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Settings Not Updating

Mike Atkins

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I have just installed CubeCart, using the Softalicious installer provided by my web host.

When I make changes to the store settings, and then Save, I find that the changes are not updated, or not updated immediately. I have tried clearing the Cache, or logging out and then in again. After a while, some of my changes (like Currencies, or Category edits) show up, but others do not.

I like what I see with CubeCart, but it is too frustrating to work where I don't know which changes will "take" and which won't, or what I have to do to make chnages stick.

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Welcome Mike Atkins! Glad to see you made it to the forums.

Please let us know what version of CubeCart that Softalicious installed for you.

Versions CC620+ eases up on the cache clearing that prior versions were somewhat aggressive in executing. Clearing the cache is now on demand.

After having made changes in admin, there should be a lit button in the upper-right corner that says to Clear Cache.

We also recommend that during the days/weeks of getting your store populated and the skin customized, the store's cache setting be disabled. This is at Store Settings, Advanced tab.

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