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Help with CubeCart 3

Guest mat3000000

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Guest mat3000000


Please look at http://woodworkingtooling.co.uk

The general gist of all the php warnings is that the spiders.txt file and another file in includes is not found. I have checked all these files and they are all there???

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Generally speaking, CubeCart 3/4 uses values you provide that represent where it is located on the server's file system. CubeCart 5 does this using PHP statements. For CC3/4, you also provide where it is located respective of what is called your site's 'document root'. Again, CC5 figures this out for itself. CC3/4 uses the file /includes/global.inc.php to hold this information.

Generally, when PHP complains about not finding a file, one of the most common reasons is because the path it was told to use is not valid. Examining the error message reveals that the following is where PHP was told to look:


but the actual path where the CubeCart installation is at:


So, generally with any application, when telling PHP to look here, but it's really here, then one needs to change/fix the file and the info in it that tells PHP where to look.

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