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Doing a Manual Upgrade

Guest frank

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I have searched for this in the archive but I can't find the answer. Hence the following question.

I manually upgraded from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 but when I am in my Admin it still says 3.0.1 and 'Upgrade Available' is still flashing. I obviously can't let my customer in there thinking I have not updated his store. Here's where I am with this:

If you go to https://www.cubecart.com/external/?v=30005 then you get [uPDATES AVAILABLE]

If you go to https://www.cubecart.com/external/?v=30006 then you get [NO UPDATES AVAILABLE]

I have edited ini.inc.php and have changed

$ini['ver'] = '3.0.1';

$ini['CCver'] = '30005';


$ini['ver'] = '3.0.2';

$ini['CCver'] = '30006';

Should this have been included in the Manual upgrade instructions or have I touched code I am not authorised to?

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Tese are instructions from the download package for manually upgrading from 3.01 to 3.02:

2. Manual Method


a. Upload all the files and folders to your server from the "Upload" folder.

b. Make sure you have installed a MySQL Database which has a user assigned to it


c. Visit https://www.cubecart.com/build/

This will create two files for you:

1. global.inc.php

2. dump.sql

d. Open includes/global.inc.php and paste in the code created for you. The upload

this over the existing globla.inc.pgp on your server.

e. Create text file called dump.txt and paste in the code created from our site. Rename

this file to dump.sql and it can then be imported into your database using a tool

such as phpMyAdmin (http://www.phpmyqdmin.net). Please make sure you import the

database into the one specified when you created the dump.

f. If you have a Linux/Unix make sure the following folders are writable.

images/upload/ (Linux/Unix - Chmod to 0777)

images/upload/thumbs/ (Linux/Unix - Chmod to 0777)

d. Your store should be installed and fully functional.

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Here are the CubeCart v3 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 upgrade instructions which came in the latest Zip file:


// CubeCart v3 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 






| Manual Method


  Upload every file to the server replacing your existing ones excluding: 



	language/:D.inc.php (If they have been modified)


	Please check your payment gateway settings and test appropriately. (Authorize.net & WorldPay Only)


IMPORTANT: If you have made changes to the templates and do not wish to lose your work please make the following changes.

	1. Open skins/*/styleTemplates/content/cart.tpl



  | Find (at around line 126):


  <input name="quan[{VAL_PRODUCT_KEY}]" type="text" value="{VAL_QUANTITY}" size="2" class="textbox" style="text-align:center;">



  | Replace with:


  <input name="quan[{VAL_PRODUCT_KEY}]" type="text" value="{VAL_QUANTITY}" size="2" class="{TEXT_BOX_CLASS}" style="text-align:center;" {QUAN_DISABLED} />


	2. Open  skins/*/styleSheets/style.css



  | Add at the bottom:


  .textboxDisabled {

 	 background-color: #FFFFFF;

 	 border: none;

 	 font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

 	 font-size: 11px;

 	 color: #000000;



Upgrade complete.

I am now very confused.

Brooky - please can you enlighten us? Your instructions above suggest to upload every file to the server replacing existing ones excluding those stated. This cannot be right if I have modded the code! How come Ronan has got Upgrade instructions that differ radically from mine?

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You need to update every file, BUT those (above) are the only changes to the skin files.

Most people will have left the source code alone and changed the skin. There are too many changes to the source to list each one but IF you have changed the skin at all you can keep them as they are apart from make the change above.

I hope that makes sense.

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great sig..

funny thing is...

how many blokes stare out of the window thinking of naked women and beer and that other one you mentioned...

i hope brooky can appreciate this, its business, people complain enough until its resolved and then they buy...

i know a guy who invented the flashing lights on trainers when the kids ran around... well he drank on that one for ten years and then someone did it for real... he still picks up his comission cheque with a passion, weekly... it still reads 0...

no one pays for someone who sucks... (not that brooky does, its just a wider concept)...

most net savvy people, ebay buyers included, you solve their questions, you change their life (a personal email will do that), they are buying, dream, thats the one...

i say bol.locks to dont complain if you havent got a license, i say everyone who hasnt got a licence complain that devillion should not have released v3 until v3.0.2 or beyond...

an unstable product... well first impressions count... what else can i say...

btw... twisted why are you selling your business...

lets just hope the .net mag is as sympathetic...

btw, i f**kin love it...

thanks broojy aka devillion :P

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