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Flags for currencies 5.2.8


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Hello fellow cubecarters,


Working with crosshatch 5.2.8. I really need to modify the standard 'select currency' menu to display flag graphics. For example please consider the following menu:


(FlagGraphic) $ USD

        (FlagGraphic) $ CAD

         (FlagGraphic) £ GBP

          (FlagGraphic) € EUR


There are a few old useful posts out there relating to the subject but I cant quite get it to work. Would appreciate a fresh, up to date approach if anyone can offer one?


Many thanks in advance.

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Here is something for the language selector, box.language.php:

<option value="{$language.code}" {$language.selected}>{$language.title}</option>
<option value="{$language.code}" {$language.selected} style='background-image:url({$STORE_URL}/language/flags/{$language.code}.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-left:30px;'>{$language.title}</option>

The problem with currencies is that CubeCart does not have flag filenames that include the ISO of the country, such USA.png, CAD.png, JPY.png, ZAR.png. You would need to copy the respective country flag image file to a new filename of the format ISO.png.


Then you can apply the same technique as above. For {$language.code}, it would be {$currency.code}.


Also, this might mess up your layout. So watch for that.

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Fabulous that works fine. Just one issue, the set currency does not show it's FlagGraphic. In other words:


(FlagGraphic) $ USD - Flag not shown

        (FlagGraphic) $ CAD - Flag shown

         (FlagGraphic) £ GBP - Flag shown

          (FlagGraphic) € EUR - Flag shown


Here is the modified block of code:


<div class="select">
            <select name="set_currency" class="auto_submit">
                 {foreach from=$CURRENCIES item=currency}
                <option value="{$currency.code}" {$currency.selected} style='background-image:url({$STORE_URL}/language/flags/{$currency.code}.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-left:30px;' title="{$currency.name}">{$currency.symbol_left} {$currency.code} {$currency.symbol_right}</option>


Many thanks

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