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cc3 problems..

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... ;):unsure:;)

..oboy oboy oboy..

i finished a swedish translation of the language file and added it to the store...

then all kinds of sh*t turned up...

for example some buttons disapper (in admin/store config/taxes - 'Add' button)

also alot of those 'Action' links (edit, delete) disappears..

i've also noticed that some words can't be translated... (hard coded)

... :ph34r:

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i've also noticed that some words can't be translated... (hard coded)

This is a bug. I had to pick out every bit of english and paste it into one file of over 1000 lines.. It took 2 days and a lot of bordom! ;)

If you have any other errors then there is probably a typo in the language file.

Remember that %s is replaced by the variable name:

e.g. Thank you, your email has been sent to %s

Also make sure you don't put quotes in the array value/

e.g. 'lang_macro' => "This is called a "macro"",

That would break it. If you get stuck send it to us and we can try and help. ;)

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... thx brooky.. :unsure:

this with the %s i know...

and i'm pretty sure i haven't added any quotes inside the text that need to be translated... ;)

anyhow.. i'll make a check in case off... :ph34r:

i'll get back...

EDIT:... as you said... i found 2 of these '

...how sensitive it can be.. ;)

anyhow.. now it's fixed...

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hey... i stumbled into other things that wasn't translated either.. things that i could alter... ;)

i had to do some changes to a couple of files...

these are hopefully correctly done.. feel free to check them before applying the changes... these changes works for me..

plz do a backup before..

... ;)



* on line 163


<td align="center" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['settings']['iso_name'];?></td>

* replace with


<td align="center" class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['settings']['iso'];?></td>



* on line 331


<td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>"><a <?php if(permission("products","edit")==TRUE){ ?>href="?editOption=<?php echo $options[$i]['option_id'];?>&amp;redir=<?php echo $currentPage; ?>"<?php } else { echo $link401; } ?> class="txtLink">Edit</a> | <a <?php if(permission("products","delete")==TRUE){ ?>href="java script:decision('<?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['warn_remove_opt'];?>','?delOption=<?php echo $options[$i]['option_id']; ?>&amp;redir=<?php echo $currentPage; ?>');" class="txtLink"<?php } else { echo $link401; } ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['delete'];?></a> </td>

* replace with


<td class="<?php echo $cellColor; ?>"><a <?php if(permission("products","edit")==TRUE){ ?>href="?editOption=<?php echo $options[$i]['option_id'];?>&amp;redir=<?php echo $currentPage; ?>"<?php } else { echo $link401; } ?> class="txtLink"><?php echo $lang['admin']['edit'];?></a> | <a <?php if(permission("products","delete")==TRUE){ ?>href="java script:decision('<?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['warn_remove_opt'];?>','?delOption=<?php echo $options[$i]['option_id']; ?>&amp;redir=<?php echo $currentPage; ?>');" class="txtLink"<?php } else { echo $link401; } ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['delete'];?></a> </td>



* lines 368 - 371


<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['opt_id'];?></td>

<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $options[$i]['option_name']; ?></td>

<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $options[$i]['option_attributes']; ?></td>

<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['action'];?></td>

* replace with


<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['opt_id'];?></td>

<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['opt_name'];?></td>

<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['option_attribute'];?></td>

<td class="tdTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['products']['action'];?></td>



* on line 280


<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="submit" value="<?php if($_GET["edit"]>0){ echo $modeTxt; } else { echo $modeTxt;  } ?> Category"></td>

* replace with


<input type="submit" name="Submit" class="submit" value="<?php if($_GET["edit"]>0){ echo $modeTxt; } else { echo $modeTxt;  } ?> "></td>



* on line 121


<p class="pageTitle">Customers</p>

* replace with


<p class="pageTitle"><?php echo $lang['admin']['customers']['clientes'];?></p>

* add to language file in $lang['admin']['customers'] section


'clientes' => "Customers",



* on line 160 - 161


<option value="1" <?php if($config['ssl']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>Yes</option>

<option value="0" <?php if($config['ssl']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>No</option>

* replace with


<option value="1" <?php if($config['ssl']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['yes'];?></option>

<option value="0" <?php if($config['ssl']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['no'];?></option>

* on line 341 - 342


<option value="1" <?php if($config['stockLevel']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>Yes</option>

<option value="0" <?php if($config['stockLevel']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>No</option>

* replace with


<option value="1" <?php if($config['stockLevel']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['yes'];?></option>

<option value="0" <?php if($config['stockLevel']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['no'];?></option>

* on line 350 - 351


<option value="1" <?php if($config['outofstockPurchase']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>Yes</option>

<option value="0" <?php if($config['outofstockPurchase']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>>No</option>

* replace with


<option value="1" <?php if($config['outofstockPurchase']==1) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['yes'];?></option>

<option value="0" <?php if($config['outofstockPurchase']==0) echo "selected='selected'"; ?>><?php echo $lang['admin']['no'];?></option>


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