buy now, I get a pointer, but if I go to View Basket, I get a finger.


It is not consistent. Can you maybe check out my page?



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In your skin's common.css file, line 443, add:

cursor: pointer;
font-family: inherit;

to the .button_default CSS rule.


In the template file box.newsletter.php, edit:

<input type="submit" class="submit" value="{$LANG.newsletter.subscribe_now}" />
<input type="submit" class="button_default submit" value="{$LANG.newsletter.subscribe_now}" />
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