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Everything posted by fettlebox

  1. As paypal are handling payments it seem it's also recommended to protect login details - the risk being someone uses the same details on multiple accounts such as banking etc so if the user/pass are captured a hacker could use them on the users other accounts.
  2. Is one needed if Paypal is the only payment method?
  3. On checkout the total of goods less coupon discount plus shipping is correct but the shipping in the drop down is showing with the decimal in the wrong place. I checked it out & I had the weight to cost ratio showing the cost as .97 instead of 0.97. Changing to 0.97 fixed the issue. Given that it was still adding it up as if it was .97 should I report this as a bug?
  4. It's the smaller version of my background image.
  5. It uses the site logo - which is actually a lot smaller than the one I have showing which is actually a background image.
  6. Thanks! I struggled to get the letters to stand out any more but overall I'm pleased given the short period from your fix to opening the shop that I had to come up with something - just some old but relevant papers & stock arranged on a table & a digi compact on a tripod. Maybe when things settle down I'll take another look at it - busy making sure everything going smoothly at the moment! I'm really enjoying using this product after a few false starts with other software & the support here has been excellent - thankyou
  7. I see - I'll take a look at that at the weekend. I guess if I get that fettled there will be another way to skin the mobile logo cat? Fettle - old English.
  8. I didn't clear the cache. Is that in the admin panel? I'll take a look at that tomorrow as our broadbands gone down & the mobile signal on the netbook here is poor so struggling to do anything at the mo. It may be better as it is with the issue around the mobile skin logo. Site now live at www.fettlebox.co.uk Thanks
  9. Mobile skin - the 1000x155 logo that doesn't show up on the full size site does show up in the mobile site. Not ideal for the mobile users. However because the logo is failing to show in the regular full size site (I have it set as the background as a workaround) I've just resized it to 243 pixels wide & reloaded it. So now I have a small logo which shows on mobile & full size on desktop. Result!
  10. Mobile skin? Never gave it a thought! Will check it now. Shop will be open within the next hour at www.fettlebox.co.uk The 'closed' page features my awful logo that I've been able to replace with the wider graphic
  11. I deleted the current logo & uploaded my new 1000x155 graphic. If I did the above correctly it made the left side of the paragraph block clickable with the home page as the target but my graphic didn't show. I've got around that my uploading my logo as the new header_background_gradient png. Seems to have achieved the same affect. I had to make the image 157 deep as I got a small line of repeat at the bottom. It looks much better as I'd struggled to create a logo with the size restraints I had before it started pushing the header layout about. Really pleased with it now & will be opening shortly! Many thanks for your time in helping me achieve the look I wanted. It is much appreciated.
  12. Not for a numpty like me! I'd love a logo to go all the way across like the site in the OP! I'm using Kurouto. Is there any simple instructions on how to do this please?
  13. Gotcha! That's done the trick. Apologies - read it completely wrong. Many thanks. I think that should be incorporated into the next version as well as notification in email to recipient
  14. I'd be interested in knowing how to add an added currency so that it updates via fetch. I have the same issue with TWN, the Taiwan $.
  15. If I've removed the right ) this is what I have now.This give me a blank page (admin panel still accessible) http://www.fettlebox.co.uk/ // Validate email if email delivery if (strtolower($_POST['gc']['method']) == 'e' && !filter_var($_POST['gc']['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setError($GLOBALS['language']->catalogue['error_gc_email']); $error = true; } if (!$error) { $GLOBALS['cart']->add($gc['product_code'], $_POST['gc']); } else { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('POST', $_POST['gc']); } } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('LANG_CERT_VALUES', sprintf($GLOBALS['language']->catalogue['gift_certificate_value'], $GLOBALS['tax']->priceFormat($gc['min'], true, true), $GLOBALS['tax']->priceFormat($gc['max'], true, true, $gc['expires'])); $ctrl_allow_purchase = ($GLOBALS['session']->get('hide_prices')) ? false : true; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('ctrl_allow_purchase', $ctrl_allow_purchase); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('GC', $gc); $content = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('templates/content.certificates.php'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('SECTION_NAME', 'giftcertificate'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PAGE_CONTENT', $content);
  16. With pleasure. Will likely be a few days as I'm focusing on getting ready for our opening on Wednesday.
  17. Yes, this 511. I upgraded maybe a week to ten days ago. // Validate email if email delivery if (strtolower($_POST['gc']['method']) == 'e' && !filter_var($_POST['gc']['email'], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { $GLOBALS['gui']->setError($GLOBALS['language']->catalogue['error_gc_email']); $error = true; } if (!$error) { $GLOBALS['cart']->add($gc['product_code'], $_POST['gc']); } else { $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('POST', $_POST['gc']); } } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('LANG_CERT_VALUES', sprintf($GLOBALS['language']->catalogue['gift_certificate_value'], $GLOBALS['tax']->priceFormat($gc['min'], true, true), $GLOBALS['tax']->priceFormat($gc['max'], true, true, $gc['expires']))); $ctrl_allow_purchase = ($GLOBALS['session']->get('hide_prices')) ? false : true; $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('ctrl_allow_purchase', $ctrl_allow_purchase); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('GC', $gc); $content = $GLOBALS['smarty']->fetch('templates/content.certificates.php'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('SECTION_NAME', 'giftcertificate'); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('PAGE_CONTENT', $content);
  18. OK As per 1 above I have copied & pasted that as the language string. Same with 2. The site then returns an entirely blank page in Firefox/Ubuntu - in IE/XP it returns a 500 error. There's one less closed bracket in the line 713 code in the 2nd snippet when compared to the first. If I add the third ) the site comes back but with no info on the gift certificate page about value, time or currency.
  19. Not a problem now I'm home & using a 22" screen & a scroll mouse! I started the store setup on my small netbook.
  20. I tried that as I saw the other references with the $ symbol in the same line. When I add the $ the message about gift voucher values, valid period & home currency completely disappears. Take the $ out again & the message comes back.
  21. Fantastic. That's much appreciated. I've done the edits as above & it's showing the minimum monetary value rather than expiry in months as below.
  22. I've just set up gift certificates on my shop & done a test purchase. I have them set to be valid for 18 months but would like the purchaser & recipient to be aware. Can anyone please tell me how to add this info to the product info & recipients email as the certificate expiry date doesn't currently show.
  23. Fixed. Many thanks for the info & pointing me to the bug site.
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