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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. Yes it is really annoying but.... it has earnt CubeCart.com 2388 unique visitors so far this month?!? These should be to an interested audiance to. I wonder if it is actually worth while. The one at the bottom of the page will be removed soon. Just put it there as a test. Saying that the company is very very good from my experience so far. )
  2. Name: new_names.rar Version: 1.0 Author: Joker Short Description: Add new users Long Description: You can remove, add, change user rights. Some group rights. [Download File]
  3. Al Brookbanks

    cube meets...

    :) Theres competition on the boards. :) :D :D
  4. I'm always open to suggestion Bill email me at agbATbrookyDOTcom Not sure where you are based but maybe we should have a chat or someting in the not too distant future. Alistair
  5. Wow what a friendly enthusiastic post. I think there are some banners at: .... (well there used to be!!) Thank you for your very kind and rewarding support. :)
  6. Name: freeship1.0.zip Version: 1.0 Author: ryandelany Short Description: Free Shipping over a specified value Long Description: This mod allows you to offer Free Shipping if your customer purchases more than a specified dollar value. It also allows you to enable/disable the feature from the Admin interface, and specify the dollar value from the admin interface. Documentation includes all necessary installation instructions. [Download File]
  7. Another point is that development of the next version is very slow right now and there is no date for a next release. I have spent quite sometime developing a site for free/paid classified adverts which "may" become available in a few months.
  8. Hello folks.... I have not looked at the forums for ages. This is for the simple reason that (I know many may laugh and not understand) but I have a 9-5 job on top of this which takes 7:20 - 8pm out of my day. I can't develop sites at my other job without a good night sleep and as a result I have neglected you people far too much. I am happy for people to make at cost modifications and provide services at cost as long as a complete download solution is not made for purchase/publically available and license fees come from https://secure.cubecart.com I have been meaning to create a free advertising section for members to advertise their services. As I have little time to help I am more than happy to provide others with related benefits. At the end of the day I intend this product to be something everyone can benefit from in some way. I just wish the $ vs. the £ for conversion would pick up a bit!! 1.6 to 1.8+ makes a big difference. LOL Hopefully I can find time to build the related services bit soon. Hope this post makes sense!! :D
  9. Hello, http://livestores.cubecart.com was completely rebuilt today after the server crash. Feel free to submit your store Every language pack has been uploaded again with the exception of Russian which we are awaiting. If you have the .zip for any modifications which the download link is broken to we would be very apreciative if you would email them to [email protected] We're almost completely back in the game now. :(
  10. Hi All!! This download is now fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience before... slowly this server is coming together again. If anyone has copies of any other mods please email them to [email protected] and I will fix them. All mods were lost as they were directly uploaded to the server and no back up was taken. :)
  11. I was a big fan of PLMinis.com in the past and was delighted when they used the CubeCart. There are some cars to dream about there!!
  12. I was really pleased when visiting this site that the javascript function in the header told the lycos right hand fram where to go!! The hosting may be free but enough ads are anough!! HAAHAHA!! :)
  13. Today cubecart.com was victim to a server error which has caused a great deal of data to be lost. Please bear with us whilst this is repaired. Sadly some data will be not be retievable. This all happend whilst deleting an email address on the server removed all fles in a critical server directory. Sorry for any inconvenience.
  14. Hi stijnj Improtantly can you PM me exactly what happened and how you think you were hacked. We will then fix this issue if there is one immediately!! Cheers, Alistair
  15. Hello, Just out of interest really who did you buy the site from and do you have a link to your site. I'll be happy to have a look to see if its all working correctly. Happy new year!! Alistair
  16. 20% OFF ALL LICENSE FEES! STARTS THIS BOXING DAY (26th December) Dear Member, Thank you for making the first year of CubeCart a highly successful one. As a means of thank you we have stripped 20% off all our license fee prices: OFFER ENDS 31st December '03 Single License (1 Domain) - Was $59.95 --> NOW $49.95 Multiple Licenses (2 - 5 Domains) - Was $49.95 Each --> NOW $41.63 Multiple Licenses (6 - 10 Domains) - Was $39.95 Each --> NOW $33.29 Multiple Licenses (11 + Domains) - Was $29.95 Each --> NOW $24.96 Purchase securely at: https://secure.cubecart.com Have a fantastic Christmas and prosperous New Year! :D
  17. Name: catalog.zip Version: 1.0 Author: Stijn Jammaers Short Description: Lists all your products on one page. Long Description: With this mod you publish all your products on one page, customers ca brows by sorting per product, price and sale price. [Download File]
  18. Name: fixed_option_price.txt Version: 0.9 Author: brbrbr Short Description: Fixed price for options Long Description: This mod allows to display the option price as fixed price, instead of a delta to the shop price. This might be usefull when your option is for example a quantity. Instead of having the +price for buying 10 items instead of 1, you can add the price for the 10. This looks nicer. [Download File]
  19. Name: WebService.Zip Version: Beta 0.1.0 Author: [email protected] Short Description: WebService enable your CubeCart Site! Long Description: Allow remote/sydnicated sites to display and sell your store items from their sites. Just like Amazon Web Services! Uses XML-RPC to allow you to provide other sites with a single PHP file and library which can remotely call stock queries from a PHP WebService on your server, in total safety! They could also use, ASP, .net, J2EE, Perl, Python or any other language that support Web Services. [Download File]
  20. Hey folks, I've been working on this which is released today. Warning there is some bad language and scenes of a sexual nature so you will probably love it. http://www.ministryofsound.com/eflyers/Boo...ps_20031218.htm
  21. Hello folks, my support round here has been very poor in recent months and as I recently started to catch up until... ...I have had no phone lines or internet access for over 12 days now. British Telecom can't find the fault with all three of my lines and are completely recabling from my house to three miles away to the local exchange. Sorry about this ... :D
  22. Name: extended_customers_quotes.zip Version: 1.0 Author: Stijn Jammaers Short Description: Publish quotes by your customers Long Description: This is a mod that comes with 8 php files but is easy to setup. You publish 1 or more quotes in a new table, every quote has a link to a page that shows the complete list of quotes.Your customers can add quotes and these will be sent to your adminsection ! ( so no emailstuff) In your admin you can review these quotes and deside to publish / edit or delete these quotes. There is also an option to add quotes or news yourself (including images etc) [Download File]
  23. Name: title_mod.zip Version: 1.0 Author: franck~ Short Description: Shows the product name in the title bar. Long Description: This MOD shows the product name in the browser's title bar or some choosen keywords when it's not a product page. [Download File]
  24. Cheers Vince. I know who this is and have their email address. I don't think they speak english well though. This could be tough.
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