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Is CC 6.4.2 working with PHP 8.3?

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a couple of years ago I made a shop for a client using CC 6.4.2.
I never fully upgraded it later, but manually implemented a couple of security patches a while after as instructed here in the updates. 

The server is currently still running PHP 5.6 and I just got notice that it must be upgraded to a newer version, preferedly 8.3

Should CC 6.4.2 run under PHP 8.3 without any changes?
Cheers for your help. 

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There will be some problems with PHP 8.0+. There are several incompatible changes compared to earlier PHP version families.

PHP 7.3 is in the same situation as PHP 5 - end of life.

I think PHP 7.4 would work without too much trouble for CC642, - again, end of life.



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Thanks and good to hear from you again,

even if the news is not what I hoped it was going to be.
You are right, PHP 7.4 is also at the end of it's life and the provider will charge extra for what they call "extended support". Client won't be happy I guess.

But what does this mean for CC in general?
Would the currently latest version work with PHP 8.3 or does it need a bigger rewrite?

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