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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. As far as I know this is normal. Our email address shows.
  2. Glad to hear that. Hopefully that fixed it.
  3. I can't help you, but I did just test an image upload using FF8.0.1, and it worked as it should, and I've upgraded to v5.0.6.
  4. On the Products list there is an image icon that shows the actual image when clicked. I'd like to have something like that on the Basic Information page for each product. I could get it into place by hard coding a specific item's image in myskin/templates/products.index.php, but I couldn't figure out how to call it for the appropriate image for each product. <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/images/cache/AssortedDolls01202010xxx37.270.JPG" class="colorbox" title="{$product.name}" target="_blank"><img src="{$SKIN_VARS.admin_folder}/skins/{$SKIN_VARS.skin_folder}/images/image.png" alt="{$product.name}" /> What should I put for http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/images/cache/AssortedDolls01202010xxx37.270.JPG so it will fit any and all products? If it's possible to get the actual image to show, instead of the icon that has to be clicked on - that would be ideal!
  5. You'll need to create a new class in your skin's Styles and then change the current class in the files you want changed.
  6. Well I've managed to get it hard coded in the way I want it. So if someone can tell me what to put instead of the hard coded part, I'd appreciate it. In the meantime this works. {$product.quantity} x {$product.name} - <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/admin.php?_g=products&sort%5Bupdated%5D=DESC&action=edit&product_id={$product.product_id}">{$product.product_code}</a> ({$product.line_formatted}) {if $product.digital}<a href="{$VAL_SELF}&amp;reset_id={$product.id}" />[{$LANG.orders.reset_download_link}]</a>{/if}<span>{$product.price_total_formatted}</span>
  7. Got it... One more question: is it possible tot add javascript in such a box? Sorry. I can't answer that.
  8. Thanks for your reply. The boxes should display static text and/or images for now. I jus want to know how to add extra boxes. Is it a hard job? That shouldn't be hard to do at all. Here's my code for the two static boxes I added: <div> <h3>Embroidery Available</h3> </br> <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/embroidery-of-name-up-to-10-characters.html">Custom Embroidery</a> </div> <div> <h3>Optional Gift Card</h3> <br/> <center> <p class="image"> <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/optional-gift-card-available.html" title="Order a Gift Card with Your Purchase"> <img src="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/images/cache/giftcardfront.138.jpg" alt="Order a Gift Card with Your Purchase" /> </a> </p> </center> <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/optional-gift-card-available.html">Order a Gift Card with Your Purchase</a> </div> Looks not that rough... I have to add this code into the main.php file? Yes - myskin/templates/main.php
  9. Thanks for your reply. The boxes should display static text and/or images for now. I jus want to know how to add extra boxes. Is it a hard job? That shouldn't be hard to do at all. Here's my code for the two static boxes I added: <div> <h3>Embroidery Available</h3> </br> <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/embroidery-of-name-up-to-10-characters.html">Custom Embroidery</a> </div> <div> <h3>Optional Gift Card</h3> <br/> <center> <p class="image"> <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/optional-gift-card-available.html" title="Order a Gift Card with Your Purchase"> <img src="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/images/cache/giftcardfront.138.jpg" alt="Order a Gift Card with Your Purchase" /> </a> </p> </center> <a href="http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/optional-gift-card-available.html">Order a Gift Card with Your Purchase</a> </div>
  10. Because our items are all used we usually only list one at a time for sale, as condition varies. I have a hidden tab for Notes where I keep track of additional in stock of the product. So when we have a sale I check to see if we have any more, change the description as needed, and put it back in stock if we have another one. It would be very helpful to link to the Product screen straight from the Order Summary screen. I tried adding a link to the product ID on the Order Summary page, but it didn't work. {$product.quantity} x {$product.name} - <a href="{$product.link_edit}">{$product.product_code}</a> ({$product.line_formatted}) {if $product.digital}<a href="{$VAL_SELF}&amp;reset_id={$product.id}" />[{$LANG.orders.reset_download_link}]</a>{/if}<span>{$product.price_total_formatted}</span> Any suggestions about how to do that?
  11. I added two boxes on the left in myskin/templates/main.php and also modified the Newsletter Subscription box. So I guess the question is - what do you want the boxes to do? http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog/
  12. Find this section: {foreach from=$ORDERS item=order} <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap"><a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=vieworder&amp;cart_order_id={$order.cart_order_id}" title="{$LANG.common.view_details}">{$order.cart_order_id}</a></td> <td nowrap="nowrap">{$order.time}</td> <td align="right">{$order.total}</td> <td align="center" nowrap="nowrap">{$order.status.text}</td> <td align="right"> {if $order.make_payment}<a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=gateway&amp;cart_order_id={$order.cart_order_id}&amp;retrieve=1">{$LANG.basket.complete_payment}</a><br />{/if} {if $order.cancel}<a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=vieworder&amp;cancel={$order.cart_order_id}" class="delete" title="">{$LANG.basket.cancel_order}</a><br />{/if} <a href="{$STORE_URL}/index.php?_a=vieworder&amp;cart_order_id={$order.cart_order_id}" title="{$LANG.common.view_details}">{$LANG.common.view_details}</a> <br/><br/> </td> </tr> {/foreach} Those breaks should put space between each additional item.
