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Absolute Pricing 0.00


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I have a couple of products that have product options, I've set the options correctly but my customers were getting confused about how the option pricing was shown (one even accused me of ripping her off on a previous purchase as she didn't understand that the option price is +£xx plus the base price)

Maybe I've set this up wrong but I tried setting the main base price at £9.00 for 1 pack and the options as 2 packs +£8.00, 3 packs +£14.00, some customers got confused. I tried then setting the absolute price at what it should be £9, £17 and £25, great I thought until someone bought them and all the VAT was screwed up.

So now I have the main price set at 0.00 and all the option prices set as absolute prices, VAT calculates correctly but when viewing in category or latest products etc is there any way to change the price of £0.00 to some text such as 'select option'.

I've looked through previous posts but some are soooo old they don't relate to CC6. I'm using CBurst skin and CC6.4.5


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Please explore "Quantity Pricing". Your example suggests this should be the solution for this particular product's situation.

in admin, bring up that product for editing. On the Pricing tab, find the header bar that says:

Quantity   Price

On the initial row given, enter:

1    9.00

Press the white plus in green circle to actually add that row to the table. A new empty row will appear. Enter:

2   8.50

Press the white plus in green circle to actually add that row to the table. A new empty row will appear. Enter:

3   8.33

Press the white plus in green circle to actually add that row to the table. A new empty row will appear.

Save and have CubeCart clear its internal cache.

I would think CBurst has the ability to show the indication that Quantity Pricing is available, and the actual pricing table.

Edited by bsmither
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