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Posts posted by sailing123

  1. 1 hour ago, Dirty Butter said:

    Here's the query template:

    UPDATE tablename SET tablefield = replace(tablefield,"findstring","replacestring");

    So to fix cat to add cats in the seo_meta_keywords:

    UPDATE CubeCart_inventory SET seo_meta_keywords = replace(seo_meta_keywords,",cat,",cat,cats,");

    I use the before and after commas to keep from messing up a word that might have cat in the spelling, like caterpillar or catch, for example.

    I try to add potential misspellings for brands like FAO Scharz by using  http://www.watchcount.com/misspelled.php


    Hi Dirty Butter,

    Sorry you lost me here. These queries, you mean by going into the phpadmin and work into the database tables, right ?

    You then go into the inventory table, seo meta keywords column and amend each product line as required, am I correct ?

    I do not have a table called TABLENAME, strange ?



  2. Hi

    Looking at the search facility, found 2 interesting threads but I cannot deduct from reading these, whether any of the recommendations will resolve the issue of providing search results for singular and/or plural. At the moment, if I do not use the two words in my product description, ie socks and sock, the search results will only show the product listing that has the exact word in the description and miss the others.



  3. Hi

    I thought I would share a little trick that I found very useful. I managed to colour code my order status by simply add some basic html codes into the languages section of the admin control panel.

    Select "order state - order statuses and under each "Name" simply add code like this one <font color="red"><b>PROCESSING - payment received</b></font>, this will render the status in red bold colour. If you want blue, change<font color="red"> to <font color="blue">. It also triggers the same colour into the online customer order status. Perfect :-)

    I tried it even in Cubecart V4 and it works too !

  4. Codes amended and admin now receives a copy of cancelled status. Great, thanks.

    Macro {$DATA.link} still does not work in that specific email template but reading your reply in previous thread, you did say that no DATA is assigned to the Order Declined, Failed, and Cancelled statuses so a request will be made  in the Github requesting that DATA is to be made available to be assigned in these statuses.

    So I conclude that we have to wait for the next system upgrade.

  5. Hi bsmither,

    Your code snippets are working a treat with the order processing and complete status so big thank you for that.

    However, I noticed something not quite right but I don't think it is related to your snippets as I unticked them to test and the following issue remains.

    Under the store settings, if I choose "cancelled" as my Order status for admin email notifications, admin does not receive a copy of the cancellation order, only the customer. If I choose Pending, admin receives an email notification so is that a separate issue or related. This is a bug surely ?



  6. Hi Dirty Butter,

    Are you referring to the Public Note Content  that we can add in the order notes ? If so, that will not work for me, ie not good enough for that purpose.

    I really need a function or a text box which maybe could be added to each product under the inventory tab of the order. For the simple reasons, when customers are ordering more than one product, the amendments have to show close the product concerned otherwise it will get very messy.

    I really hope that someone will manage to offer a fix as this is a critical issue for my business being in clothing, returns are part of the equation ....

    Thanks again.


  7. Thanks bmither.

    Tried the above coding, was not working with firefox but chrome OK only once per page. After that, the page was constantly trying to refresh rending only a blank page so I had to remove the code and I kept clear the browser cache instead, working fine.

    Also different browsers, different behaviours. Has been a little stressful but now I can see my changes by amending the css file which is the main thing and my header is finally fixed so super happy. I put the customers' comments into fieldset as well to look consistent but noticed that the order "Public Note Content" notes coding is missing on the print invoice so off I go looking for that now .... never stops :-)



  8. Hi bsmither,

    Can't it be just a matter of letting the store settings to allow multiple selection in the function  "Order status for admin email notifications", using the html <select multiple> for the form ? You then hold down the Ctrl (windows) / Command (Mac) button to select multiple options, like this https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select_multiple



  9. Hi,

    Another issue that I need to address before I close my V4.

