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Trouble with framesets


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Hey all,

I am trying to load the index file into a frameset that consists of 2 frames but I am unable to do so. It keeps redirecting me to the index file.

I have narrowed it dow to the following pice of code inside the https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7/jquery.min.js file

                bindReady: function() {
                    if (!A) {
                        A = e.Callbacks("once memory");
                        if (c.readyState === "complete") return setTimeout(e.ready, 1);
                        if (c.addEventListener) c.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", B, !1), a.addEventListener("load", e.ready, !1);
                        else if (c.attachEvent) {
                            c.attachEvent("onreadystatechange", B), a.attachEvent("onload", e.ready);
                            var b = !1;
                            try {
                                b = a.frameElement == null
                            } catch (d) {}
                            c.documentElement.doScroll && b && J()

When I comment this piece out I am able to load the index file into the frame... however I loose recapcha and other functionalities.

any way to make this work?


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In CubeCart's primary documents (index.php and admin_HaShEd.php), a header named 'X-Frame-Options' is set to "SAMEORIGIN". (Your web server may also be configured to always add this header to responses.)

As such, if the visitor's browser (if it supports this directive) cannot be convinced to invisibly override this directive in order to show sources from other origins, what the browser will actually do about it is something I am not at all able to give any advice.

You can try removing that statement in index.php.



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Just in  cast to anyone stumbles on this post I did find a solution. In version 6.5.1 you will find the following code


if (top.location.href!=self.location.href) {
top.location = self.location.href;

I just commented it out like so

/* if (top.location.href!=self.location.href) {
top.location = self.location.href;

 Happy coding 🙂

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