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Al Brookbanks

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Everything posted by Al Brookbanks

  1. True. LOL... Will be interested to see our banners when their server updates at 1:10 GMT. But I'm going to hit the hay before then.
  2. LOL fair play. I would understand you joining that one. Team FireFox gets my vote too but home is where the heart is.
  3. I'm not bothered about a percentage of mod sales. License keys don't make mega bucks but allow me the odd beer. Lets just allow everyone to get on some how. Also it would be tricky to setup and enforce. I need to sleep on this... Keep suggestions coming although #1 priority is CubeCart 3 at the moment as far as I'm concerned. However I completely understand how CC3 is not even a consideration for you guys at the mo.
  4. Hi qdpie, I agree. The key here is what to do about this as the philosophy behind CubeCart?A product everybody can benefit from? That seems like a pretty unselfish viral business model if you ask me. Maybe CubeCart should become 100% open source like GNU or GPL... but you, like I survive from it hence the current system *works*? I'm open to suggestions and proposals even.
  5. Excellent! Welcome abord!!! Come on folks between us all we can get to the top of the rankings. I can see you as a member now. :D
  6. At the time of writing this my one says error as its only a few hours old. Its a nice one for you folks to see if I'm doing any work or not!
  7. If you register here you can join team cubecart.... How may mouse clicks and keystrokes do you do? http://whatpulse.org/ Just for a bit of fun really. Great idea... Password: cubie If you want you can use the image below:
  8. As you all know I struggle to find the time to browse the forums and just want it to be a friendly helpful place where everybody gets along. I know that the introduction of allowing people to promote and supply 3rd Party services has put a darker cloud over this place and it's sad really that this may be the case for some. I just hope it doesn't reflect too badly on the core products it's self. If that is the case some serious reconsiderations may have to be made and changes of policy. It would be good to have a "meeting" of some kind with some of the key players here to get my/your head(s) around this developing culture and where its members thinks it's all going.
  9. tricky one... I would say make a login link if the login box is too offensive. Also depends on how keen people are to login?? I'm probably speaking bollocks.
  10. I went to a party as a friend was doing a masters no idea where abouts or where we went though. MY memory only lasts about a day at a time. :)
  11. 24 to be exact... Well 24 and 9 months the be almost spot on. CubeCart3 is undergoing performance tests today (for waht is done) to see if we can optimise it further. But the development server seems up the creek today.
  12. I resigned from my last job to redevelop CubeCart. Whether I become fully self employed of venture out into the world or work again depends on how well CC3 is received. Currently I am gambling and keeping my head above water. I have saved to go to Egypt for over a year now and will be roughing it on a budget tour. Hotels in Egypt are £4 (~$7) per night including breakfast. Bargain! I'll post the photos @ http://www.brooky.com/photos/ when I get back.
  13. Hello Folks, Web Designer Magazine UK are publishing 4-6 page articles on setting up a web shop with CubeCart over a series of issues (Currently #102). For details on how to get hold of it and back issues please visit: http://www.paragon.co.uk/mags/practicali.html :)
  14. LOL... Had a very unproductive 2 days..... back to work for me.
  15. Off on 12th March to Bulgaria... BIG deadlines before that!!!!!!! Had to start completely rewriting the front end.
  16. Image stolen from www.burton.com
  17. no its fine.... it made me laugh. I just wish I had the original vector format... working with a flat image is a pain in the ass. Second one looks great.
  18. Over 10% of our visitors are using Firefox! Thats great... Everybody should help spread it... http://www.getfirefox.com as it complies to WC3 rules FAR better that IE6 it makes the lives of those like me easier! Oh and Thunderbird rocks too... :)
  19. i rekon thats a nice idea. no reason why not that i can think of. :lol:
  20. There will be a learning curve but you will find it more pleasant. i.e. if you change something in one place in CC3 it will refelect everywhere. (In most cases.) I will also have superior stylesheet support and complete separation of html and php (on the front end) although the template system is realtively basic. Here is a sample template page for unsubscribeing: <table width="100%" class="tblContentBox" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"> <tr> <td class="tdContentBoxHead"><span class="txtMainTitle">{UNSUBSCRIBE_TITLE}</span></td> <tr> <td class="txtCopy"> <p>{TXT_UNSUBSCRIBE}</p> <form action="unsubscribe.php" target="_self" method="post"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" align="center"> <tr> <td><strong>{TXT_ENTER_EMAIL}</strong></td> <td><input type="text" name="email" class="textbox" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> <td><input name="submit" type="submit" value="{TXT_SUBMIT}" class="submit" /></td> </tr> </table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> Right I have to stop waffeling and do some work...
  21. 20,000 geeks like me in one place should have legal consequenses though!!! I think I just stereotyped... but thats often what happens after a few pints.
  22. Of course. I'll see you in Cairo. In fact all 20,000 members should meet in Cairo just after release. Bring a bottle though apparently the local spirits are undrinkable. (Done my research!)
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