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Everything posted by peterp

  1. Hi Brian, I haven't changed the function transfer(), $transfer['action'] value in gateway.class.php but it still worked should I change it to Bank_Transfers
  2. Hi Brian, After the copy of the POF and naming it Bank_Transfers and changing the config.xml it seemed to fix that problem, an email is sent to the customer stating that the order has been received but there is no email being sent to admin stating that an order has been received and has a payment detail of Bank Transfer. There is an order created with a pending status in the admin orders but no email to admin I don't think that is right or am I wrong Best Regards, Peterp Hi Brian, I haven't changed the function transfer(), $transfer['action'] value but it still worked should I change it to Bank_Transfers
  3. Hi Brian, I did clear the cache I also changed gateway.class.php as below but this didn't work either. I will try copying the POF to new folder Best regards, Peterp
  4. Hi Brian, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <installer version="1.0"> <info> <uid>[email protected]</uid> <type>gateway</type> <mobile_optimized>false</mobile_optimized> <name><![CDATA[Bank Transfers]]></name> <description><![CDATA[Print Order Form Payment Gateway]]></description> <version>1.0.1</version> <minVersion>5.0.0a</minVersion> <maxVersion>5.1.*</maxVersion> <creator><![CDATA[CubeCart]]></creator> <homepage><![CDATA[http://www.cubecart.com]]></homepage> <block>false</block> </info> </installer> I made this change but this still didn't work I have also made the change to module.definitions.xml as below <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- * CubeCart v6 * ======================================== * CubeCart is a registered trade mark of CubeCart Limited * Copyright CubeCart Limited 2014. All rights reserved. * UK Private Limited Company No. 5323904 * ======================================== * Web: http://www.cubecart.com * Email: [email protected] * License: GPL-2.0 http://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-2.0 --> <definitions version="1.0"> <group name="print_order_form"> <string name="address"><![CDATA[Address]]></string> <string name="bank_account"><![CDATA[Account Number]]></string> <string name="bank_account_name"><![CDATA[Account Name]]></string> <string name="bank_allow"><![CDATA[Allow bank transfers?]]></string> <string name="bank_name"><![CDATA[Bank Name]]></string> <string name="bank_sort"><![CDATA[Sort Code]]></string> <string name="bank_swift"><![CDATA[Swift/IBAN Code]]></string> <string name="cards_accept"><![CDATA[Cards Accepted]]></string> <string name="cards_allow"><![CDATA[Allow Payment by Card?]]></string> <string name="cards_example"><![CDATA[Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover]]></string> <string name="cheque_allow"><![CDATA[Allow payment by cheque?]]></string> <string name="cheque_payable"><![CDATA[Cheques made payable to]]></string> <string name="currency_multi"><![CDATA[Allow Payment in Multiple Currencies?]]></string> <string name="module_title"><![CDATA[Bank Transfers]]></string> <string name="notes"><![CDATA[Notes to customer]]></string> <string name="confirmation_email"><![CDATA[Send order confirmation email?]]></string> <string name="title_bank_transfer"><![CDATA[Bank Transfers]]></string> </group> </definitions> Is there somewhere else I should be looking Thankyou Best Regards, Peterp
  5. Hi Brian, No I didn't add this it was done by the previous developer who I have taken over from. What I think I need is where do I change the $DATA.payment value from print_order_form to BANK TRANSFER As you can see from the template below the red highlight is what I'm trying to change for what ever payment method is used. Zippy Tie Man Tax Invoice ABN 16505977418 Thank You {$DATA.first_name}! Your order {$DATA.cart_order_id} has been received which was placed on {$DATA.order_date}. Please keep this email for your records. It is possible to view the status of your order online. Paid By: {$DATA.gateway} {$DATA.link} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Billing address: {$BILLING.first_name} {$BILLING.last_name} {if !empty($BILLING.company_name)}{$BILLING.company_name} {/if}{$BILLING.line1} {if !empty($BILLING.line2)}{$BILLING.line2} {/if}{$BILLING.town} {$BILLING.state} {$BILLING.postcode} {$BILLING.country} {$BILLING.phone} Email: {$BILLING.email} Shipping address: {$SHIPPING.first_name} {$SHIPPING.last_name} {if !empty($SHIPPING.company_name)}{$SHIPPING.company_name} {/if}{$SHIPPING.line1} {if !empty($SHIPPING.line2)}{$SHIPPING.line2} {/if}{$SHIPPING.town} {$SHIPPING.state} {$SHIPPING.postcode} {$SHIPPING.country} ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Items in Your Order {foreach from=$PRODUCTS item=product} ----------------------------------- {$product.name} {$product.product_options} Part Number: {$product.product_code} Unit Price: {$product.price} Qty: {$product.quantity} {/foreach} ----------------------------------- Subtotal: {$DATA.subtotal} Discount: {$DATA.discount} Shipping: {$DATA.shipping} {if $DATA.ship_method}({$DATA.ship_method}){/if} {foreach from=$TAXES item=tax}{$tax.tax_name} ({$tax.tax_percent}%): {$tax.tax_amount} {/foreach} -------------------------- Tax Invoice Total: {$DATA.total} ========================== Thanks again Best Regards Peterp