  13. I've looked through the other threads on printing issues (there seems to be a lot) but couldn't find a solution. I've tried changing the permission on my cache and cache/skins/ to be 777 (as this was suggested somewhere) but to no avail. Also, there doesn't seem to be a relevant bug to this issue. Are other people experiencing the same issue? Is there an easy solution? Should I submit a bug report and if so, how do I do that? EDIT: APPEAR TO HAVE POSTED IN WRONG FORUM. APOLOGIES> CAN A MOD MOVE THIS FOR ME PLEASE? I put a link to the Bug Report page in General Support so you can find it any time you need it. Bug Reports
  14. I added some <br/> breaks to keep this from happening. Try adding breaks to yourskin/templates/content.orders.php. I'm pretty sure that's where I was able to improve the spacing.
  15. Yep, you would need a '--select--' entry for each country that has zones. For countries that don't have zones defined, it may still be that they have zones in that country and the customer has to type it in - or it may be that zones are not applicable in which case it does not to allow for that field to be blank in those cases. If all this attempt does is prompt cubecart into implementing this in a way that works with all cases, then that's more than good enough!! If it was a admin side option to make the 'select' option a default for the field, then it probably could be done without needing to have those options in the database - they would just be the first default field in any select box created. There was only one html field on the page for them so I couldn't see how to add the 'required' element for just the drop-down list version and not the text entry version. Again, I'm sure that is something that can be done, I just don't know how. There's a bug fix listed for this, but I've tried it on 2 stores, and it didn't work properly for me. How about giving it a try to see if it works for you??? 3094
  16. When you choose a Manufacturer while you are creating a new Product the list of Manufacturers is in alphabetical order, which is great! BUT, when you go to create a new manufacturer the list is NOT in alphabetical order. Those I had created previous to the v5 update are in order, but new ones I've added since then are at the bottom of the list. This means it's way too easy to make a duplicate. If the list can be alphabetized in the code in one place surely it can be done in the other?????
  17. I've since updated to 5.0.6, but we had our first report the other day of the empty basket problem on 5.0.5. I have it set to go to basket immediately when the order is placed. This is the information the person sent:
  18. What version are you using? There was a zone problem in the early v5 releases. Assuming you have the flat rate module enabled, check your order_summary table in the database for your test order and see what the country_d and state_d have listed. Then compare those numbers with geo_country and geo_zone for the country and state of the address on the incorrect order. Thanks for your reply. I've just updated it to 5.0.6 today, and it's not test orders that are going through with 0.00 shipping they are live. Whilst I know where the databases are I really don't have the time and/or ability to start comparing databases, this shouldn't be happening in 5.0.6 though? What version are you using? There was a zone problem in the early v5 releases. Assuming you have the flat rate module enabled, check your order_summary table in the database for your test order and see what the country_d and state_d have listed. Then compare those numbers with geo_country and geo_zone for the country and state of the address on the incorrect order. Thanks for your reply. I've just updated it to 5.0.6 today, and it's not test orders that are going through with 0.00 shipping they are live. Whilst I know where the databases are I really don't have the time and/or ability to start comparing databases, this shouldn't be happening in 5.0.6 though? I'm a dolt! I'd put '£5.95' for a flat rate instead of '5.95' Thanks anyway If it worked correctly for you in 5.0.5 but not 5.0.6 you need to put in a support ticket, and I'd log a bug report, too, if I were you.
  19. What version are you using? There was a zone problem in the early v5 releases. Assuming you have the flat rate module enabled, check your order_summary table in the database for your test order and see what the country_d and state_d have listed. Then compare those numbers with geo_country and geo_zone for the country and state of the address on the incorrect order.
  20. I'm sorry I'm not doing a good job of explaining this. We have almost 2800 items right now, so NO, I didn't add the products in one at a time.I made a test site with a new database and worked with the skin, etc., until I was satisfied with it. Then I upgraded my running v4 store to v5 and copied the skin files from my test over to the upgraded site. The manual part involved all the Store Settings that had to be matched from the test store to the upgraded v5 store.
  21. Does CC5.x play nicely with PHP 5.3.x please? I don't know, but our working 5.0.5 stores are on PHP 5.2.17.
  22. I understand what you're saying about the documentation should be in place by now, but in the meantime this helps a lot. customizing skin thread
  23. Not only is the coding for the files completely different in v5, but the database Structure is totally different as well. So you can't use your old skins or mods in v5, and you can't create a test v5 and then copy your old v3 database into it. You CAN create an offline v5 test site and work out what you need to do to get a similar look to your v3 site. When you're satisfied with it you can upgrade your v3 store to v5 and overwrite the default skin with your customized one you worked out while testing. You will then have to re-create all the v5 settings you worked out in your test Store Settings in your live v5 site. If there's an easier way to do it I never figured it out!
  24. I figured it out! Whoopie! Small victory in understanding all this code. I added &nbsp; {$order.ship_method} to admin/skins/default/templates/orders.print.php. <span class="orderid"><strong>{$LANG.common.order_id}</strong> &nbsp; {$order.cart_order_id}&nbsp; {$order.ship_method}</span> That put the Shipping Method right under the Order ID number in my modified packing slip, so it's less likely that I won't notice if someone paid extra for an expedited shipping method.
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