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Posts posted by bsmither

  1. You say that WordPress is in the main directory for your domain name, which means CubeCart should be in a sub-directory (/cubecart/).

    Please critically examine any .htaccess file that belongs to WordPress. (This assumes your web server can use .htaccess files. Some web servers do not, such as nginx.) The thinking is that there is a directive in the .htaccess file in the main directory that is inadvertently causing problems for later-parsed .htaccess files.

    The system errors are bizarre. It is as if someone is entering something that is in no way a legit SQL query in the Query Box seen at admin, Maintenance, Query Database (Advanced).


  2. I think the quickest solution is to request a modification of:


    so that, instead of a secondary price dealing with tax, the secondary price would be the companion retail price.

    From the description, I would assume that the fundamental code has been finished, and that all that is needed is to access an additional function in the Tax class - the function that returns a specified currency according to the exchange rate.

  3. What version of CubeCart did you upgrade from? Was it a version before CC640?

    I tested:


    The first worked. The second got a 404 response.

    This suggests that the database (maybe restored back to before CC640?) has some missing rows in one of the tables.

    There is an open issue in the bug tracker regarding this.

    Do you have access to an external database utility, such as phpMyAdmin (available as a tool in the hosting account's control panel), or some other tool?

  4. Do not download PHP 4. You can use PHP 7.4, but PHP 7.3 still works - although kinda old.

    The discussion mentioned earlier is for the Minimalizer skin, but, if you take note of what, exactly, was specifically changed, then you would apply just the changed bits of code in Foundation.

    So, you may have made a copy of Foundation, named it something else, and are using that. If so, then when upgrading, only the Foundation skin gets updates. And if you upgraded to CC645, and did not inhibit 'Foundation' from also getting updated, and are in fact using the stock Foundation skin, then this problem should not have surfaced.


  5. Welcome Mia of Oz! Glad to see you made it to the forum.

    The latest versions of CubeCart now offer a choice of having, or not having, the suffix .html as part of the URL.

    However, those specific web addresses (and perhaps a couple others) that do have .html as a hard-coded part of the link will present problems.

    The latest versions of the included Foundation skin has had this fixed.

    Perhaps you are using a skin that has not been re-coded to work with this "feature".

    Please see:


    We can give better instruction once we know what skin you are using.

  6. In the template main.php:

    	<div class="{$SECTION_NAME}_wrapper">
    		<div class="sidebar" id="sidebar_left">
    		<div class="sidebar" id="sidebar_right">
    			{if isset($POPULAR_PRODUCTS)}{$POPULAR_PRODUCTS}{/if}
    Change to:
    	<div class="{$SECTION_NAME}_wrapper">
    		<div class="sidebar" id="sidebar_left">
    			{* $SALE_ITEMS *}
    		<div class="sidebar" id="sidebar_right">
    			{* $RANDOM_PROD *}
    			{* if isset($POPULAR_PRODUCTS)}{$POPULAR_PRODUCTS}{/if *}


  7. What language are you using? (Italian?)

    In admin, Languages, select for editing the language being used. From the drop down selector shown, choose the Checkout group.

    From the list that will be shown, scroll to 'make_payment'. Click on the actual phrase 'make_payment' to enable the text edit box to become enabled for editing.

    Change the sentence to reflect the order of price then order number where you see the placeholders %s.

    In English, that would be:

    A total of <strong>%s</strong> is due for order number <strong>%s</strong>

    For your language, it might be:

    Il totale dovuto <strong>%s</strong> per l'Ordine numero <strong>%s</strong>.

    Save. Clear CubeCart's cache.

  8. This is CubeCart Corp's demo site, the Advanced Search page (Foundation skin):


    You said: "that will only select a manufacturer for an entered key phase". I am not sure what you mean by that.

    On the demo search, select "Sony" as the manufacturer, and just use an asterisk for the search term. You will get all Sony products.

  9. I do not find anything wrong with unserializing that string (after base64 decoding it). So, I have no idea what the 17 byte string would be that PHP cannot unserialize.

    But I do notice that one of the error messages:

    Undefined index: localkey

    may be an indicator of bad coding - the config array is using local_key.

    I assume you are using the latest version of this plugin (v1.5).

    Time to contact the publisher, @havenswift-hosting.

  10. CC3 does not have the ability to make backups of itself.

    You will need FTP access to the server holding the files (to download all folders and files to a local machine), and access to the database using a database management utility.

    If this access is not permitted to you, then assistance by those who are managing the server will be required.


  11. The SEO message is something you should look into later.

    Using your local database app to examine the database, look in the table 'CubeCart_modules'. Find the row where the 'folders' column has the value "enhanced_manufacturers". The errors are generated immediately after this query (#11 in the list):

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `status`, `countries`
    FROM `CubeCart_modules`
    WHERE CubeCart_modules.folder = 'enhanced_manufacturers'
    LIMIT 1;

    Take note of the value in the 'countries' column of that row.

    The amount of data that this column can hold is 255 bytes. Are there a lot of characters here, or are there about 22 or 23 characters?

  12. Use the mouse to swipe across all that diagnostic stuff - all the way to the bottom.

    Copy it to the OS clipboard, paste it in a text editor (Notepad is fine). Save the text file. Attach that to a reply (or email it to me).

    But looking at the error messages, those unserialize() errors really needs to have the publisher look at their code. I'm guessing that the serialized array (17 bytes is way too little to be correct) does not contain the data it is supposed to have.


  13. So far, my best guess is that in content.category.php, there is a test for {$PAGINATION} being true-like. If so, then include a template. But that is not what we want.

    In CubeCart's database.class.php, function pagination(), that template is fetched, populated and returned to catalogue.class.php, function categoryPagination(). If all goes well, the pagination HTML code derived from that template is given to PAGINATION. It then gets displayed via {$PAGINATION}.

    At the bottom of content.category.php is another {$PAGINATION} that should - but doesn't - show the pagination HTML because that test is also true-like.

    So, the likely culprit is that {$PAGINATION} is either empty or false.

    At the bottom of the content.category.php file, add {debug} and save. When you request this page, there will be a popup. Your browser may require you to approve of showing this popup. Approve it, and you may need to close the popup and make another request for that page.

    Scroll down the popup looking for $PAGINATION in the left column. It's value will be in the right column. What is the value?

    Keep in mind that unless certain other measures are taken, everyone will get that popup. So we need to only have {debug} in the template for as long as necessary.


  14. In CubeCart's admin, Maintenance, Backup tab, there is a feature to create a complete backup file of all the folders and files, and a feature to create a complete backup of the database.

    For a more detailed discussion, please see:



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