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Everything posted by peterp

  1. Thanks Brian I had forgotten catalogue group all is well works now Appreciate you quick response and help Best regards, Peterp
  2. Hi Brian, Yes I select the drop down list but still only see the new,used & refurbished selections when I have put in a few others such as mint,near mint and excellent into the definitions-xml and product.index.php Is there somewhere else that needs to be changed Best regards, peterp
  3. Hi all, I have seen some where that you can add product condition to have more than new, used and refurbished but for the life of me cannot remember how I did it I have search the forum but still cannot find anything about it, I have changed product.index.php and the definitions.xml and I'm sure that there was a couple other places that needed to be changed. Hope somebody can help me Best Regards, Peterp
  4. HI Brian, How do I know what a properly formatted config.xml is for the extension Sorry if I'm vague but i'm under pressure to get this working, This is also in relation to our previous converstations with reference to the web site failing, I have decided to scrap the previous installation of cubecarty 1.1.3 and start afresh. So I have started by recreating the database which is blank and then installing the ver 6.1.4 and then resetup everything but I have run into this problem. I also had a issue in the begin the upgrade to ver 6.1.5 just gave a blank screenn as well Hope you can help I need to have this completed by the end of this weekend Best Regards, Peterp
  5. Hi All, I have just done a install of cubecart ver 6.1.4 and when I try to manage a selected extension all I get is a blank screen is there something else I have to do or a setup step that I have missed All help will be appreciated Regards, Peterp
  6. Hi All, I originally posted this in the wrong forum sorry about that. I have a rather desparate issue that has just happened as I was trying to make a site go live. I am presented with a Message that says Notice: `name` is not allowed as a key in 'CubeCart_config' table! in /home/vinylpeter/public_html/classes/db/database.class.php on line 888 When I look at the cubecart_config table its very first field is called 'name' , have I done something wrong in my setup or what I'm at my wits end with this the client is supposed to go live tomorrow and therefore this has become a super problem. Any suggestions as to what I can do will be very very much appreciated Thakyou, Best Regards, Peterp Hi All, I have done some investigation and this is fine when cubecart is used on a localhost however when it is exported to a hosted site it seems to not like the column named 'name' in the table cubecart_config. I don't know whether this helps or not All I know is it works locally OK Best Regards, Peterp
  7. Hi Brian, Thanks so very mush for this fix it works a treat and I'm sure others will agree Your Help is extremely appreciated. Best Regards, Peterp
  8. Hi Brian, So correct me if I'm wrong but what you are saying is that for ver 6 of cubecart the admin Store Settings, General tab, has a list of Social Accounts doesn't work for the skin MICAN. Is there a way to make this template work, as I have downloaded from the market place a facebook plugin and it failed as well. It shows the facebook like button the the documents and the product detail however when you click on it just comes back with the word 'error' in red. CC61X also collects up the social plugins found in /modules/social/. Each plugin should have a function called getButtonHTML(). The HTML that this function creates is given to the template variable SHARE in Cubecart->_product() and ->_document(). I'm sorry but I don't quite understand where the line above is supposed to be, and will this fix my problem. Thanks again best regards, Peterp
  9. Hi Brian, The message appears in popup screen that looks like it is trying to load a web page and the message appears in this popup screen. The screen I was in originally was a detail of a product so I tried a document site and the same thing occurred. what sort of entry should I have in store settings general for facebook, I have tried an url that looks like this "https://facebook.com/vinylrulesmusic" I have also tried my own facebook username which looks like this "peter.prentice.39" and with all these entry I get the same result. So what should I be entering in this field and example would be helpful if I'm doing it wrong. Thanks for your help it is very much appreciated Best Regards, Peterp
  10. Hi Dirty Butter, Thankyou for your fast response, unfortunately there is no real url for this site as it is under development and is only on a localhost machine. I was trying to demonstrate the feature a client so this is why I need it to work. Any further help will be very much appreciated Best Regards, Peterp
  11. Hi All, I am trying to get facebook to work from the general stores settings but unfortunately when I select the facebook icon on either the product details page or a site document I end up with a message that says: Sorry, this feature isn't available right now: An error occurred while processing this request. Please try again later I'm using the version 6.1.3 and the skin template is Mican I must be missing something in my setup but for the life of me cannot see what so if somebody could help I would really appreciate it Best Regards, Peterp
  12. Hi Brian, Thanks for your reply, I decided to try and do the backup without image downloads and it completed successfully, so it seems that it maybe timing out so I will investigate changing the PHP configuration to try and give it some more time and while I'm at it I will increase the memory. Thanks again I will let you know how I get on. Best Regards, Peterp
  13. Hi all, I was just trying to back the files and received the following error, however it does seem to have backed up the files, I also tried the database backup and tat seems to have completed successfully. Should I have to do something else to have the files to complete successfully. Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Hope somebody can advise me Best Regards, Peterp
