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Syntax Error in classes/cubecart.class.php ??


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classes/cubecart.class.php  My line: 2196


I noticed this while comparing files.  Don't know if it's important but thought I'd let you know.


Syntax error, unexpected '='


if(($download['file_info']['stream'] ??= 0)==1) { // Make un-streamable if FileManager does not otherwise indicate - for template
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The sequence ??= is called a "Null Coalescing Assignment" operator, and was adopted into PHP 7.4.

Please know that PHP can be run in either of two ways: as an 'application' (for lack of a better word) spun up by a web browser server, and as a 'command-line script' (in a text-based console window).

Each of these two ways can specify which specific version of PHP will be used to run the PHP code files.

Receiving that error would suggest that the version of PHP running CubeCart's code files, in whatever particular environment you are seeing this, is prior to PHP 7.4.


Edited by bsmither
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