  6. Hi Brian,, I unfortunately have to use chrome for this local site as Firefox seems to be unable to connect to the localhost server, however chrome has a similar developer tool and I have found the line that you have mentioned and when I roll the mouse over it the correct url for the storefront is shown. the .htaccess file does have a whole lot of redirects for products which I have removed but still no joy and unfortunately the original implementer of this site has designed his own skin which I think is very loosely based on the foundation skin. So I guess anything is possible and I will just keep trying to get the localhost going so I can test any changes they might require later. Thanks for you help again it is appreciated Best Regards, Peterp
  7. Hi All, I have a client that wishes to have entered on their admin pof order confirmation that the customer has used the Bank Transfer facility, in which case this will require the staff to change the status of this order to be processed and then they will be able print the order. Is there a way to print on the email between the message that states that pof order has been placed and the url for the order a message that states 'Paid by BANK TRANSFER'. At the moment when an order is paid by a banking api that accepts credit card payments it states on the order just under the note about the customer has just placed an order that the payment was via the bank api I hope I have explained this adequately, I have tried to modifiy the email template but this was not successful so any help will be apreciated Best Regards, Peterp
  8. Hi Brian, Thanks for the reply unfortunately I cleared the cache for the browser as well as for cubecart and also used the tab on the admin screen to clear the cache and it still loads the real website and not the localhost website. I will keep looking as I think there must be somewhere a program or programs that are hard coded with the real website address. Thanks anyway I appreciate your help Best Regards, Peterp
  9. Hi All, I have this store setup on a localhost and all is fine when I'm working in the admin section, however when I click the storefront tab the system runs the live store front and not the localhost storefront. Is there somewhere that I have missed that has to be setup to achieve the correct storefront to be run. The site is currently running ver 6.2 on windows Hope somebody can help me Best Regards Peterp
  10. Hi Brian, Thanks for the reply however when I use a administrator that has the super-user set to 1 I am still refused entry into the maintenance selection and also do not see the super user field in the administrator inquiry screen, and I also do not have the ability to add a new user the add administrator tab is not there. Could this be that it has had a coding modification done, if so what program/s would I find this type of modification. Thanks for your help Best Regards, Peterp
  11. I have taken over a cubecart site and unfortunately I went to do a backup and found that I didn't have the correct permissions to do so. So I went to the administrator setup and found that when I tried to add an administrator with superuser permissions the super user flag check box is missing. Where do I find this so that I can reinstate this function to either the current user or when I create a new administrator. Thanks for your help Best Regards, Peterp
  12. Hi All, I have just been made aware of an issue where if a customer places an order and selects credit card capture but does not enter any credit card details and then closes the browser the order is written with credit card capture as the gateway used and of course no details, if the customer goes back into the order process the original order is still there and the checkout process is done again irrespective of the payment gateway used cubecart writes another order with another payment gateway, in this case they did the same thing that is no credit card details and then closed the browser. So what we ended up with was 2 orders in the system that show credit card capture was selected as a payment gate way and no details, what I'm saying that there was no change to the order so it should not have written the second order. Is this that is addressed in the setup and I have missed it or can we either stop the user from exiting the browser at the payment stage or don't write the order if the browser is exited via pressing the 'X' I hope somebody can point me in the right direction to solve this issue Thankyou for your help Best Regards, Peterp
  13. Hi Brian, Thanks very much for this solution, I have implemented it in a test site and after a little massaging of various CSS rules it comes out very well. Thanks again for your help it is very much appreciated Best Regards, Peterp
  14. Hi Brian, Which CSS are you polishing up and can I help. Best Regards, Peterp
