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Everything posted by devo

  1. CC6 has this in File Manager -> Email Templates
  2. Hi, thanks for the quick response. I managed to find the core file that processes the price... catalogue.class.php method getProductPrice, which I have modded to do what I want by storing the original price and passing that to the skin template, then modding the skin template. I dont like changing core files but there doesnt seem another way. The correct prices seem to be passed to the cart and totals get calculated properly, so its looking ok so far. We've 'updated' from cc4 to cc6 with a new skin and trying to replicate the original functionality -- getting there slowly. Sad how so many older modules have been discontinued (one that have not been incorporated into core, anyway). May be back in touch if I get stuck again!
  3. Hi Looking at the template file for GalaxyX skin product display - content.product.php, I see it uses {$PRODUCT.full_base_price} & {$PRODUCT.price_to_pay} to display the prices. However, {$PRODUCT.full_base_price} is not displaying the original price. We have a 'Trade' Customer Group and have assigned 'Trade' prices to our products, so when logged in as a Trade customer we expect that the original price AND the Trade prices are displayed but instead we just get the Trade price twice (the first is crossed out). Is this a bug? Also, how can I test if a customer belongs to a particular group? Many thanks in advance.
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