  14. Hi Brian, This is starting become a little unbelievable, I have increased the Max_input_vars to 10000 and the post_max_size to 15M and I still get the same error. Is it possible to some how delete some of the zones and rates through a back door just so we can modify the whole thing later by using the the correct way. I'm grabbing at straws now, sorry best regards, peterp
  15. Thanks Brian for the response, I also changed the max_input_vars to 10000 and got the same error, should I maybe increase it 20000 and try again what do you think. There are a lot of zones/rates, which we are endeavouring to reduce but we must be able to delete the current ones first. What variable in the php.ini file would I have change to expand the number of bytes submitted Best Regards, Peterp
  16. Hi All, I have a client who decided they wanted to change the tax type on their shipping by zone screen, unfortunately they have a large amount of freight zones and rates, when they tried to save the change they get this error Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. I have changed the max_input_vars field to be 8000 from 1000 in the php.ini file however this did not fix the error. I have since found the error log for php (I think) and discovered the following message [15-Dec-2015 00:23:51 UTC] PHP Warning: Invalid Security Token in /home/wewe2945/public_html/Shop/classes/sanitize.class.php on line 113 What is a 'Invalid Security Token and can we fix it. I will appreciate any help with this issue. Regards, Peterp BlackDog Enterprises
  17. Hi Brian, I have sent you a PM with screen shots and also my email address regards, Peterp
  18. Hi Brian, Thankyou for your fast reply. The issue my client is having is he gets a reminder email of orders where their customers have used the POF payment gateway. All the orders that where paid using Pay-Pal show up in the transaction log correctly as being completed whereas the POF orders still show pending The correct steps are being performed by my client with regards to order completion, however the status for these orders in the transaction log is still showing pending and I think this is why he receives a reminder email, do you think this is what is causing the reminder email and if so can we change some code to fix it. My client is using the history tab and it is showing all the right statuses, but the repeat email is causing problems with same orders being filled again. I hope this explains what is happening and I look forward to your thoughts The client is using ver 6.0.7 Best Regards, Peterp
  19. Hi All, I have a customer who uses the 'Print Order Form' as a payment gateway and all seems OK except when they check the status of the order in the transaction logs it remains set to 'Pending' even though the order has gone through the 'Processing' and 'Completed' actions. This I think causes an extra order confirmation email to be sent to admin, I could see where this would be correct as a reminder to admin that and order has not been fulfilled, however theses orders have been fulfilled and they thought 'Completed' What can be done about this for the 'Print Order Form' payment gateway, they also use Pay-Pal as a payment gateway and this one works perfectly. Any help with this issue would be very much appreciated please. Best Regards, Peterp
  20. Thanks for the response from Dirty Butter and also Brian Smither. The actual buttons do work and they do the job that they supposed to do its just the user doesn't see any indication that they have clicked or rollover the button. If there is some css rule that will fix this then could somebody point me in the right direction as to which CSS is being used thankyou. Also Brian you mentioned the language phrase editor where would I find this as this is very new to me thanks Thanks to everybody for your responses they are very much appreciated. Best Regards, Peterp
  21. I have just updated a site to the latest version 6 and was testing the functionality against what the site did before the upgrade, I have found that when you rollover the buy button it doesn't change colour or change to the hand icon, also when you get to the order page the checkout button and update button doesn't change colour or change to a hand icon. I have checked the older version and they all changed colour or changed to a hand icon. The templates I'm using are mican and vanilla. Also on one of the order screens the buttons read 'secure checkout' however the word checkout is only half displayed. I was wondering whether this was a bug or regular functionality and I have missed some setup step. Hope you can help me Best Regards, Peterp
  22. Thanks Brian that fixes to misunderstanding I had of the check boxes Thanks for your continued support Best Regards, Peterp
  23. Hi all, I have setup a remote site which will be the first site when anybody enters the www.companyname.com.au however there is still some developing that still has to be done before the site is ready for public use, so I setup the offline setting in the stores settings but unfortunately when I go to the store I still see the products but I'm not able to purchase them but what I would rather see is the message that was entered in the offline setting. Is there a way that I have missed to make this happen I'm using the latest version 5 of cubecart any help will gratefully accepted. Regards Peterp
  24. Hi Ian, Well I guess it was, it was a classes fix that was provided by Convict which consisted of a mailer.class.php and PHPMailerAutoloader.php when I unzipped and implemented the problem went away and all was fine again. Thanks for your interest and help regards, Peterp
  25. Hi Convict and all others interested, your SMTP fix seems to have worked and it all now seems to work as expected, thankyou everybody who help your help is invaluable me Thanks and best regards, Peterp
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