  15. Hi Brian, I think the client is looking for something similar to the menu that appears in crosshatch but also to have the side menu. What I would envisage is that the boxes (search,Language, currency and shopping cart) that are in the clients Mican skin would stay where they are and then space would be made between them and Shop by category, welcome screen,best sellers boxes to accommodate the new added horizontal menu similar to the foundation horizontal menu but maybe a slightly larger font style. I have attached a very rough sample of what I'm trying to achieve hope this will be helpful. So I'm hoping this will be able to be done with the same functionality as is used in the foundation skin whereas the drop downs will occur for each category if it has any. Your help is extremely appreciated with this request. Best Regards, Peterp
  16. Hi All, I have a client who is using the Mican template however they want to add another menu that is the same as the vertical menu but they want an extra horizontal menu across the page with categories having their drop-downs if subcategories exist. The horizontal menu would be between the search and currency cart boxes. Has anybody done this and if so then could you please point me in the right direction as to what I have to change or insert to achieve the desired result Thankyou for any assistance best Regards, Peterp
  17. Hi Brian, Thanks for your suggestion and this works well to be honest I was just having a brain fade on how to do it you have cleared this up thanks again
  18. HI All, I have a client that sells work boots which come in various sizes and colours, the colours and one size is not a bother as far as the options are concerned, the problem arrises when we have different sizes for the same shoe but depending on what the customer is use, that is US shoe size, Euro shoe siz or UK/Aus shoe size. Is there a way that all the different shoe sizes for UK/aua, Euro and US can be shown as an option with the colour required but only one type of shoe size can be selected. The size and colour must be selected. I have been able to setup the single colour and the single shoe size by using only one shoe size type, but I would like to see all of the shoe size type but only allow selection of one type, has there been anybody done this and if so can you please help me. Best Regards, Peterp
  19. Hi All, I have done as was suggested and unfortunately I have received this error (See Below) I have checked everything but obviously I'm missing something, the database name is the same the user is the same and I'm still getting this error. I have changed /includes/global.inc.php file multiple times without success. Any suggestions or help will be greatly appreciated The version of cubecart we are using is 6.1.12. as a side note when we are successful with the initial install we will be upgrading to the latest version before any extra work is done. Hope somebody can help. Best regards, peterp
  20. Hi All, I have been developing a site using a localhost while the client organized his hosting etc., now I want to know do I have to re do all of my changes after installing the latest cubecart or can I simply ftp the whole localhost directory cubecart programs and files to the public_HTML folder on the new server, I can copy the database this should not be an issue/ Any advice will be greatly appreciated Best Regards, Peterp
  21. Hi Brian, Thanks for your response, $EMAIL_CONTENT placeholder is in both the plain text and the HTML. I did manage to get the HTML newsletter to work but so far I have not been able to get the plain text email to work. Not sure whether this is an outlook problem or something that I'm not doing. I will keep on testing to try and get them both to work. FYI you were right the both HTML content and plain text had to be entered to get the HTML to work. regards, Peterp
  22. Thanks Noodleman for your reply, Unfortunately I have a couple of problems that I seem to have firstly where does the customer decide whether they want plain text or html, secondly if we don't know this wouldn't we have to create the newsletter/promotion/special price notification in both HTML as well as Plain text. At he moment I don't seem to be able to get anything to come through the email except for the company logo and then the bottom of the email saying thankyou/regards there is no detail what am I doing wrong. Best Regards, Peterp
  23. Hi Noodleman, I agree with you and I had found this however this will only send an email to the registered customers who have said they want a newsletter. If I have this wrong then please correct me. If this is correct then maybe we would have to make a registered customer to automatically receive the newsletter until they unsubscribe for the newsletter. Thankyou for your response Best Regards, Peterp
  24. Hi All, Happy New Year to everybody, I hope it has been enjoyable. I'm not sure whether there is a extension for this or whether the standard installation can do this, what I require is that when a product is put on promotion then all registered customers receive an email showing the product and sale price. Obviously it would have to be that only at the end of making products on sale/promotion then the email would be sent to all customers detailing all the products and not every time a product is made a special otherwise the registered customers might get many singular emails which would be annoying to the customer. Any help with this request will be greatly appreaciated
  25. Thank you to all that responded I have written one myself and it does the job. Merry Christmas and happy new year to all Best regards, Peterp
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