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Customising CC3

Guest toys4mobiles.com

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Guest toys4mobiles.com

I was just wondering how people design their sites.

I've just started web design and am still learning HTML and CSS however what i've done so far is ok, however it still needs improvement.

Is there a way of having a virtual server on my pc. This would save me having to continually upload my updated files to see if my programming works. Also by visiting my site i'm using bandwidth!

Are there any free programs which do this? I'm running XP.

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Guest inletmedia

your ISP would notice this and shut you down if your using it to actually run your business. Plus, allowing people to access stuff on my personal PC does not overly excite me. to many "curious" people. If you are trying to learn more HTML/CSS i would say join the library and read books. also, i have found this site:


to be very helpful when learning css, i still to this day use it when i have a brain fart.

Some of the books that i have found the best are from osborne/Mcgraw Hill publishing, they are called "HTML a beginners guide" (ISBN: 0-07-213026-1) and if i were you, HTML and PHP are almost so similar, that if you are going to focus on one i would choose php just because the possibilities are so much greater. A book that got me started from the same people above is "PHP a beginners guide" (ISBN: 0-07-213371-6)

obviously tutorials online can go a long way, but i have found a lot of them to be "beginner unfriendly" ...

For graphics, i would obviously suggest Photoshop, there are HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of tutorials out there for PS and if you get an older version like 7.0 you can get if for a reasonable price. Also, if you are a studen, check out journeyed.com where you could buy the latest version for a substantial discount.

hope i gave you some help.

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Guest toys4mobiles.com

Apologies, I didn't explain myself that well.

Could I have a version of cubecart running locally on my PC, where I could update my skin etc. and once I was happy with my skin on the local server I would upload this to my actual website.

Basically it a pain editing a few lines of code, then uploading it to my website, then viewing my website online.

Is there a program that allows me to run the PHP/MySQL database locally?

Thanks for the CSS link i'll check that out!

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Guest inletmedia

there is something i forget the name of it, i had it on my last computer, and i did not like it ... i just keep FTP open, click save, upload ... its really rather simple.

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Guest twisted

To view php locally, what you basically need is the php engine, mysql for the database, phpmyadmin to admninister it, athough this isn;t 100% necessary, and apache or some other server to run it all.

That's the guts of your "virtual server".

If you can't get any of the above ptograms mentioned, you can get each of the components separately from various places.

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Guest toys4mobiles.com

Thanks guys. I've got a server running on my pc now!

In the end i tried phpdev and xampp to see which one I preferred!

It's given me more of an insight of how an apache web server works!

Also it makes it a lot easier customising CC3!

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