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Dirty Butter

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Everything posted by Dirty Butter

  1. I don't really understand any of this stuff. I have had it all setup for years - Analytics, Merchant Center, Google My Business, Webmaster Tools, and Adwords. But I can't honestly say it's been very useful other than to take my money for Adwords. I even tried not advertising at all for a while, so I can say Google ads DO get us some business. Enough to justify the expense is a question I have never been able to answer.
  2. I would like to be able to track when the Checkout button is clicked, and this appears to be the set of general directions from Google. BUT I don't know if the plugin already does that, or if the Event Send To blank has anything to do with that at all. https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/6331304?hl=en
  3. Missed this update somehow and just now fixing. What is supposed to go on the Event Send To line of this plugin?
  4. Never mind - I found my mistake. I did not change this part to MY custom seo path DUH!
  5. I've copied the snippet code over to a test 6.2.1 site and created the corresponding document. The document is enabled but not showing on the storefront. I can input the url on the storefront and it shows properly. But when I intentionally search for a junk word, it goes to the 404 page, not the document. This happens on the stock install as well. Something must be different in 6.2.1, but I don't have an idea what it is.
  6. I have no idea where this folder came from. A plugin? CubeCart? If it's supposed to be there, what is it for?
  7. So exactly what should it be set to? I have INDEX when I edit it. Is that right?
  8. Yes, I'd like to have it on the homepage for Latest. Category and Search results listing date might be nice, but not as important to me.
  9. I tried to find a way to use the code you suggested - {$product.updated|strtotime|date_format} - but I couldn't figure it out. And I never found where I had copied the code from that I'm currently using.
  10. WOW - I was working on something else and left the homepage alone for a bit - and the Slider IS working - the pause is way too long,, but that should be easily enough fixed.
  11. I've already notified SFWS that Content Slider does not work with 6.2.1, and he replied that he was working on plugin changes to be compatible with 6.2.1. Here's a link: https://dirtybutterestates.com This is a live store, but it's low traffic. I can't leave the plugin enabled too long.
  12. I sure wouldn't know. Let's table this for now. I will try some Googling for the code after I get through going through my 6.2.1 test sites. And I'll try turning off all plugins when I test it again.
  13. OH I thought this was showing what was seen on the page on the storefront when someone subscribed. So this is editable content for the email the subscriber gets when they subscribe! Like I said, could be my faulty logic and it was. Sorry
  14. I couldn't find anything else. I'll try again using the code as the search term. Well I pulled it off the internet evidently. It does work, I'd just rather not have the hour and minute.
  15. For double opt-in it should be telling them to expect an email that requires confirmation - not to "follow the link below", shouldn't it?
  16. Either you or Noodleman gave it to me. I'll find the thread and be back. https://forums.cubecart.com/topic/51354-would-like-to-display-date-product-total-on-store/ It's in action near the bottom of http://dirtybutter.com/plushcatalog homepage
  17. Doing a section by section review of my edited 6.2.1 test site compared to a stock 6.2.1 test site. Both have an email template for Verify Newsletter Subsciption, but it seems to be worded wrong for a Double Optin setting. <p>{$DATA.email}has been subscribed to our newsletter. To confirm your subscription please follow the link below:</p> Is this a bug? Or do I have something wrong in my code? Or is my logic just faulty?
  18. Ah THAT's why you haven't paid your bill! Too busy with your new toy, which wasn't cheap I imagine.
  19. It's not been working for several days. I'm assuming Al knows it, but he's been awfully busy lately.
  20. Thanks for that - never have known what that is. And that won't do what I would like to do. You helped me some time ago with how to add to the homepage listings the time a product was added. Added {formatTime(strtotime($product.updated))} But I'm in the midst of testing everything prior to upgrading to 6.2.1 and this is something I'd like to improve on if possible. It works ok as is on 6.2.1. But to me it looks kind of odd to have the time showing - m/d/y would be sufficient. Is there a different code that would do that?
  21. What is Fuzzy Time? (Admin>Store Settings>Advanced tab) When/where is it used? I'm hoping it can be made to show month, day, year without time. But it may be that it is used somewhere that needs to be left alone. Is there a specific term that displays m/d/y on a storefront page instead of Date&Time Format?
  22. I never could figure out how to get my custom packing slip created with the WYSISYG form. So, at least for now, I copied the 6.1.15 orders.print.php over to 6.2.0 and commented out this section of orders.index.inc.php and changed the fetch part. // Parse /* 6.2.0 DOCUMENTS INVOICE TAB NOT NEEDED $invoice_template = $GLOBALS['db']->select('CubeCart_invoice_template', array('hash', 'content'), false, 'id DESC', 1); if($invoice_template && !empty($invoice_template[0]['content'])) { $fetch_source = 'string:'.$invoice_template[0]['content']; } else { $fetch_source = 'templates/orders.print.php'; } $template = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch($fetch_source); END DOCUMENT TAB */ // 5.1.16 LINE INSTEAD OF $FETCH_SOURCE ABOVE $template = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('templates/orders.print.php');
  23. I have "lost" the new page or file that provides a WYSIWYG Print order form. Was it removed from 6.2.1? If not, can someone tell me where to find it within Admin/file, files? .HA! I should have asked sooner. It's a TAB on Documents in Admin.
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