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Everything posted by bsmither

  1. What is the value of 'item_id' for "switching-dc-power-supply"? What is the value in 'redirect'?
  2. Unfortunately, no. (Personally, I liked the ability to switch off seo-friendly URLs.) In CubeCart_seo_urls, find the row with type 'cat' and path 'switching-dc-power-supply'. Does it exist?
  3. The database table CubeCart_seo_urls will have 'path' values that end without .html. There may be a few 'path' values that do end in .html but these records must also have 'redirect' values of "301", and must have the same 'item_id' of a matching record of the same 'type', without .html. So, look in CubeCart_seo_urls for any paths that end in .html and report back.
  4. Have CubeCart clear its internal cache. That will force CubeCart to rebuild and cache a fresh rendering of the "Shop by Category" listing (aka Top Nav Bar in Foundation), with the correct links (with or without .html as set in Store Settings). Has the issue with some links working and some links not working been figured out?
  5. The .htaccess file should have nothing more than this: # Session data may be written here if the default # server config has a problem. They need protection. # Relates to Session->_start() # Code snippets are also stored here and must be protected. <FilesMatch "^(sess_|snippet_|es.json)"> deny from all </FilesMatch> If that is all that is in .htaccess, then leave it as it is.
  6. I would question the GA rows as I am sure any GA plugin would NOT use code snippets. If the rows in the database table do not have a description (or a description that makes sense) or author, delete it.
  7. As above, delete the rows in CubeCart_code_snippet. Delete all files (except index.php and .htaccess) from that folder. Do not access your site until you have done both.
  8. Ok, the index.php file is fine. Look in the database, at the table CubeCart_code_snippet. Delete all records found in that table.
  9. You have a serious problem. That stuff, when decoded, looks like code that wants to act as a server for malware. I can't be sure. It will be somewhat difficult to determine where this code lives. Firstly, look at the folder /includes/extra/. If there is any file in there other than .htaccess and index.php, delete it and post back with what you found.
  10. Look at the database table CubeCart_history. It will have rows that indicate when CubeCart was upgraded to a specific version. Try deleting any row that has a version 6.x.x in it -- assuming you upgraded from CubeCart 5.something.something (5.2 is not specific enough).
  11. When you go through the downgrade/upgrade process, you might be missing the .htaccess file -- which, as discovered earlier, will cause problems with how the hosting environment works if missing.
  12. CubeCart checks for what storefront skin to use in this sequence: 1. Session 2. Config 3. First Found 4. Foundation So, if a visitor (including each admin) uses the Skin Selector made available to visitors on the storefront, that choice is stored in the visitor's 'session'. If there is no skin having been selected in the visitor's session, CubeCart uses the Default Skin as specified in Store Settings, Layout tab. If that skin somehow does not exist (which would be strange, but has happened), CubeCart will use the first found of all other installed skins - as long as it is not Vanilla. Finally, as of more recent versions of CubeCart, the last resort is Foundation. Therefore, if all you get is Kurouto, even after changing the default skin in admin config settings, you will need to log out of admin (thus killing that 'session'). Then you should see the skin as set in admin settings. If I used this URL: https://mastechpowersupply.com/linear-dc-power-supply Note: No .html I get the 404 response back directly from the web sever - not CubeCart. This tells me that the .htaccess file does not have the proper mod_rewrite directives, or that the web server is not configured to allow .htaccess directives to be executed (needs hosting company support).
  13. Many "Warnings" have been found in CubeCart - even in CC651 - because PHP 8 has decided that what once 'Notices' are now 'Warnings'. Nothing bad is going to happen. These messages are being found and fixed in CC652 (not yet published). The "page=all" should put an entry in admin, Error Logs, System Error Log table. I don't recall seeing this happen with CC651, but there is a fix for this that was implemented in CC6410. That edit requires that the info provided in the skin's config.xml file have the following: <layout> <products> <perpage amount="6" /> <perpage default="true" amount="12" /> <perpage amount="24" /> <perpage amount="48" /> <perpage amount="96" /> </products> </layout> Early versions of Kurouto do not have these statements. Add them just above the <styles> statement. (Or update Kurouto to v1.0.4) Then, have CubeCart clear its internal cache (lit button at the upper-right corner of admin screens).
  14. CubeCart does not use these specific statements, but the hosting environment does. Other statements related to mod_rewrite is what CubeCart requires.
