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Dirty Butter

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Posts posted by Dirty Butter

  1. Are you still on Galaxy X skin? I have no way to check, but I'm GUESSING you should find the image code in one of the skin/templates files - either content.checkout.confirm or one of the others that has checkout in the naming.

    Try content.checkout.medium.up and comment this out.

                   <a href="{$item.link}" class="th" title="{$item.name}"><img src="{$item.image}" alt="{$item.name}"></a></td>


  2. You will need to do a MANUAL UPGRADE. Do NOT try to upgrade from within Admin - even though you see a warning to upgrade and a link to do it with. Your images folder will not be over-written.


    One of the security features that will be new for you is the renaming of admin file and folder to admin_XXX and admin_XXX.php. The XXX are random numbers. You should be warned at the end of your upgrade to keep a record of these new names. Assuming you have SSL, be sure to login with the https url with the admin_XXX.php link.


  3. If you still want to downgrade, these are the files I renamed with 617 suffixed and then uploaded the 6.1.5 versions temporarily:







    your skin



    (Basically everything LOL)

    I was on 6.1.5, so the database changes between 6.1.5 and 6.1.7 didn't seem to cause an issue, so I didn't try to revert those.

  4. Sorry. I added this thread link to the GitHub post.

    In the meantime try commenting out this whole section and see what happens:

    {* Add "hide-for-small-up" to the class attribute to not display the more button *} 
       <div class="hide-for-small-up" id="ccScrollCat">{$category.cat_id}</div>
       {if $page!=='all' && ($page < $total)}
       {$params[$var_name] = $page + 1}
       <a href="{$current}{http_build_query($params)}{$anchor}" data-next-page="{$params[$var_name]}" data-cat="{$category.cat_id}" class="button tiny expand ccScroll-next">{$LANG.common.more} <svg class="icon"><use xlink:href="#icon-angle-down"></use></svg></a>
    <div class="hide-for-small-up" id="lang_loading">{$LANG.common.loading}</div>


  5. Assuming you have not made any non-stock edits in sanitize.class.php -

    This is the link to the new raw sanitize.class.php file replacement.


    Open your sanitize.class.php file in the classes folder, and replace all the code in the file with this code.

    Then clear all CC cache except images in Maintenance. Also clear your browser cache - usually control/F5.

  6. It did the same thing for me when I registered.

    I don't know how it could have any effect on this, but there was an edit in en-GB.xml that you should carry over to your Lithuanian xml file. Change your maxVersion to 6.*.*


    When there are language file changes on CC upgrades - do you edit your Lithuanian files to keep up with the changes?

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