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Everything posted by jasehead

  1. Although, I will add: If you have a product matrix set up and other options become unavailable so you switch them off (status = off) leaving only one option: The only option on the product page is listed (no radio buttons if you're using them, just the text) If you click the add to basket button from the category you are STILL sent to the product page, told that you have to select a product option (which you can't because there is only one option with no selector) and you have to click the add to basket button again Is there a way to make the add to basket on the category page skip the product page and confusing error message if there is only one product option set to default? If so, will it carry through the default product option so that it is included in checkout?
  2. +1 from me - I can't work out how to set the product options matrix and the main stock level so that I force a "Please select required options before adding to your basket" error. All I seem to get if I try adding a product to basket that has options is a "Sorry but that product is out of stock." AFTER FURTHER INVESTIGATION... You have to go to Product Options > Option Groups and set the option group to REQUIRED.
  3. FIX FOR SEARCH PHRASES - ADD THE 'AND', COPE WITH NOT This line doesn't appear to be working: $rlike .= " AND "; I think this is supposed to insert AND between search words, so: address book violet is supposed to become: address AND book AND violet but it doesn't. The fix below copes with: address book violet, address and book and not violet, address book not violet Find: if ( ($ucSearchTerm != 'AND') && ($ucSearchTerm != 'OR') && (strlen($ucSearchTerm) > 0) ) { Replace with: if ( ($ucSearchTerm != 'AND') && ($ucSearchTerm != 'OR') && ($ucSearchTerm != 'NOT') && (strlen($ucSearchTerm) > 0) ) { After: $rlike .= "(I.name LIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.description LIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.product_code LIKE '".$regexp."')"; insert: $rlike = str_replace(array(')(',') NOT ('), array(') AND (',') AND NOT ('), $rlike); FIX FOR SEARCH RESULTS ORDER After: $rlike .= " )"; } Insert: if(!$order_string){$order_string = 'ORDER BY stock_level DESC';} Ideally, the $order_string should be the Product List Sorting set by admin but I couldn't work out how to get the data so it's just hardcoded.
  4. To answer my own questions - here is the search behaviour: address book violet = no results found (search for ANY PHRASE returns no results, would be better if search was converted to AND by default - eg. address AND book AND violet) - FIX AVAILABLE BELOW address AND book AND violet = works ok address AND violet OR address AND blue = works ok address OR album OR dragon = works ok address NOT violet = no results found (NOT isn't supported) - FIX AVAILABLE BELOW +address -violet = no results found (+/- operators not supported) default sort set by admin does not apply to results from BASIC search, but the sort control in advanced search IS set by the default sort setting - so an ADVANCED search will respect the default sort set by admin (Store Settings > Layout > Product List Sorting). The sort control on the search results is set to Product List Sorting after a basic search, but it has not been applied to the search results. - PARTIAL FIX AVAILABLE BELOW _a=category key appears at end of URL for first search, but moves to start of query if results are sorted using the sort control on the search results page including extra search fields like seo_meta_keywords and short_description will cause search to FAIL if you have no data in these fields - so you already need to be using them for data before you add either of these to search code in catalogue.class.php Would be great if: Basic search would adhere to the Product List Sorting set by admin - PARTIAL FIX AVAILABLE BELOW Search included NOT as an option - FIX AVAILABLE BELOW Search words remain in the search field when results are shown (easier to edit and try again) Someone more skilled than me in regexfu could craft a RewriteRule that would convert incoming v3 mod search links to new v6 mod (including default sort) that would work with existing RewriteRules for v4 SEO in .htaccess: FROM THIS - /index.php?searchStr=address+AND+book+AND+violet&act=viewCat&Submit=Go#AndDeleteAnythingAfterGo TO THIS - /search.html?search%5Bkeywords%5D=address+AND+book+AND+violet&_a=category OR THIS - /search.html?_a=category&search[keywords]=address%20AND%20book%20AND%20violet&sort[stock_level]=DESC
  5. Just to note that I've tried the edits and code snippet to show only featured products in stock. I did find that the featured box didn't appear occasionally (because the result wasn't in stock?) Any way to get cubecart to requery?
  6. Is there a way to change the cart icon color if the cart is not empty? So, default color if it IS empty and red (or green) if there is something in the cart? Maybe a cleaner version of this: {if !$CATALOGUE_MODE} <div id="mini-basket"> <div class="show-for-medium-up"> {if isset($CONTENTS) && count($CONTENTS) > 0} <div class="text-right"><a href="#" id="basket-summary" class="button white small"><span style="color:green;font-size:1.10rem;"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> {$CART_TOTAL}</span></a></div> {else} <div class="text-right"><a href="#" id="basket-summary" class="button white small"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart"></i> {$CART_TOTAL}</a></div> {/if} <div class="basket-detail-container hide" id="basket-detail"> <div class="mini-basket-arrow"></div> {include file='templates/box.basket.content.php'} </div> </div> <div class="show-for-small-only"> {if isset($CONTENTS) && count($CONTENTS) > 0} <div class="show-for-small-only"><a class="right-off-canvas-toggle button white tiny" href="#"><span style="color:green;"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-2x"></i></span></a></div> {else} <div class="show-for-small-only"><a class="right-off-canvas-toggle button white tiny" href="#"><i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-2x"></i></a></div> {/if} <div class="hide panel radius small-basket-detail-container js_fadeOut" id="small-basket-detail"><i class="fa fa-check"></i> {$LANG.catalogue.added_to_basket}</div> </div> </div> {/if}
  7. A few things: Does this v6 search fix allow for AND/OR? This and search by Product ID were features of Cubecart v3 - http://www.cubecartforums.org/docs/CubeCart-v3/Understanding-CubeCart/Features.html I had a v3 search mod set to return AND by default, so search URLs for AND were like: /index.php?searchStr=address+book+violet&act=viewCat&Submit=Go but these would work OK: /index.php?searchStr=address+AND+book+AND+violet&act=viewCat&Submit=Go /index.php?searchStr=address+AND+violet+OR+address+AND+blue&act=viewCat&Submit=Go /index.php?searchStr=address+OR+album+OR+dragon&act=viewCat&Submit=Go (I have Google Adwords keywords that link to specific search results.) Also, any suggestions for implementing search changes into the admin/products side for v6? It's really handy (using an earlier modded cart) to be able to filter products by category, then field, then ASC/DEC, then by search term with AND/OR (makes finding and editing a subgroup of matching products much easier). Would be great if NOT was also an option so that some terms could be excluded, eg. fish NOT fishing, or PT15 NOT PT157 AND NOT PT159 (to list all PT15x items except two).
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