  15. "If I change the .htaccess file name, the website will complain that the php version is too low, and the website will not work." I have not seen CubeCart do this. So, please verify that the complaint message is from CubeCart.
  16. The 406 comes from the web server, not PHP nor CubeCart. Additional investigation could be provided by your hosting provider. The default skin as selected in Store Settings is noted in a group settings array. Access the database directly, and look in CubeCart_config table. Find the row where the 'name' is "config". From that row, note the "array" value. It will be a very long sequence of seemingly random letters and numbers. This is the result of an array being serialized, then base64 encoded. You will need a utility to decode the value. Some programmer's text editors can do this, and maybe phpMyAdmin (perhaps the utility you are using to directly access the database). After decoding, 'skin_folder' and 'skin_style' is what you will be looking for. In admin, the first page displayed is the Dashboard. On the Store Overview tab, let us know what version of PHP is being used. We strongly recommend PHP 8.1+.
  17. CubeCart has three parts to the version: 5 or 6: Major Family 0,1,2,4,5: Feature Set 0-10+: Minor Features, Bug Fixes So, "CubeCart 6.1" is missing a part of the version number. Do you mean CubeCart 6.5.1 - the latest release? Upgraded from some version of the CubeCart 5 family?
  18. The path of div blocks (an 'xpath') mentioned by Google is created and put in place under javascript control via the jQuery 'Rating' plugin. Which is to say, you won't find these div's in the Foundation templates. If you can live without reviews, in admin, Store Settings, Features tab, disable "Product Reviews".
  19. Short answer, no. We very much recommend CC651 when running PHP8.1+.
  20. The "Off Canvas" is a feature of the Foundation skin, programmed by Zurb (not CubeCart's programmers). https://get.foundation/sites/docs-v5/components/offcanvas.html As such, I suppose one can experiment with using a different tag - instead of an <a> tag - but I do not know what that could be. Of course, I do not know why Zurb chose to use an <a> tag to effect a "click" event. (There is a disclaimer about Off Canvas vs. Accessibility on the above page.) Maybe one can add a title attribute to this particular link -- I do not know. (Line 104 in the template main.php and 73 in main.checkout.php.)
  21. The Foundation template file main.checkout.php, near line 38, there is: Note: Line split for readability: <div class="right text-center show-for-small"> <a class="left-off-canvas-toggle button trans tiny" href="#"> <svg class="icon icon-x2"><use xlink:href="#icon-bars"></use></svg> </a> </div> This shows only the 'hamburger bars' (a "menu" icon), but offers no discernable text or label for accessibility (screen readers).
  22. I used the guidelines at: https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.4/button-name https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.4/label to suggest changes in the issue I posted in the Github: https://github.com/cubecart/v6/issues/3312 "Cubecart automatically switches to the special mode for mobile device." If you mean the Category page that shows product panels in a grid, then it is javascript that shows/hides each of two separate sections: product_list_view and product_grid_view. If it is the grid view being shown, the javascript tests if the screen is at medium width or wider, and if so will add a CSS class to the list to make a three-across grid. If not at medium width or wider, the existing one-across grid stays in force. The 'path' elements are "breadcrumbs". Search through foundation.css to find everything related to breadcrumbs. You should overrule those CSS rules by adding your custom rules in cubecart.default.css, including its color. The 'path' is the sequence of Home through the category hierarchy to the name of the product. Constructing this chain is enabled by addBreadcrumb() in the GUI class file. Here, data is collected into an array. The data comes from everywhere - related to what is being shown. Finally, the displayCommon() function in the GUI class file gives the array to the template rendering engine (Smarty).
  23. I have identified six files that could be tweaked based on your comments above regarding labels and accessible names. I will post an issue in the Github.
  24. Personally, I do not like the More... function for seeing more products - although major web sites do this (Google, automatically, for one). One cannot back away from showing page 2 (appended to page 1) once the browser has shown it. That is, viewing another page, then returning to this page, will continue to show page 1 and page 2. It is controlled by a cookie that lasts 10 minutes. I don't know of a way, currently, to get around this.
  25. The "Shop by Category" phrase is strange. I am not sure where in Foundation that is used. But the Review Stars is controlled by the jQuery plugin found at Foundation's /js/vendor/jquery.rating.min.js file. There is no attribution, but it appears to be this one: https://github.com/fyneworks/star-rating This plugin is implemented in the Foundation template element.product_reviews.php, starting near line 70.
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