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Google SEO sudden drop WEBP


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I have had a very sudden drop in my page indexing with Google. A lot have to do with the webp extension on my images.  I had Google test one of the pages and this is what it shows. (in part). Is this normal, how it should look?  I don't use the Cubecart sitemap.  I have XML-Sitemaps including the one for images




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  • 5 months later...

If you think the issue is with the WEBP images, try converting some of them back to JPEG or PNG to see if it helps. Also, double-check that your XML sitemap is set up correctly and includes all your images. Sometimes sitemap issues can cause problems with indexing. For more detailed help, you might want to look into e-commerce SEO services. They can offer specific strategies to fix your indexing issues.

Edited by Hundramos
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