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Dirty Butter

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Posts posted by Dirty Butter

  1. 1) You will find the CC footer statement in your skins/templates/ccpower.php file. You are welcome to either comment out the call for the ccpower.php file near the bottom in main.php {* {include file='templates/ccpower.php'} *}, or you can just edit the ccpower.php file to suit yourself.

    2) You will find that section in main.php:

                   <div class="large-3 columns show-for-large-up" id="sidebar_left">
                      {include file='templates/box.featured.php'}
                      {include file='templates/box.popular.php'}
                      {include file='templates/box.sale_items.php'}

    If you just want to change the wording of any button or phrasing, goto your Admin>Settings>Languages>click on your language flag.

    3) You are asking about the boxslider. The call for the boxslider and the captions are in main.php near the bottom. 

    You will find the code for the boxslider in your Documents. It's the Welcome Fidelity HIFI document. It's very easy to mess this one up while learning, so please goto the Source Code button on the top left of the document menu and make a copy of the stock version, in case you need to start over with your edits.


  2. Look in your skin templates content.product.php and you should be able to comment out the specifications you don't want.  We sell mostly one of a kind, so I commented out the part that creates the stock count in the box.

    And you are correct about the wording. In admin languages, click on your language flag and you can change the wording of a lot of the buttons and phrasing.

  3. OK - leaving off myfancydress and searching for 1920's costume ireland:

    I see your shopping ad on the first page:


    1920s Costumes - Buy 1920's Outfits Online‎


    Great Range Of 1920's Costumes. Browse Online & Save. Fast Delivery

    and your store listing on the 2nd page:


    My Fancy Dress Costume Shop

    Here at My Fancy Dress, as one of Ireland's largest online costume shops, we hope our collection of Kids, womens men's and couples outfits will provide you ...

    I went through 10 pages of results and never saw your listing, except for these two.

    I'll try some searches for our store and see what I get.

    I tried Aurora plush animals and found our listing on the 3rd page:


    Aurora Plush Animals - Dirty Butter

    We carry a wide variety of gently used and mint condition Aurora and A&A plush animals. Many are like new.

    It does use the metadata for that category listing.

    But I still don't know what could be different between your code and mine. I'm so sorry I can't help.

    • Like 1
  4. I just tried a normal search on Google for

    60s hippie costumes men women myfancydress.

    Yours shows up with " Come see our range of 1960s Fancy Dress Costumes, including hippie costumes, flower power dresses, psychedelic suits and swinging sixties outfits. "

    That is the same thing I see in the Source Code for that category. Isn't that what you want to happen?

  5. It's quite likely to be a Mauris issue. The old v5 skins work up to a point, BUT when any changes are made to improve Foundation during an upgrade - those changes are NOT made to your v5 skin. I'm probably not the best one to try to help you fix this, but it should be fixable.

    In the meantime, please try changing to use the Foundation skin for 6.1.5. Clear all cache in CC except your images and clear your browser cache. Then see if the problem has been solved.

    Here's the fix from GitHub:


    It looks like that fixed the sitemap, but the rest of Bsmither's solution does not seem to have been incorporated:

    For box.navigation.php instead of {if $CTRL_SALE}

        $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_mode') !== '0'
        $GLOBALS['config']->get('config', 'catalogue_sale_mode') !== '2'
    ) {


  6. 2 hours ago, keat said:

    Intersting that I tried this on Dirty Butters site and it does the same.

    Drop the string ' /index.php?searchStr=&act=viewCat ' directly after the URL and it will resolve to 'Sale Items' so it's not just mine.

    But I just checked, and I do NOT have any Webmaster Tools crawl errors for sale items. I DO get 404 crawl errors for old v4 formed links, no matter how hard I've tried to eliminate all of them. The only thing that makes sense is that somewhere in the universe some old aggregate crawler page still has those old links on a page.

  7. And that takes me back to using a compare software product to see what your old version with the bug fixed has in the code, so you can move that same edit over to the new version. That's the only way I know for you to solve your issue without getting paid help.

    If you don't have a backup copy of your previous version, at least you can keep a copy of the corrected file when it's fixed this time - and THEN you'll not have to pay someone to fix it again.

  8. I think there are some who are STILL on v3, based on various comments people have made here on the forums. Making huge version jumps like this are bound to involve considerable cost - either in your own time or your money.

  9. The trailing off part... is where the name is truncated in the skin homepage.php code.

    <h3><a href="{$product.url}" title="{$product.name}">{$product.name|truncate:38:"&hellip;"}</a></h3>

    If you take truncate out completely the whole product name will show. Or you can change the length of the truncate by changing the 38. The &hellip creates the ....

    I'm not sure why there is no description on the product page.

  10. There are file difference software solutions that allow you to compare two versions and see what needs changing to merge your edits from stock from the old version to the new upgraded version. I use BeyondCompare, but there are many others.

    You can see exactly what CC changed in your old version and add that edit to 6.1.5. (Al stated today that 6.1.6 would be released after the Bank Holiday - not sure if that's today or what).

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, TigerRag said:

    i did look at the main.php file but found nothing in the footer part to let me remove the parts i want.

    There are several calls on main.php that lead to other files. Look for the {include.file='templateXXXXX.php} pattern and make your edits in that template file. As for parts you don't want, you can comment them out. Foundation based skins use a 12 column grid for layout. If you take out everything in a column the space for the column will still be there, unless you change the grid size for the remaining columns.

  12. You can always change back. You'll just have to clear all your cache for CC and browser. There are image changes in 6.1.5, so you may have to clear that, too - not sure about that. It's not product image changes so much as it is CC provided images.

    If you've made skin edits to Minimaliser you will lose those edits with Foundation, but if you changed back to your Minimaliser skin the edits will still be there.

  13. @Richard1967 - There are some major skin changes in the next CC version, as well as providing the choice of the invisible recaptcha. IMHO if you try to stay with your Clear skin you are going to have considerable editing to do to keep it operational with 6.1.6. Perhaps wait until after 6.1.6 is released and THEN pay for help?????

  14. content.404.php in the templates files is one of the new files your version of Minimaliser would not have. The other new files have to do with Advanced Search, and would require skin changes to call them anyway. Add that 404 file in your skin templates folder. I don't know if adding it will be enough of a patch to keep you limping along until the right person comes along to help.

  15. I've forgotten what you upgraded FROM. - I will TRY to make a file difference list for your skin once I know what you upgraded from. from 6.1.1 to 6.1.5.

    Not as easy to do as I had expected, because there is a copyright year change that affects every skin file - so they are ALL different UGH. There are some NEW files in the skin templates, too.

    Maybe contacting the Minimaliser developer would be the right thing to do.

    You could temporarily use the stock Foundation skin, if you just HAVE to.

  16. Another possibility - I see that you have a Minimaliser skin. Perhaps there are skin changes that need to be made to bring your skin up to 6.1.5? Whatever changes the upgrade would have made to Foundation will NOT have been made to your skin.

    Your site works properly for me on Chrome, Microsoft Edge (new IE), and FF. I don't have a smart phone to test it on, but the Responsive tool on FF works properly at small screen width.

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