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Kentish Embroidery

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  1. So why is my system not adding the .html? The SEO link should be correct, however it's not. If I added the product you said, the SEO path would be [category]/[Product] No .html on the end..
  2. However, thats not whats being added by the system for the SEO link ....
  3. I have tried adding the.html on the end, the software just removes it., not worried about the dash...
  4. The Custom SEO URL Path box auto populates with what Cubecart deems is a good path. In my case it's "sportswear/-international-rugby-shirt" Navigating to https://www.kentishembroidery.co.uk/sportswear/-international-rugby-shirt Gives me a lovelly 404 Page, I have checked my .htaccess file, and it seems standard. Can anyone shed any light as to why this is happening and direct to a solution please?
  5. I am asked to enter in the cost prices and the retail price, I would think that this is to show a profit and loss graph and breakdown. Where can I find this screen please?
  6. I am getting worried I am loosing customers, as they are landing on the 404 page and i'm not sure where from. Can anyone help? Please There are no broken links nothing :-/
  7. Like a paper-trail, that would also give a good insight as to where customers are going from certain landing pages etc
  8. Cheers for that, it's a bog standard install, and I don't use stock control.
  9. http://www.kentishembroidery.co.uk/index.php?_a=404 ยป This is showing up a lot on my stats pages. I've tried to find out how they are getting to these pages to no avail. Can anyone shed any light on this?
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