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Price to display text instead of $0.00 + Min Quantity display error

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I have just upgraded to latest version (6.5.5) from 6.5.3 (Customised Basix template).

I knew i needed to make some edits for customisations but I'm hitting a few issues this time around.

I've checked out other threads on this but i must be missing something. Have tried clearing the cache.

  1. I need to edit it so products with a $0.00 price will instead display as "Call for a price".  Its currently displaying as $0.00 + GST. This is the correct format for other products with a price (I.e. $15.95 + GST)
  2. The Minimum quantity is showing as %1$s instead of specifying the min qty required.

Example of one of the products with this error.


Any help would be much appreaciated. Thanks!

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For 2 above, make this edit:

In element.product.call_to_action.php


  <div class="text-muted"><small>{$LANG.catalogue.min_purchase_quantity|replace:'%s':$PRODUCT.minimum_quantity}</small></div>
{if $PRODUCT.maximum_quantity gte $PRODUCT.minimum_quantity}
  <div class="text-muted"><small>{$LANG.catalogue.max_purchase_quantity|replace:'%s':$PRODUCT.maximum_quantity}</small></div>


 <div class="text-muted"><small>{sprintf($LANG.catalogue.min_purchase_quantity,$PRODUCT.minimum_quantity)}</small></div>
{if $PRODUCT.maximum_quantity gte $PRODUCT.minimum_quantity}
  <div class="text-muted"><small>{sprintf($LANG.catalogue.max_purchase_quantity,$PRODUCT.maximum_quantity}</small></div>


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