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Everything posted by keat

  1. It seems to be related to PayPal Express checkout, but any ideas why ? I assume the way the customer leaves my site, logs in with PayPal and then comes back to my site to complete the order, is doing something with the email confirmation. (i'm configured to notify at the pending stage) The totals in the database and on Paypal are correct. In the short term, I've disabled PP Express
  2. I've just been shown this order today where the subtotal is incorrect on the email confirmation. If you look at this, the subtotal and tax is correct, but the order total is wrong. Order total should be £98.40. The customer has paid £98.40, the order in the cart side shows £98.40, but the emailed order confirmation shows £114.80, which incidentally is the tax portion twice. Odd thing is, this appears to be random, orders either side of this appears to be correct. I'm still trying to determine when this started, I suspect, I has something to do with the email templates.
  3. It's a catch 22, On the old V3, we had such a fuzzy search that customers would complain that search results were not relevent, as can be seen above, and found it difficult to find anything. The argument this weekend was: 'A customer who knows grease nipples are GRN part numbers would search GRN but the results come back null' My reply was, 'But if he's half an ounce of intelligence, he'd search 'grease' 'nipple' or 'grease nipple and new customers wouldn't know GRN anyway' Now after the code change, we can search GRN, but the results come back so diluted. (maybe not with GRN, but with lots of others it does) it's ruined the search facility. I have left the code change in situ so the powers that be can see for themsleves. Personally, i feel there was nothing wrong, but i don't make those descisions. In the meantime, I assume this line has something to do with the search. $rlike = " AND (I.name RLIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.description RLIKE '".$regexp."' OR I.product_code RLIKE '".$regexp."')"; Would it be possible to change i.product_code to something along the lines like%%
  4. I made the code change, and as suspected, it did indeed ruin the search. For instance search the phrase 'NUT', and not only does it reveal nuts, but anything else that contains the phrase nut, like superglue which sets in 1 minute, or a soldering which heats in under 2 minutes. Search for our part number TR (which is a range of cable ties) and a wire stripper shows up. I've left it in situ just to prove my point. Thanks chaps.
  5. I'll have a look at the thread, but I guess it might be easier to say 'it's V6, live with it'
  6. I don't really want to start editing products, I've 4500 of them. If I search GRN1, it will show GRN1, but if I search GRN, it shows nothing. I guess its running a search query along the lines 'if product_code equals xxx', so maybe changing the query to 'if product_code is like% xxx' would do the trick. Of course this has the ability to dilute the search.
  7. I've been told that customers can't search by partial part number. I've tried to explain that messing with this will break the search, which is one complaint we had on our V3 example, if we sell items with part number GRN1, GRN2, GRN3, GRN4, etc, and you search GRN, then nothing comes up. Is there a way to improve this ?
  8. I found it in the module hooks, so it seems the tag line was infact in PayPal_pro\Hooks\class.cubecart.construct.confirm.php Now that I can see the actual Cubecart 'Make Payment' button, I can also see the edit I made to it earlier in the language editor.
  9. with debugging enabled, I see this when I clear the language cache. maybe it's related, maybe it isnt.. [88] SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'CubeCart_seo_urls' -- (0.00544691085815 sec) [NOT CACHED] [89] SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'CubeCart_sessions' -- (0.000524997711182 sec) [NOT CACHED] [90] SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'CubeCart_shipping_rates' -- (0.000503063201904 sec) [NOT CACHED] [91] SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'CubeCart_shipping_zones' -- (0.00049090385437 sec) [NOT CACHED] [92] SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'CubeCart_system_error_log' -- (0.000476837158203 sec) [ERROR - NOT CACHED] [93] SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'CubeCart_tax_class' -- (0.00044584274292 sec) [NOT CACHED] [94] SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'CubeCart_tax_details' -- (0.000494003295898 sec) [NOT CACHED]
  10. I've discovered after returning back from PayPal express the notification to 'Click Make Payment Button' But there is no button until a shipping mode is selected. So I tried to be clever and modify the string in the language section to say Make Payment (ensure shipping is selected). However as can be seen from the image, this is not being displayed dispite clearing the cache, language cache, web browser etc. Is this coming from somewhere else ?, If I look inside definitions.xml, it only says 'Make Payment' no mention of my additional text. yet its quite clearly visible in the admin side of the language editor. I even edited definitions.xml to something slightly different, but the cart still shows the below. I've since edited the Phrase via the admin panel, and can see the changes being reflected in cart_lang_strings, but these changes are no apparent on the page. Maybe clear language cache isn't working ?
