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ozzyizzy last won the day on September 26 2015

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  1. I had another look at my problem, and I think I solved mine. This is what I did. 1. I enabled the module on the module page. 2. Clicked on the tab that has now appeared on the left hand side of admin ( very last tab under "advanced", it was never there before, so something has changed) and looked under "trusted ip Addresses",. 3. Tried to enter my own trusted ip address in there. No go... would not save. 4. Went into my cpanel and phpmyAdmin. 5. selected cubecart database 6 Checked to see if the table CubeCart_ccss_ip_addresses existed ( it did not) 7 . Created new table WITH the prefix that all my other tables had ( in my case cc) 8. went back to cubecart admin and under security suite "trusted ip addresses" tab I was finally able to enter my trusted ip address and save as it was supposed to. Voila. all looks good, no more errors in admin log, and the module now appears to be working Hope this works for someone else too. Have a great day.
  2. Update- Reinstalled wp in /blog sub folder, and this time it is working with no issue at all. I guess the internet gremlins decided I was having far too good a day on Friday and threw me a curve ball ( Friday the 13th!). I don't know why I had the issue above, and could not replicate it. I am just glad it was an easy fix. Thank you bsmither and Ian for your suggestions and support. Cheers
  3. I am not sure if it disappeared or not. I had send out an email campaign and did not want my site to be down any longer than was necessary. As all the errors logged were as reported I thought I would restore the "classes" first after removing the "blog" folder ( that had no effect, and site stayed down). As soon as I did restore the classes the site came back up. I thought it very strange too. I will try again on Monday to put the blog folder back to see what happens. I would really like a blog. I have no idea why the site went down the way it did, but will try to replicate it in a few days. Thanks for you reply bsmither. I'll update once I have tried again.
  4. Hi. So I was having a great day and got lots done so I decided to push things a little and thought I would finally put a blog on my cubecart in a sub directory. All went seemingly fine, but now my site is down (knicknacs.com.au). What I did was: Created a new folder and a new database for wordpress in cpanel. Uploaded wp into said new folder. Went to knicknacs.com.au/blog, and created a config file. All good. Decided to have a break before creating my amazing new blog site, and have some lunch. Meanwhile I get a message from uptime robot that my site is down ( 500 internal server error). Error logs in cpanel show these errors repeatedly . [13-Nov-2015 02:38:04 UTC] PHP Warning: include_once() [<a href='http://docs.php.net/manual/en/function.include.php'>function.include.php</a>]: Failed opening '/home/XXXXXXXXXXX/public_html/classes//cubecart.class.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/XXXXXXXXX/public_html/classes/autoloader.class.php on line 77 [13-Nov-2015 02:38:04 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Class 'Cubecart' not found in /home/XXXXXXXXX/public_html/controllers/controller.index.inc.php on line 62As this happened while I was mucking around with wp I believe it has something to do with that and the htaccess. I can currently access my cubecart admin, wp admin, and knicknacs.com.au/blog. but not knicknacs.com.au. Does anyone know what has to happen for knicknacs.com.au to go to cubecart in my root directory? I got this far, and I don't want to do a restore at this point. Cheers UPDATE. Removed the /blog folder and restored the "classes", knicknacs.com.au is up again, but I would still like to know how to put a wp in a blog subfolder. Pretty please!
  5. Ok.. now able to change to foundation ( problem caused by adsense box not existing in the foundation folder). Both slider and cart work in foundation, so will have to compare some files between foundation and knicknacs.
  6. Yes. I did restore the knicknacs skin template, but both the slider and the cart have worked since. I did try and remove both mailchimp and adsense mods to see it that caused the problem, but removing them made no difference to the problem. I just tried to change to the foundation skin, and only get a blank page, so I guess I am either missing parts of the upgrade for foundation, or totally stuffed up somewhere.
  7. Hi. I was testing my shop and discovered my shopping cart is not working. I was trying to change from paypal standard to express I place a test item in my cart (test) or anything else for that matter, and try to checkout. The shopping cart button does not work at all. I am not logging in as a customer. My bxslider is also not working, but rather showing my images stacked on top of one another. Both the slider and cart were working until I upgraded the js file after latest upgrade to 6.07. Could someone look at my site to see if they have the same issue please. (knicknacs.com.au) Any suggestions as to why this is happening now? regards
  8. Yessss. That did the trick!.. my popup form is back on my product and category pages like before!. You are awesome Mr bsmither!!. I do have one more questions though. Why does it not show on my main page? ( never has). Any suggestions there? Forget the last question. It does show on my front page!.. Double awesomeness Mr bsmither!!. Thank you !
  9. Ha!.. Ok.. blonde moment there ( having far too many of those) :-)
  10. Placed places in front of async. <script src="https://knicknacs.com.au/skins/knicknacs/js/vendor/modernizr.min.js" async></script> <script src="https://knicknacs.com.au/skins/knicknacs/js/vendor/jquery.js" async></script> This is the whole code that is on my main.php : {literal} <script type="text/javascript" src="//s3.amazonaws.com/downloads.mailchimp.com/js/signup-forms/popup/embed.js" data-dojo- config="usePlainJson: true, isDebug: false"></script><script type="text/javascript">require(["mojo/signup-forms/Loader"], function(L) { L.start({"baseUrl":"mc.us11.list-manage.com","uuid":"e7a3b516f881c359f6c9d2797","lid":"ac2860c20e"}) })</script> {/literal} so yes, there is a space between data-doja - and config. If I put the right delimiter on the adsense box it shows the whole class="title=""on my webpage. Come to think of it whatever changes were made during the upgrade has also stopped my adsense showing up. Adsense is not really important as I am only using it to test dynamic content. But I do wonder what happened there too. I don't really want a title on the adsense box, so leaving it empty for now.
  11. I cleared both the the browser and the skin cache as well as the cloudflare cache. Do you get the popup on product or catagory page? should popup after 5 seconds.
  12. I have just upgraded the /js/folder to the latest foundation one ( for some reason it was not). It has not made the popup appear. I am not sure what is meant by "$.cookie is not a function". Is this the EU cookie compliance setting? I have tried to enable it in my admin although I had not enabled it in the last version either, ( no change even after clearing cache) What needs to be changed? More guidance please bsmither. Thank you for trying to help me once again!
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