    At the moment, when a customer wants a product exchange or a refund, I go back into the original order and I manually add a comment in the product options box like:

    - original order options:  SIZE: - LARGE

    - amended order: SIZE: - LARGE - returned & exchanged for a size MEDIUM on 17/03/2017 or SIZE: - LARGE - returned & refunded on 17/03/2017

    This is critical for future records.

    At the moment with V6, I really cannot see how I can keep this level of records. I cannot manually add text within the product options under the inventory so I was wondering whether we could add a box just under each product options that admin use for comments ? What do you think ? It needs to be per product as of course not all products in one order are returned for an exchange or refund. It would also need to be visible on the website when customers check their order history.

    I am not even asking for a system linked to the actual stock level where it is automatically adjusted as this is probably too much to ask as a short term solution, so I will continue to do a manual stock adjustment. Maybe an idea for a future plugin for developers out there ;-).

    Any advice would be most appreciated.



  10. Hi,

    I have spent many hours improving my "print invoice", the one you can print from admin, not the one the customer can print from the website. However, I am facing a constant headache. The header does not stop changing height depending on the number of product listed below into the "info" div, so none of my invoices are identical from a header point of view.

    The 2 files concerned are:  /admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php with the css file /admin/skins/default/styles/print.css

    I have tried all sorts in the css to add a height for the header but nothing I actually modified in that css seems to have an impact on the print.php file which I found very strange.

    I ended up making style modifications into the php file, not all good practice, like div spacer, etc ...

    So does anyone know how to fix that issue or maybe there is another css file that actually overpowers the print.css which would explain why none of my changes are working ?



  11. Hi again :-)

    Another issue that I need to address.

    In Cubecart 4, the admin receives a copy of all emails sent to customers, ie pending, processing, complete, etc. This is great for 2 reasons:

    1. when the customer mistypes her/his email address, our email system alerts us and 50% of the time we can correct it manually and resend the emails so minimum communication interruption 
    2. remotely we can check that orders have been dispatched by members of staff without actually going into the admin. Although point 1 is more important.

    In Cubecart 6, the store settings only let the admin choose one set of order status email only.

    Al tells me that I could just edit the classes/mailer.class.php file to BCC me into ever send function call.

    I had a quick look and it is all php coding, well above my capabilities. Would anyone know the coding bit I require and where to insert it please ?



  12. Hello,

    In Cubecart 4, we can manually adjust the "payment method" box within an order. This is great when creating manual orders or even amend an online order which failed online but completed over the phone for payment.

    In Cubecart 6, this function has gone. Under the overview tab of the order, I can see that a Gateway type appears under the "Shipping Information" table if the order has been processed online. However, if I process a manual order, there is no gateway type box for me to enter "PAID BY PHONE" for the records, nor can I amend an existing online order which failed but processed over the phone. Yet I can amend all Shipping Information under the Delivery tab but no box for Gateway...

    Does anyone know which files to amend and the code change required to make that box a permanent feature under the Delivery tab please ?

    Many thanks.



  13. Hi bsmither,

    Thanks for this recommendation. I did look at this plugin a while ago but discarded it as the options were shown in a tab which is a no go zone from current experience... but looking at it again, there seems to be a choice to present the options with out of stock under the product title which should work fine for me with some tweaks hopefully. Will contact Noodleman :-)

    Thanks again



  14. Hello,

    I would like to improve the customer's experience at the product options selection process. Basically, I would like to show the "out of stock" product options" in grey next to the option like such:


    - UK 10 (shown in standard text colour)

    - UK 12 - out of stock (showed in grey text colour which cannot be selected)

    At the moment, all sizes are shown as if all are in stock, yet, the customer will only find out if the size is in stock once selected, the page does a reload and the out of stock message appears in the red box above the listing. It is OK but not the best in customer's experience.

    You will probably suggest that I manually remove the out of stock options but these will be back in as some items are part of the essentials range so stocked all the time so does not make sense to remove these plus very laborious task when you stock up to 9 sizes per garment.

    Thanks for your advice.


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