  11. I have considered this, but I don't want to give staff access to PHP, and I don't particularly want the job either.
  12. We don't use the cart status to it's full capability, we only rely on it for notifications of an order. Imagine it same as a fax or email order. The cart contents are manually input on to our internal system, which will email the customer with his invoice once the order has been processed in house. The point of the excersise was to see if switching the cart to notification on status 'Order Processing', but i've proven that this wouldn't work for us. Prior to going live last weekend, there were probably only a handful of 15000 cart orders where the status was marked complete.
  13. I enabled debugging on mine and performed the sort thing, and can't see any red errors in the debug log. There are references to stuff being chached, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to clear the cache. Next I'd suggest maybe posting a dozen lines either side of the debug error on here, someone will know the answer i'm sure.
  14. Yesterday, I identified 2 orders where status= Pending, and Gateway = PayPal/PayPoint. This would indicate that the customer chose a payment gateway, left our web site but didn't pay, so no IPN. Today, I talked to staff and both these orders were completed verbally using credit cards. I guess had we been configured for Notification when status=processing, these would have been missed.
  15. I'm not familiar with V5, I went from 3 to 6. Does V5 have debugging mode ?
  16. I'm not sure where youre referring, if you could be a little more specific, I'll compare against mine.
  17. Is there a way to view products by category ? I cant see anything in the admin side, and inventory, doesn't have the category any more. I was considering adding the Manufacturer to about 40 products
  18. I was considering modifying POF to mark the cart as stage 2, then reconfigure the cart to notify via email at stage 2. However, I've just run a query on the database >> find orders where stage=1 and gateway doesn't=POF, and found 3 orders from this week. These can only be orders where the customer chose a payment method and then didn't pay The sales staff will undoubtedly know about these, and without doubt will know the answers when I ask tomorrow, but it has proven that we can't rely on 'notify at stage 2' Interesting that I had a conversation with one of the staff this morning about the emailing stage, it went in one ear, and straight out of the other... never touched the sides.
  19. I'm a little concerened that the tweaks I've done to get V6 to a state where the people using it are happy, leaves me in a vulnerable position for future upgrades. My intensions are to download a virgin V6.10 and use a file comparison to spot the differences, so in the even of a future update, I'll know which files would be affected. Can anyone suggest such a tool, one which is reliable and accurate ?
  20. I'd have never figured that out. I got giddy when I thought i'd almost cracked it. I need to play about with the table sizes, (will do this tomorrow at work).
  21. I think we could say so. Although unfortunately I never got around to trying Brians code as I finally figured out how to fix the HTML.
  22. I have been playing for a few hours, mainly trial and much error i'm afraid. I had changed $product.product_code to $warn.product_code, but the table is still empty.
  23. any way to do this please ?. I guess I need to somehow ling product_code with the warning, but i don'y know how to do that. I'm close, but no cigar. {if isset($STOCK)} <div id="stock_warnings" class="tab_content"> <h3>{$LANG.dashboard.title_stock_warnings}</h3> <table width="70%"> <thead> <tr> <th width="20" align="left">{$LANG.catalogue.product_code}</th> <th>{$LANG.catalogue.product_name}</th> <th width="65" nowrap="nowrap">{$LANG.dashboard.stock_level}</th> <th width="10">&nbsp;</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> {foreach from=$STOCK item=warn} <tr> <td width="20" align="left"> {$product.product_code}</td> <td><a href="?_g=products&action=edit&product_id={$warn.product_id}{if $warn.M_use_stock==1}#Options{/if}">{$warn.name}</a></td> <td align="center" width="65" nowrap="nowrap">{if $warn.M_use_stock==1}{$warn.M_stock_level}{else}{$warn.I_stock_level}{/if}{if $warn.cached_name} - {$warn.cached_name} {/if} </td> <td width="30"> <a href="?_g=products&action=edit&product_id={$warn.product_id}{if $warn.M_use_stock==1}#Options{/if}" class="edit"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o" title="{$LANG.common.edit}"></i></a><a href="?_g=products&delete={$warn.product_id}&dashboard=1" class="delete" title="{$LANG.notification.confirm_delete}"><i class="fa fa-trash" title="{$LANG.common.delete}"></i></a> </td> </tr> {/foreach} </tbody> </table> <div>{$STOCK_PAGINATION}</div> </div> {/if} {if isset($PLUGIN_TABS)} {foreach from=$PLUGIN_TABS item=tab} {$tab} {/foreach} {/if}
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