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HTML Editor missing under Documents CC6.2.9


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Hello fellow entrepreneurs, I came a across this weird behavior. For some reason CC is trying to call the plug in from includes/ckeditor/plugins/d/plugin.js?t=D03G5XL” and if you look at the server side, there are no folders with those letters after plugins hence the reason is not loading the html editor.

I have another version of 6.2.9 for testing purposes and compared both they look exactly the same. Thanks in advance!



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I can't make out the various single letters in the paths.

Please reply with having looked at all the notices, and the series of letters.

What I can see is:


where the ? looks like a 'k'.

I'm wondering if it is a weird misspelling of something in the file config.js.

In the ckeditor.js file, at about the 180 character mark, there is the version. Please let us know what that is.

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